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Author Topic: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress  (Read 2265161 times)

Urist McNuup

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Re: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10920 on: March 12, 2024, 11:45:36 am »

I had a stockpile set aside for cheap stones that my jewelers can cut as training and decoration for furniture. To do so I just disabled everything except 'Other Stone' from a stone stockpile. A good while later I found adamantine and started to carefully excavate it. I set an automatic order to have it extracted and melted and forgot about the whole process. About one season later I wanted to order the first adamantine weapons but couldnt find the bars. Searching the stocks I found several cut 'raw adamantine cabachons'. This was how I learned that adamantine is not listed as economic rock.


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Re: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10921 on: May 05, 2024, 12:42:32 pm »

Year 7 in Learnsyrup. Yep, that's the name. Things start to work out, first cave spiders captured, booze shortage almost addressed. 47.04 is difficult.

A werebuffalo appears and slaughters the designated peacocks that are pastured in strategic places. One dwarf is still out there, the werebeast almost has her. I decide to close the drawbridge---I cannot take on a werebuffalo at the moment.

Checking how the dwarf is doing. The werebeast has transformed without leaving a fight report for the dwarf, so everything seems to be fine. But now the dwarf is close to the drawbridge, with the "pull the lever" task active. Quickly, quickly, cancel the job at the lever.

3 months later. A goblin siege is here, and I wait for each and every peacock to enter the enclosure. Until I pull the... wait, where is the... WTF... MY LEVER

Never noticed how close the C (cancel) is to the X (destruct).


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Re: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10922 on: June 08, 2024, 11:27:42 pm »

A good one for me was I embarked in a cold area there was snow everywhere when I arrived I immediately dug down and build a big base with multiple rooms and designated the floors and was working on engraving the walls had workstations built was starting industries building things crafting things then spring occurred and suddenly everybody drowned instantly I had embarked on top of a frozen River and I built my base inside of a frozen River always check the ground before you start digging


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Re: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10923 on: July 11, 2024, 09:20:57 am »

I have a double facepalm incident, which is mostly my fault.

In my latest (and longest-running to date) fort, I accidentally allowed using bars and/or blocks to construct walls and floors, instead of my usual "blocks only" personal rule. This normally wouldn't be a major problem, except I was mass designating a floor to be built above the trading post for a second-floor tavern I had planned out so there was a lot of floor to craft. I kept getting notices that my metalcrafter had no silver with which to craft, in a last-second effort to see if I could afford the giant grizzly bear the elves brought with them. That's when I scrolled up one z level and saw the entire tavern floor was made of iron and silver despite a ridiculous quantum pile of stone blocks.

Annoyed by the setback, I marked the entire section of metal floor to be deconstructed. I forgot that dwarves have no sense of physics or self-preservation.

Almost immediately, they proceeded to dismantle the tiles in such a way that three dwarves fell on top of the elves in the trading post, and a total of 8 people were knocked unconscious. Only 3 dwarves were injured. Somehow the traders didn't even get negative thoughts from being knocked out and covered in peat dust.

Face palm number 1.

Then, I realized that the most significantly injured dwarf (who landed on his right side, mangling his right arm and leg, damaging his right lung and somehow severing an artery on an iron bar) was the chief medical dwarf!

So I had to quickly assign some ad lib doctors, craft extra splints, and panic slaughter a goose to make soap. By the end his entire body needed to be splinted and bandaged and sewn. It's 2 years later in-game and he's still permanently winded from the lung damage, though I think he's finally getting a little bit faster again. And the other dwarves that got knocked out still have negative flashbacks to the time they got knocked out during a cave-in. Two of them got knocked out a SECOND time during a botched tree-felling incident, along with a third previously-unscathed dwarf.

Face-palm number 2. This one was unavoidable but the fact that it happened a second time in the same year feels ridiculous.

All because I forgot to forbid floors from being built with metal bars. I'm still mad at myself about it. The second time I tried to dismantle that floor, I designated one row at a time so nobody could be a dumbass again.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2024, 09:23:59 am by MaiseNow »
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