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Author Topic: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A  (Read 3832 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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"Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« on: June 25, 2014, 08:56:41 am »

Main Thread
Timeline B

This thread is for the succession game Multiple Timeline Succession "Sculptedpaddle"

Rules/Important Information:

•   This thread will be exclusively for updates and discussion about this timeline. 
•   If there is any interest more games can be split but we should try and keep it confined somewhat.
•   The ruler has one year in-game and/or ~4 days irl.  When we split the game, I will set a date for when the next people will be able to begin playing their turn so that the years don't get too out of sync. 
•   Save game files go to dffd
•   There will be a population cap of 100
•   Post regular updates about what has happened in the fort with screen caps where appropriate.
•   Not acknowledging your turn in three days, it moves onto the next person.

Succession List:
ia. Gnorm   
iia.  ShadowHammer   
iiia. sal880612m
« Last Edit: June 25, 2014, 09:01:38 am by Gorgulak »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 02:41:37 pm »

Got the save. I'll be starting my turn soon; updates to come shortly.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2014, 03:26:52 am »

Spring Report

Sculptedpaddle: the fort’s been the topic of hot discussion and gossip back at the capital, so I decided to come over to try and make my fortune. I found a fort dug out of the hillock, its sides mostly smoothed out. Still, the interior was a mess, with workshops here and there, the goods strewn on the floor, and most of it was not smoothed out. Fortunately, I was hardly inside the fort when the leader called it quits and proclaimed me the leader. I’ll turn this fort into a money-making machine, and I’ll be able to pocket my fortune and skip town.

I designated the entire interior and exterior of the main fort to be smoothed at the beginning of the season, and by now it’s coming along quite well. The rangers and the animal trainers weren’t doing any work due to the lack of wild animals in the area, so I reassigned them to be engravers; speeds up work. Roads have also been started, to lead the merchants to our entrances.

I gave a large order to the manager; for everything to work in my favor, I’ll need all the supplies that I can get my hands on.

We have been pestered by goblin and kobold thieves. Judging from the corpses in the field, I’d say that the dwarves here let the kobolds take too many things. Now I have yet another thing to get in my way.

Fortunately for me, the local militia seems to be capable enough, if a tad ill-equipped. I’ve been trying to secure them better armor.

One of them favors, of all things, a dagger! It seems as if some education is necessary for these colonists.

One kid got possessed and caused us quite a bit of trouble trying to get him his supplies. This was worth it, however, for the resulting figurine is quite a sight to see.

The last leader must have had an unhealthy obsession with death, for I found out in the middle of the season that we had been mass-producing coffins! There are large catacomb sections of the fortress just dedicated to mass-burial, and so few of these colonists have actually died. I had the catacombs filled with the coffins and the production ceased, but it’s pretty disturbing to walk through those areas. So many coffins make one think of the dangers of a fortress-expedition, and of one’s own mortality.

Some elves came to trade with us at the end of the month.

They had gained quite a bit in goods when we accidentally offered them a wooden item. There was not one survivor of the slaughter. Commerce with the elves does not terribly benefit me in the long run, so it’s useless to waste our goods on them. I do thank them for their gifts, however.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2014, 05:24:52 pm »

Summer Report

Not much to report here. We breached the top layer of the caverns recently, and my men are working on digging out the precious materials from within.

Another dwarf got one of those “moods” and claimed our magma-forge.

He would later emerge with his artifact, an iron cap. It wasn’t as impressive as the one in the spring.

The mayor demanded that we make coins for the fort, so I personally undertook the task. Our platinum currency is most satisfying.

Near the end of the summer, a force of goblins came upon our fortress, armed and ready to take down our dwarves.

Fortunately, our forces took out one of the squads with ease, and the other fled quickly afterward.

We managed to capture one of their elk birds as it was fleeing; it will be taken in for questioning.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2014, 02:59:03 pm »

Autumn Report

Not much to report here, honestly. Construction of the outer walls and the roads continues, and I’ve upgraded the main entrance of the fort. Meanwhile, construction of my office in the depths is going quite nicely, though it may take some time before I can add the furniture.

Another mood and another artifact came into being recently.

Our fellow dwarves came to trade recently as well.

We were able to obtain raw materials in large amounts, in addition to various food-stuffs and drinks. In exchange,  we sold the over-sized clothing left by the humans; what a steal!
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2014, 03:19:21 pm »

Are you moving any more lava/magma to the surface workshops?
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2014, 05:05:08 pm »

Are you moving any more lava/magma to the surface workshops?
To be frank, pumps and complex mechanisms in this game have never been my strong suit. I'm sure I could figure them out if I studied them closely, but the very sight of them tends to make me feel a tad muddled. In other words: no, and it's already winter.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2014, 05:19:22 pm »

The system is set up already. All you need to do is switch the minecart from the magma loader route when full to whatever route you would like to use to dump it at and put a new minecart on the magma loader route. At this point it really shouldn't be more complex than setting up a quantum stockpile. Unless the reactor died or there isn't enough magma available in the system which could involve flipping levers, starting pumping, activating/assigning pond zones. 
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2014, 09:55:00 pm »

Winter Report

This will be my last report as overseer of Sculptedpaddle. Soon I’ll flee this fortress, carrying with me as much I can in valuables. This up-and-coming fortress metropolises are amongst the easiest means of getting rich quick.

The liaison met with the mayor recently, and I was able to attend the proceedings. To both of our shock, the liaison seemed to want to promote our fortress in “ranking” in the domains of the queen!

Perhaps he did not receive any notice that our former baroness is an insane vampire, but I did not feel it was necessary to let that fact slip. As far as ordering for the next caravan, I managed to influence the mayor to request raw goods in enormous amounts. Better for these colonists to have all they need to survive once I leave them.

One of the soldiers got a bit too attached to his wooden shield. Thus, he bestowed upon it a name. Perhaps I was too negligent regarding militia affairs, which is exactly wherefore the use of wooden shields would be allowed at all.

I’ve decided to initiate a beekeeping industry within the fort in this last season. A small chamber built into the upper wall houses our current hives. With this industry comes honey, jelly, wax, and mead.

Only at the end of my reign was my office completed. It lies deep within the earth, exactly where one should be. A dwarf feels the most comfortable when he is closest to the stone and the magma whence he was formed. The office is actually a work of genius, dug into the top-most level of an adamantine vein! A small hatch leads to the lower levels of the vein, though I haven’t risked digging out those levels; some other fool can try that.

None of the raw adamantine in the nearby stockpile has been processed yet. It is unfortunate that I will not be able to witness the refinement of the metal of the gods.

I have announced to the dwarves that I am stepping down as soon as spring comes to-morrow, and that any dwarf may step up to become overseer. I did not tell them of my plans to leave here with my treasures, of course, and I will bide my time until I feel that I can be the most inconspicuous. If necessary, I will wait well into spring before I leave. To finish this off, I will below transcribe the current status report of Sculptedpaddle.

And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2014, 07:28:26 pm »

Uh, I, um, definitely didn't completely forget about this game or anything. I'll start my turn right away.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2014, 07:41:43 pm »

Uh, I, um, definitely didn't completely forget about this game or anything. I'll start my turn right away.
Sounds good.
And we were this close to yet another victim of Gnorm, the Overseer Killer.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2014, 01:40:24 pm »

I got a bit distracted by the new version. I'm doing my turn now. Sorry for taking so long.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2014, 08:12:44 pm »


A few beasties showed up early on in the year; one of them can't reach the stairs, the other got shot in the face by a hunter who was in the caverns before the military proper got there.

The elves came to trade, and were shunned.

A few snatchers and thieves showed up. Some escaped, some were slain, but none got anything from us.

An ambush leaped from behind the brook and killed a fisherman, but the brave soldiers charged into battle and slew them to a goblin. Not one escaped.

The humans came to trade, and when their guild representative met with the mayor, he told them to bring something useful next year, namely iron ores and coke-able stones.

Another ambush, this one killing a hunter. Like the last one, the entire squad of goblins was destroyed.

Prompted by the recent attacks, I have ordered the forging of more steel armor.

The dwarven caravan arrived. The steel that they brought was a welcome addition to our stocks, and with it we continued the forging of metal armour. For some reason, the traders also brought quite a bit of leather.
OOC: It literally took two and a half minutes of just holding the 'down' arrow to scroll through all the leather. Not even exaggerating. Literally two and a half straight minutes.
The mayor requested that they bring the same things next year that he had asked of the humans, iron and coal.

I formed a squad of archers, consisting of five hunters who have varying skill with crossbows. A shooting post was created to guard the entrance. While forming this squad, it came to my attention that several dwarves were being referred to as "marksdwarves", yet only one of said "marksdwarves" had any skill in that area, and none of them were on military duty.
OOC: Why did someone give half a dozen dwarves the custom profession name "marksdwarf" when they didn't have any military skill whatsoever?

At the very end of my reign, the armoursmith finally finished the requested pieces, outfitting all the melee squads in full metal armour.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: "Sculptedpaddle" Timeline A
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2014, 08:30:28 pm »

OOC: Why did someone give half a dozen dwarves the custom profession name "marksdwarf" when they didn't have any military skill whatsoever?


My fault. I temporarily drafted them to help deal with an ambush that had only goblin crossbow men figuring that the melee units would need the help but they didn't and I forgot to change it back.

Edit: I could also grab the save but I think the other timeline is now two turns behind us.
"I was chopping off little bits of 'im till he talked, startin' at the toes."
"You probably should have stopped sometime before his eyes."