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Author Topic: A Rather Silleh Mod.  (Read 2095 times)

Silleh Boy

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A Rather Silleh Mod.
« on: February 16, 2008, 04:34:00 pm »

Okay, so i'm currently working on a mod for this, to take races i've devloped over time from an RP system, and to introduce their world to the DF world, as they're a bunch of homocidal, psychopathic and generally crazed individuals in this system and i feel that they would be perfectly at home in the DF universe.

Of course, this is going to present me some challenges, as i have to compensate for various issues that there'll be, such as one race will have to have its diminutive size compensated for, and i'll have to figure if co-habitation's possible with certain races, who're essentially subtypes of other races, or whatever.

I do plan to make most of the major civilisation types i replace/add, as well as replacing and adding to the existing creatures/monsters.

Knowing me however, this'll all result in it being half done, then amounting to nothing, but hey, lets see if i can get it done before i lose interest!

Okay, so in short, i have to...

  • Work on Co-Habitation.
  • Add new races, make them playable.
  • Make each race unique and working as intended™
  • Add new foliage, drink types, etc.
  • Work on each races entity entry, get them all spawning correctly.
  • Iclude Pirates and Ninja's, as they are in this world.
  • Add New Megabeasts.

Metal Chao

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 06:01:00 pm »

Just to stop you wasting time, Co-Habitation (as fully functioning entities) is currently not possible, I am afraid.

You haven't really given much detail about the others, so I can't tell you how possible they are.

New playable races, new plants, new food, new drinks and new megabeasts is possible though.


Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 07:44:00 pm »

Ah, figured that'd be the case. I guess my sub-type of goblin'll have to wait for later updates to allow it to share settlements with goblins.

Said goblin type's (mostly) done though, just need to tweak their entity file a bit and such. They're a bunch of tiny tribal goblins, with high dam block to make wildlife kill them less (i had a few take major injuries from a couple of monkeys, with their current damblock.)

I guess my skeleton like creature also will have to wait for future updates before  i move them out of towns, as ruins don't seem to work quite right for them right now. Also, they're supposed to Co-Habit with a subtype of their race. I guess with them though, i can specname them for male/female for their names, though it'll be a little odd (for me at least.) seeing the weaker ones as military. especially as they're not supposed to really have a gender, but i suppose they'll have to, to reproduce anyway.

So, i need to do pack animals for my vicious fat pygmy goblins (who don't even like their own race, currently.), get the skeleton like race to have their body sorted out, change elves into hippy baby snatchers, finish the replacement of kobolds with an animated cloak for the new nuisance race.. It sounds like i've done more than i really have from that.

I need to work on the new god of terror, too. A flying, fire spitting fish.

Also, entity work. Always more entity work.


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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 11:05:00 pm »

If your interested in midgame tag altering, genning a world with the subrace as a pet and commondomestic will allow you to bring them with you at start. Then you remove the pet and commondomestic tags after you start a fort and you can set them to either hunt or fish. However I don't think you can arm them that way or activate them in the military.
Ustxu Iceraped the Frigid Crystal of Slaughter was a glacier titan. It was the only one of its kind. A gigantic feathered carp composed of crystal glass. It has five mouths full of treacherous teeth, enormous clear wings, and ferocious blue eyes. Beware its icy breath! Ustxu was associated with oceans, glaciers, boats, and murder.

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2008, 08:45:00 am »

Well, the pygmy goblins are working as intended, apart from finishing up their entity tags to my liking, though i still have to make more "small" versions of weapons you'd use in dwarf mode for them, as half of their weapon choices are unavailable in fortress mode.

still, it'll be interesting to see them actually seige, given they have weak ranged weapons at best currently.

i just have to figure why my semi-custom bodied creatures keep falling over and dropping all their weapons now. maybe it's their lack of internal organs, though that doesn't affect iron men, whom i've compared their tags to. maybe it's the fact they have [THOUGHT] but no [BRAIN].

Elves and Dwarves still need changing to their counterparts and replacements, that could have been done by now, if i didn't keep playing pygmy goblin fortress and making a mad rush to get an industry going on 200 points (hah, no anvil to sell, no steel axes to sell. copper only.)

maybe i should remove the minor metal tag from them, as it'll really hurt them when they try to seige other races with copper knives. They're fun in adventure mode, though. A no skill wrestler took an ant man apart, crippled a second and died helplessly to an iron man.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2008, 09:05:00 am »

Creatures without [NOTHOUGHT] must have some sort of bodypart with the [THOUGHT] token.  However, [NOTHOUGHT] does not conflict with [INTELLIGENT] or any other part of a working entity, so you might as well add it in.

What I did was make bodyglosses for the upper body (ribcage), lower body (pelvis), head (skull), and mouth (jaw).  I'd then just add the bodygloss tokens to a creature with the standard humanoid body tags, just without the innards.

Here, take a gander at my "Stygian" race:


   [PREFSTRING:dark secrets]
   [CHILD:10][BABY:1][LITTERSIZE:1:3][CHILDNAME:bone child:bone children]

They're pretty damn nasty though.  When they get interrupted by a wild animal, they will drop what they are doing so that they can run after the creature and attack it.  I lost three Stygian settlers to ice wolves before they killed off all the wolves.  Fourteen wolves dead, two of them named.  There was blood-stained ice everywhere.

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2008, 04:06:00 pm »

Thanks for the help so far, generating a new world to test the new entity tag changes and such i've made so far.

My skeleton race is getting closer to completion and (should) stop falling over soon, though it's untested i'm sure it'll be fine - as i kinda tested it with my nuisance race already.

The goblins are more or less done, utilising a set of small equivilents of most weapons and lots of entity tag work. They're oddly fun for the fact they're more or less doomed every time they leave their towers, though i had one and a drunk take down a bear, mostly through attempting to scratch it to death, though it ended with them strangling the bear.
Then a pack of skeletal wolves ripped both our throats out.

I wonder how my little goblin's would fare against the stygian race you made. They'd probably get slaughtered, though it does look like your race has been balanced well at a glance.

Now i'm going to play around in the name of.. uh.. testing. yes, that's it, testing. testing what these goblins do to invaders, then move onto the alchoholic skeleton race and the hippy baby snatchers.

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2008, 06:11:00 pm »

Still working on this, on and off.
Currently looking for the new element man i added, partly to see if it's spawning correctly (so far, at least.) and partly to see if my changes to the iron man type one has them spawning as i want.

i've made a few changes to them, too, that should make them quite a bit harder to kill, though not at expense of making them vastly harder.

Other things are going to be added for the challenge factor, after all.

Time to do some testing on the most recently generated world and see what i come up with that needs changing.


You bash The stone man in the head with your Bismuth bronze war hammer!
The head flies off in an arc!

He's not dead despite that, But he's not greatly improved toughness wise.
Also, they're leaving no stone type statues, i need to figure out how to get them to do some kind of random stone gloss..

Edit Two:

Fixed their glossing. Not sure i should have however, as they seem to have become a LOT easier to kill since i did so. Wonder if having a null metal gloss was making them a lot tougher to kill or something.
Oh well, back to adventuring with my one armed skeleton, lets see how long it takes to lose the other arm, then i'll do some more work on this mod. I should go visit a dwarf fortress and make certain they're hostile to me before i get around to replacing them, however.

Edit Three:

Er. I think i'll revert GCS back to what they where before I messed with them, given the first one i encountered just tore me apart.

[ February 21, 2008: Message edited by: Silleh Boy ]

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2008, 01:29:00 am »

So, the on and off work i was doing on this was restarted when i upgraded to one of the more recent versions, prompting me to redo what i had done so far of most of the mod work.

Ten playable races so far. Eleven if you count my testing on the new nuisance race.

I accidently left dwarves with a stupidly high speed value on during testing (given how i wanted to get a fortress dug out fast while testing.) and used said nuisance race to sneak into one of their forts.

I had to follow a dwarf half way across the map by the trail of blood they left when i got a lucky blow that pierced their heart, before i found their body where they fell after they bled to death.

So far though, the races in question are..

Good races.
Dwarves, Elves, Some Tree Huggers, Some Tribal Guys.

Evil Races.
Goblins, Pygmy Goblins, Not Quite Goblins, Evil 'Elves', Alchoholic Skeletons, Some Parody Samurai Race or Other.

Animated Cloak Things. More nuisances are needed.

Once i finish modifying their entity tags to get them just right, adding more nuisances and stuff, i get to add/change/replace various creatures and monsters, as well as add new megabeasts, then after a few tweaks to materials and such, i'll release this, if anybody cares to try it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2008, 01:38:00 am »

There seems to be a problem with excessive entities in the recent versions.  I've got thirteen-some races in a mod that I was working on, and it would trim out about half of them even on a full-sized map.  I tried lowering the population values but that didn't work.

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2008, 01:46:00 am »

That's odd, as i've had no trouble getting all mine to spawn.
Maybe you accidently set their starting numbers low, instead of their maximum civ numbers?

My current problem is, that caves are rather empty.
Sneak sneak sneak, kill a troglodyte. sneak some more, kill another troglodyte, unhide as it's taking forever to find single troglodytes. Walk around a bit.. then after another troglodyte and about 20 minutes more walking..

Yes, yes you are.
The giant punches You in the head with her right hand!
It is smashed into the body, an unrecognizable mass!

yeah, that'll teach me to not wear armour.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2008, 01:56:00 am »

No, the civ numbers are the same for every race.  Starting civ cap at 1, starting group number of 10, pop cap of 500, and site pop cap of 200.

It may have to do with them being picky about where they spawn.  I've got three forest civs, three mountin civs, two freezing-climate civs (one in the mountains), and a couple entities that sit out in the plains.

It may be possible that they're not getting enough space and are shoving each other out.  I'm not entirely sure.

Silleh Boy

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Re: A Rather Silleh Mod.
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2008, 02:07:00 am »

ah, then that probably is the issue.
I simply allowed mine to spawn all over the place, so you get forest retreat full of tree huggers here, and a bunch of alchoholic skeletons nearby.

I did want to make the skeletons friendly to both evil and good civilisations, but i've not figured a way to do that yet, if it's possible at all.