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Author Topic: Make the Game's Icons Consistent  (Read 23 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
    • View Profile
Make the Game's Icons Consistent
« on: Today at 01:55:56 am »

There are several game icons used for the game. There's the Dwarf image used in the Steam Icon/Shortcut, the icon used in the "Dwarf Fortress.exe" file, the orange "DF" text used in the taskbar when you boot the game, and the two different blue "DF" texts (which, by the way, isn't even consistent with itself as the orange icon has a shadow on it while the blue one doesn't). It's inconsistent between each of them and a little annoying. It's a tiny detail, I know. But it DID bother me enough to write this suggestion.

« Last Edit: Today at 01:57:34 am by FlatBoulders »