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Author Topic: Colonial Conquest [Turn 4: Doer Tutorial]  (Read 1505 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2024, 11:14:58 am »

Traps good.

Bow and Arrow is fine, however regarding the name of the planet, it's already Namtar (it's in the OP, just ensuring people I didn't make it up and keep it in the back pocket to whip out on a flex).

Butcher's Complex is within the realm of possibility.

The Canadian kitten

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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2024, 11:17:24 am »

Traps had three votes despite having two names on there
Quote from: Votebox
(3) Creator: Animal Traps - Kashyyk, Bales, TCk
(1) Creator - Bow & Arrow - TricMagic
(1) Creator: Butcher's Complex - Powder Miner

(1) Planet: Mirai, Settlement: New Hearth: TricMagic
(2) Mirai : Nirur, VSkies
(5) New Hearth : ZBridges, IronyOwl, Powder Miner, Bales, TCk


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2024, 11:25:43 am »

Quote from: Votebox
(3) Creator: Animal Traps - Kashyyk, Bales, TCk
(0) Creator - Bow & Arrow -
(2) Creator: Butcher's Complex - Powder Miner, TricMagic

(3) Mirai : Nirur, VSkies, TricMagic
(5) New Hearth : ZBridges, IronyOwl, Powder Miner, Bales, TCk

Nirur Torir

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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #48 on: September 18, 2024, 11:48:23 am »

We have 1 spare food, and the external action is next. I'm voting carts so we can get food from further afield.

Quote from: Votebox
(3) Creator: Animal Traps - Kashyyk, Bales, TCk
(0) Creator - Bow & Arrow -
(2) Creator: Butcher's Complex - Powder Miner, TricMagic
(1) Creator - Wheels and Carts - Nirur

(3) Mirai : Nirur, VSkies, TricMagic
(5) New Hearth : ZBridges, IronyOwl, Powder Miner, Bales, TCk

As for the Hand Mill, I definitely would prefer avoiding a "we find (x)" approach in normal proposals. It's too strong a handwave, especially in a setting where you're ultimately cavemen dropped from space and the intent is more developing from the ground up than leapfrogging haphazardly - or at least they should be able to walk before they run and faceplant into disaster. Electricity and energy is a very tasty fruit for a civ at any point in their lifespan, hands down no questions asked, so it's a tempting thing to build off of immediately, but sometimes the fruit's just out of reach. The most convincing argument I made for myself when debating it was that it comes down to maintenance and the need to replace worn parts before, for example, the (re)discovery of metallurgy. Finding a motor that works would be a(nother) miracle - finding as many as necessary to ensure the hand mill has a tangible impact on the colony for as long as necessary is a little much (and why I didn't include a 3D printer in the starting choices like I'd initially written down eheheh).
Okay, if you don't want to take the story there, that's fine.

For argument's sake though, if we had a motor, I'd expect that a motor would be easy enough to reverse engineer and replace with spaceship scrap and power. An electromagnet's a piece of iron wrapped in copper wire. The only thing needed to turn one into a basic motor is affixing another piece of iron on a radial mount, and they'll try to spin against each other when powered.

I didn't have big early ideas for it, other than a mill and later a powered loom, to save precious early-civ calories.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #49 on: September 18, 2024, 11:57:52 am »

Quote from: Votebox
(3) Creator: Animal Traps - Kashyyk, Bales, TCk
(0) Creator - Bow & Arrow -
(1) Creator: Butcher's Complex - Powder Miner
(2) Creator - Wheels and Carts - Nirur, TricMagic
Wouldn't mind having wheels if we can get food through an external action.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colonial Conquest [Turn 3: Creator Tutorial]
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2024, 01:57:57 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
(4) Creator: Animal Traps - Kashyyk, Bales, TCk, ZBridges
(0) Creator - Bow & Arrow -
(1) Creator: Butcher's Complex - Powder Miner
(2) Creator - Wheels and Carts - Nirur, TricMagic

(3) Mirai : Nirur, VSkies, TricMagic
(5) New Hearth : ZBridges, IronyOwl, Powder Miner, Bales, TCk

Though I like the Butcher's Complex too.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2024, 07:18:09 pm by ZBridges »

Man of Paper

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Colonial Conquest [Turn 4: Doer Tutorial]
« Reply #51 on: Today at 09:54:45 pm »

TURN 3: Creator Tutorial Results

Proposal: Creator: Animal Traps
Result: 10 [6+4]

Food was plentiful in the plains around New Hearth, it was just a little hard to catch sometimes. Hearthlings, a name masterfully crafted by a few orphans in the middle of class, had many tasks to do, and chasing down the meat or foraging twigs and nuts took a lot of time and energy. Inspiration to remedy this struck a group of scrappers when a Rabbit corpse was discovered half-rotted in a tangle of loose wires around a scrap site, followed by a Bison that was tracked easily and finished off after slicing itself open on some scrap metal.

Since the scrappers were allowed to divide what they wanted to keep between themselves before handing the rest to the colony, the team, seeing an opportunity for themselves, tried to replicate the events that led to their meat-wealth [GM Note: That phrase was a mistake and I apologize for bringing it into existence]. Some tinkering during their downtime led to the construction of two simple hunting traps:

The Small Snarepit is meant for smaller terrestrial animals. A hole large enough for the intended prey to fall into is dug out and covered by a set of crisscrossing wires, threads, and other salvaged threadlike materials tied to small rocks at either end. The rock-wire assembly is then covered by a light layer of sticks, leaves, and dirt. When a small animal, such as a rabbit, steps or hops onto the trap, their weight should drop them into the hole and, in their panic and flailing, tangle them in the lines. While there is the rare occasion where traps aren't triggered by prey, they're found full often enough that the colonists know they work well.

Ripperwhip Traps are dangerous traps intended to cripple or kill larger terrestrial prey. A tripwire wrapped around a stake at one end could be run across paths prey were expected to take, and pulled around a second stake, with the other end of the tripwire secured to a pliable but sturdy branch, vine, or similar flora put under tension for use as Ripperwhips. When the tripwire snaps or the securing stake is pulled loose, the tension at the other end whips the plant into, hopefully, the target prey. The lethality of Ripperwhips comes with the "modifications" Hearthlings make to the whipping end - sharp or pointed scrap is secured or embedded along a portion of the whip, often poorly, though it's unlikely the same branch will be used for the task multiple times anyway. The wounds received by Ripperwhips are meant to slow targets down while making them easier to track (by their blood trail, of course). Wounded targets, if they hadn't bled out before discovery, are usually easily dispatched by the pursuing party.

These two innovations weren't kept secret long, on account of the scrapper team placing them wanting to make sure nobody else accidentally set off a Ripperwhip on a casual walk in the wilds. The actual hunters quickly picked up on utilizing the new tools of the trade, and they put the developments to good use. Trappers were quick to note one of the best qualities of wild animals and traps: it was easy enough to scare an animal into something you'd placed well beforehand. While patience is a virtue all hunters must embrace, the Trappers of New Hearth leaned more heavily into planning. They studied the behaviors of their prey (admittedly while the creatures were fleeing in terror more than anything else) and learned how to direct them, more or less, wherever the Trappers desired. A handful of stones and a few Trappers attached to those hands could easily rattle a rabbit warren into a prepared small field of Snarepits, or, on more than one occasion, groups of loud prepositioned Trappers could startle some bison into a grove of trees decorated with Ripperwhips. The Hearthling Trappers became quite efficient, and the Trappers quickly known for their strategic acumen, although whether this was because Trapping taught the related skills or because it attracted those predisposed to strategy is anyone's guess.

Technology Discovered:

Trap Hunting: An efficient means of hunting utilizing handcrafted traps as opposed to common but more physically taxing methods. Provides +1 Food in regions where created and funded traps have applicable targets. Food bonuses for multiple trapping options across a single area are not additive, representing sustainable practices meant to maintain the health of the ecosystem. Other bonuses do stack unless stated otherwise. Funded traps affect all occupied zones and will not scale in cost as the colony grows. Hearthling Trappers are particularly keen of mind and studious of their prey.

-Small Snarepits: Lightly covered pitfalls designed to ensnare small prey in a tangle of wires and strings. Provides a very small increase to passive Colony defenses in addition to the Trap Hunting bonus. Deployed in areas with small ground-based animals. Costs 1 Scrap.
-Ripperwhip Traps: Traps triggered by tripwire that whip a scrap-adorned object under high tension at prey with painful results. Injuries caused by ripperwhips are severe, often debilitating and almost always bleed extensively. Provides a large increase to passive Colony defenses in addition to the Trap Hunting bonus. Deployed in areas with large ground-based animals. Costs 1 Scrap.

TURN 4: Doer Tutorial

New Hearth is becoming a new home for the survivors of the crash landing, and as the first natural births take place among the population, the question of expansion is brought to the forefront. Besides the obvious fact that taming Namtar is a cultural priority in and of itself, Hearthlings understood that their precarious predicament was positioned on a perilous precipice and they'd have to seize the initiative from the planet itself in order to survive. Rabbit, bison, and some scavenged roots are fine, but they won't fill the belly of a thriving utopia! The eyes of the colony have begun to gaze outward, and one region in particular has drawn the eyes of scouts and settlers alike...

Doer Actions are your strategic considerations - the External Intellectual quadrant of the alignment chart I made up and keep dragging out to beat with a stick. Expansion of borders, force projection, and theater-level war strategy (maybe even some tactical-level stuff if you throw enough money or pizza rolls into the weeds that I'd be diving into) occur in this phase. Doer actions require at least one designated zone to be the target of the action, with actions targeting multiple zones listing them in order from highest priority to lowest. Expanding your borders will be a majority of your Doer actions, so please note: there are no "scouting" actions or half-measures when it comes to expanding colony territory. You're Colonial Conquers after all, act like it! You are informed of all the knowledge of an area your colony can gather at a glance one a neighboring area is colonized - environments, landmarks, potential fun variables, and resources are all examples of things your colonists can uncover about the "frontier" should they build upon their capabilities (for example, via doctrines or equipment in Decider Actions). Sometimes your colonists will find their efforts to expand stymied by an unexpected problem, but that's just a lesson learned to apply in the future! For now, your Doer Action is pretty much restricted to an expansion in one of eight directions.

Remember, when writing a proposal be sure to include what kind of action it is, and in the case of Doer Actions specify the targeted grid square as well.


ZBridges authored the leading proposal, giving them CR+1 and titling them as the greatest Creator (currently)! All players who voted for their proposal also receive CR+0.1.

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