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Author Topic: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]  (Read 1643 times)

The Centipede

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 2B]
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2023, 11:33:54 pm »

Not even a salty snack in the box labeled food. Fienna sighed and kicked the nearest box aside.
She glances at the others with disappointment. Futilely chatting amongst themselves over who gets to lead. No help to be expected from other people's end, as is usual for this lonely sorcerer.

The booming starts, and Fienna decides not to wait and see what comes, but there's no discernible exit... except the rotting floor. Fienna hurls wind-cutter magical attacks towards the rotting floor until it breaks open into a gap she could fit through, and then peers into it to check safety.

If safe:
With more wind magic, she whispers at the Fienna clone in the distance
who's being verbally hurled at with conspiracy theories. "Viens ici.", meaning "come here". Then, glowing green sigils appear on her hands and she begins to float downward through the hole.
I have a YouTube channel.


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 2B]
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2023, 11:40:17 pm »

Quote from: mirror friend
"A most troubling situation we seem to have found ourselves in..." he muses, glancing around the room with furrowed brows.
Sora frowns. "How so?"

Quote from: mirror friend
"If there are demons among us, she's definitely one! Look at her, there is clear evil in those eyes!" Sora clone steadfastly asserts, as Fienna clone shoots a hostile look back, the wrath underneath her glare continuing to build, though she silently stays her ground.
"Ah, so that is what troubling you. Hey you, do not threaten my friend!"
Sora attacks the foul "Fienna Clone" woman with a jumpkick.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 2B]
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2023, 07:20:47 pm »

I go up to the brawling Zopyrodes, make a thoughtful face, point to where the demon witch is trying to escape through the floor, and say, "A true royal like yourself would always be the first to lead the rest of us into a potentially dangerous situation like that, right?"


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 2B]
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2023, 08:39:10 pm »

"A proper king is supposed to lead by example, is he not?" I interject from the floor.
I scramble to my feet, looking warily around at the walls.
"Though I'd prefer any acts of noblesse oblige to be performed sooner rather than later..."


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 2B]
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2023, 06:31:25 am »

Turn 3A [Community Phase] is now in progress!

During this time, players are encouraged to not take new drastic actions, as their current ones are being processed and the community is reviewing and building upon the current state of the game.
Thou art the very love with which I love thee.
Ear teeth


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3A]
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2023, 11:18:55 am »

Turn 3B [Player Phase]

Sorry about the wait! Due to the complexity of this project, updates are going to have to be a bit slower than before. I’m hoping to be able to keep it to about a week per full turn (player + community phases combined). If I have extra free time maybe it’ll be faster at times, and hopefully not much slower. Really enjoying this so far though, hope everyone else is, too!

"I serve none! Have at you!"

Acquire chair leg from furniture pile; bludgeon Pseudo-Zopyrus into submission.

Code: [Select]
d20… 20. Critical success!
Attribute bonuses negated due to critical success.

Zopyrus Clone's reaction roll:
Code: [Select]
d20… 5.

The sturdy wooden chair leg feels like a majestic mace as it is pulled out of its resting place and into the hands of its new owner. [Prince Zopyrus acquires item: Superior Chair Leg]

Suddenly, the ground beneath the furniture pile begins to crumble! But with heroic sense, the prince manages to leap away just before the floor collapses along with the furniture pile into the darkness below with a loud crash. Through the gaping hole, a sub-basement level can be seen, infested with spiderwebs. Pipes seem to be running along parts of the room, as an unsavory scent wafts from below. ...A sewer system?

Turning toward his now pale-looking clone, Zopyrus paces forward and swings his new weapon in disciplinary fashion, the bludgeon landing hard against his target’s shoulder!

Oww! Okay, okay, stop!” the clone cowers in retreat, hands covering himself as he is reduced to a quivering ball of fancy clothes. “I concede to your terms! A shared rule would be most… acceptable!”

Meanwhile, near the collapsed flooring, a swarm of ants emerges out of a nearby anthill, congregating near the triumphant Zopyrus. The mass of tiny insects seem to be dutifully lining up, as if ready to do the Prince’s bidding.

Fienna hurls wind-cutter magical attacks towards the rotting floor until it breaks open into a gap she could fit through, and then peers into it to check safety.

Code: [Select]
d20… 14.
Attribute modifier: +7 (INT)
Total Roll: 14 + 7 = 21.

Fienna’s fierce magic slashes through the rotting floorboards, which turn out to be much more durable than they appear. It’s soon evident that the boards were not damaged at all, but made to appear that way, the seemingly cracked edges a mere cosmetic on the otherwise sturdy wood. Examining one of the destroyed planks would reveal a text stamped on its back that reads "ACME Fake Rotting Boards: Diverting attention from your actual structural weaknesses since 1930".

Fake rotting or not, the boards eventually give way to force, and a hole is revealed extending down into a room below. The passage down is dark, as is the room itself, but certain striking peculiarities can be seen as far as the candlelight from above reaches. The familiar diagram of the occult symbol drawn on the floor of the current room can be seen in identical fashion on the floor of the room below, the hint of burnt out candles lurking around it. The rest of the room is in darkness, but as far as one can tell, it bears a disturbing resemblance to the room the group is currently in.

If safe:
With more wind magic, she whispers at the Fienna clone in the distance
who's being verbally hurled at with conspiracy theories. "Viens ici.", meaning "come here". Then, glowing green sigils appear on her hands and she begins to float downward through the hole.

Code: [Select]
d20… 7.
Attribute modifier: +2 (CHA)
Total Roll: 7 + 2 = 9

The passageway down looks to be safe enough, as Fienna delivers her beckoning whispers to her clone. The other Fienna glances her direction, but makes no immediate move forward, seeming hesitant to comply.

Fienna soon begins her floating descent down, slowly making out more familiar shapes in the dark. From where she now stands, she can make out the same eerie outline of a different but identical pile of broken furniture in the same relative location, and a scattering of boxes much like the ones she had investigated earlier, near the far wall. In the corner, a cryptic sheet of paper rests near a familiar patch of rotted flooring, a hole already present in them, leading further down. And all about the room, eight sets of skeletal remains lie in faded disarray.

Sora attacks the foul "Fienna Clone" woman with a jumpkick.

Code: [Select]
d20… 14.
Attribute modifier: +3 (STR/AGI)
Total Roll: 14 + 3 = 17.

Fienna Clone's reaction roll:
Code: [Select]
d20… 15.

Sora’s jumpkick is swift and his aim is true, as he launches himself at the frigid mage. Fienna clone is quick to react however, dodging to the side, but not before taking a minor glancing blow to the arm. She grunts out in discomfort, retreating before examining her limb, though the damage seems trivial. With gritted teeth she growls, the hostility in her eyes growing fiery.

“Agh! You bully! You're just like the rest of them!” She points at the other clones, her glare shifting briefly towards them, before darting back to Sora, arms raising in preparation to defend herself.

Meanwhile, Sora clone smiles in satisfaction, joining the real Sora at his side. "Yes, good! Let us teach this demon a lesson!"

“Hmph! Not today, bullies!” Before the fight can escalate any further, Fienna clone takes the opportunity to jump into the newly collapsed hole nearby, disappearing into the shadows below.

Sora clone walks over to the hole, peering down into it. "Hmm, good riddance!"

I go up to the brawling Zopyrodes, make a thoughtful face, point to where the demon witch is trying to escape through the floor, and say, "A true royal like yourself would always be the first to lead the rest of us into a potentially dangerous situation like that, right?"

Code: [Select]
d20… 15.
Attribute modifier: +4 (CHA)
Total Roll: 15 + 4 = 19.

The cowering Zopyrus hears Gunther’s suggestion, nodding emphatically as he takes the opportunity to retreat away from his counterpart.

“Y-yes! W-what a sound idea! I shall lead us into the unknown, then!...” he stammers, rather eager to disengage from the beating he was taking. “...Err–I’ll just be over there then, leading the charge!…” He shoots a nervous glance at his club-wielding twin before hurrying towards the hole in the corner.

Peering down into the darkness where Fienna is exploring, the clone prince carefully makes his way down, grumbling irritably to himself. Soon he is down in the room along with Fienna, looking around in the dark.

“Ooh, so what’s this place, anyway?… Looks a lot like the other place…” he ponders idly, a hint of sarcasm in his tone as he rubs his sore shoulder. He then notices the sets of bones clattered all about the ground. “Yikes! This sure looks, uh, dangerous!”

Suddenly one of the boxes along the wall rustles, catching the clone Zopyrus’s attention. “Huh? I wonder what that could be… As a true royal, I shall brave the danger in the name of progress!” he declares, before marching straight over to shuffle through the containers… dragging out from them two new figures! It’s a little hard to see in the dark, but they appear to be clones of Gunther and Mephi.

“Oh look who it is! A little late to the party, are we?” Clone Zopyrus addresses the new clones, who awkwardly look around.

“We, uh… overslept?”
“Yeah, it was really cozy inside those boxes. Anyway, um, what’s going on? What is this place?” The Mephi clone bumbles about, while the clone of his look-alike hops in place, shrugging.

Zopyrus clone grumbles, glancing around himself. “Yes, it’s quite the mystery, isn’t it?...”

Meanwhile, near the real Mephi, a fly is buzzing about, whizzing past his ear every so often and being a mild nuisance.

The ground soon shakes again to the periodic tremors of unknown origin. One of the candles in the room is then suddenly snuffed out, leaving behind a thin trail of smoke, and darkness where the faint light used to glow.

Character Info:

Spoiler: Prince Zopyrus (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fienna Irabel Raeve (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Gunther of Gunthorpe (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sora Norimoto (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mephi Gray (click to show/hide)

Thou art the very love with which I love thee.
Ear teeth

Elephant Parade

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2023, 12:29:29 pm »

"Ants, eh? I ought to be suspicious, but this kind of thing is always happening to princes. The other month, Prince Henry was lost in the mountains all alone, dying of dehydration, when a mountain goat came up to him and offered him its milk— but I digress. I order you, my new subjects, to descend into the darkness below and scout it out for me! Go into the sub-basement, then return to me. If that room looks dangerous, form into an X. If not, form into an O."

Having given his orders, Zopyrus begins gathering up the candles. Cobwebs are awfully flammable...


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3A]
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2023, 03:47:49 pm »

Meanwhile, Sora clone smiles in satisfaction, joining the real Sora at his side. "Yes, good! Let us teach this demon a lesson!"

“Hmph! Not today, bullies!” Before the fight can escalate any further, Fienna clone takes the opportunity to jump into the newly collapsed hole nearby, disappearing into the shadows below.

Sora clone walks over to the hole, peering down into it. "Hmm, good riddance!"
"Yeah!" Sora says to his new friend. He stares into the pit for a moment.

"Anyway, the name's Sora."

The Centipede

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2023, 06:01:35 pm »

Mildly disturbing scenery with the skeletons. Can't rule out that the 2 new people didn't do this either.
Identical room. Shifted to the right, highly improbable. Maybe if they were vertically stacked, but this... It's giving vibes of a chaotic dimension that changes itself to fit the inhabitants. Not unlike a Hell Loop that she had read from Biblical fiction.
Looming realization that escape is futile.

Acceptance of her situation. Expected outcome for someone who kills. Fienna killed a lot. Magic was discovered with the hope to improve people's lives, yet it's infinitely better at causing the opposite.

Blinks her eyes. No reason.

Heads to the next hole, kicking that topmost skeleton out of the way. Reads the paper without touching it, and peers into the next hole to check safety.

If safe:
Hovers down again.
I have a YouTube channel.

Maximum Spin

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2023, 01:51:11 am »

Wait, there are four of me now?

"I guess, since we're already split up, we should go ahead and split up. Why don't you —" he looks at the Sora he is pretty sure is the fake one "— go into the hole in the corner with everyone else, and the rest of us check out this new one with the cobwebs? That way we'll be in two equal groups."

He has intentionally suggested all the clones go together, oblivious to the fact that he's got the wrong demon witch.


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2023, 09:46:31 am »

"I guess, since we're already split up, we should go ahead and split up. Why don't you —" he looks at the Sora he is pretty sure is the fake one "— go into the hole in the corner with everyone else, and the rest of us check out this new one with the cobwebs? That way we'll be in two equal groups."
Regretfully I must insist sir, I'm staying with -- Sora looks at his mirror image, embarassed, because he doesn't know their name and asking for it directly would be impolite.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 10:00:42 am by Quarque »

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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #26 on: September 16, 2023, 02:27:55 pm »

Regretfully I must insist sir, I'm staying with -- Sora looks at his mirror image, embarassed, because he doesn't know their name and asking for it directly would be impolite.
I actually really did mean the fake one, but it's okay, you can respond too if you want.

"Well... he can come too, I guess. He's your responsibility, though. Like a dog. Also, if he doesn't have a name I suggest we call him Aros."


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Re: Escape from Motel Hell 3 [Player Thread: Turn 3B]
« Reply #27 on: September 16, 2023, 05:22:48 pm »

I walk over, patting Gunther on the shoulder.
"A wonderful plan, Lord Gunther The Eighth (Probably), I suggest that it be put into practice before the mysterious crashing outside decides it no longer wishes to be a mystery." I say, hurrying over to the cobweb covered hole.
Check out the drop. Is there any easier way to navigate down this than the obvious?
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