During the summer of 1052, my fortress aptly named Tombsriver underwent a massacre and it all started with...a party.
During the mining of my new storeroom which my legendary miner was in the process of completing, my second high master miner was channeling a moat around the entrance to my fortress. and wouldnt you know it the channel just happened to cross the wall that kept the river from flowing into my fortress.
As soon as the river had broken down the wall my haulers scattered most went into the workshop area and locked the doors but wouldnt you know it again, my legendary craftsdwarf and carpentar fled deeper into my mining shaft where they ran from the water for 3 days until finally collapsing from exhaustion they died. while they were fleeing for their lives the rest of my fortress was having a party, with the exception of Urist. While the fortress was partying at the demise of the two dwarfs Urist was feeling compassionate and decided to go give them a decent burial....which led him into the workshops with the river on the other side of the door. Urist didnt see any problem with that so...the door was flung open and in rushed the river. Up the stairs it rushed and swirled around the door of the dining hall, the partygoers were oblivious to the impending doom about to engulf them. In a desperate attempt to halt the flow i ordered a wall be made to stop the flow, but the mason was having too much fun at the party to even think about work.
Eventually the water had filled up the entire fortress tombing the partiers in with their last party, with the exception of Urist the fishcleaner who was swept outside. With my fortress now an aquarium and my last dwarf completely useless i called it a day and turned my back on the debacle that was Tombsriver and the useless dwarfs the Slaves of Recreation.
So yeah that's my tale of my second fortress quite eventful that one was.