I built a Craftsdwarf's Workshop to make arrows and a Bowyer's Workshop to make a crossbow, and once I had those available I set my vicious hunting dwarf loose. His hunting dog died pretty fast, since the only game in the area were unicorns and elephants.
As my Hunter continued merrily, downing two elephants without a single scratch, I realised I hadn't yet put down any Butcher's Workshops! I hastily added one, and after quite literally waiting forever for the Farmer (whom I assigned to handle Butchering) to stop hauling tasks and start butchering tasks, he went ahead and built it.
However, the elephant corpses that my Hunter had produced sat useless just three screens away from the butcher's shop. They finally rotted a short while later, and the game never added the butchering tasks.
Now, elephants do weigh 800 units in the game, but I still can't understand why no dwarf has attempted to haul them in and butcher them. I can't fathom why a hunter would kill an elephant if they aren't butcherable, which leads me to believe that the job was just in stalemate for some reason.
Thus, I would like to be able to specify on the [j]obs Screen that I would like a certain job done RIGHT AWAY, which means that the closest dwarf doing a job with a duration of "infinite" (-1) would stop doing that job (without cancelling the job) and go do the other job instead. I was ticked that the Farmer merrily chose to do everything else before getting around to building the butcher shop. That's likely the chief reason why the elephants couldn't be butchered.
I do wonder whether the elephants were rotten before or after the shop was completed, because they said they were just "elephant corpse"s but the shop would absolutely refuse to butcher anything, claiming there were no butcherable bodies nearby.