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Author Topic: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game  (Read 211633 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1410 on: August 19, 2022, 03:44:28 am »

Goddamn it still lives. I am almost tempted to take a stab at it.
The Tale of Runlance - A Succession Fort in a Dying World

While the drink stocks run low and violence is rampant, the narcissistic tyrant demands a monument to his name


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1411 on: September 12, 2022, 01:45:22 am »

Do it !


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1412 on: September 23, 2022, 08:49:44 pm »

1st Granite, 128
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Well, things seem to have largely recovered from the Incident two years ago. Hundred'n'fourty-odd souls, a few more champions, and... the animals seem to be getting a bit out of hand. Mostly cats and all of them having adopted a dwarf already, naturally, so I can't do anything about that. Could do with some more meat.

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Well, we don't need this many horse foals at least. I'll leave the puppies for now, I'll have to check if we still have war dog training capabilities.

Now, what else is going on...

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Dangit, the catacomb expansion *still* isn't cleared and furnished? I'll have to deal with that then. You always gotta have free coffins in reserve.

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Speaking of needing coffins, we appear to have at least one squad full of wrestlers with no armor or shields. We have a huge excess of iron from all the goblin armor and our armorsmiths are low level, might as well pump out a batch of iron armor. Not as good as steel, but it's better than nothing and it'll give the armorsmiths experience.

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While checking on our armor situation, I noticed that we have exactly one set of adamantine plate mail. James Wake has it.

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The previous overseer mentioned that coins might be causing some of the incessant whining about dwarves not being able to reach their things. There's another coin stockpile down in the obsidian factory, for some reason. I've forbidden the coins in it to see if that helps anything.

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The king is tantruming. I may admittedly have gone overboard with my very nice bedroom. I'll move back into my old bedroom for a bit, but I'm keeping the office.

8th Granite, 128
Correction, we do not have an excess of iron bars. The bars in the iron road still count for the purpose of stockkeeping. Canceled the armor orders and designated some useless things (narrow armor, some steel toys, instruments, and trap components that I've bought off of caravans in the past for this purpose) to be melted.

10th Granite, 128
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Likot Arustzas, a child, made this goblin bone axe with pictures of demons on it. I don't know how effective it will be as a weapon, but it's metal as hell.

Also, the elven caravan arrived. Or, as I call them, the narrow and tattered clothing disposal service. Though they're terrible even at that, with their pitiful carrying capacity. I bought their booze and some bags of whatever was heavy to free up weight.

23rd Granite, 128
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By Armok's adamantine armpit hair! There's still job cancellation spam, but it's *different* job cancellation spam! Forbidding the coins in the obsidian factory seems to have stopped the inaccessible item complaints. Literal years, I've been listening to those. Finally I can hear myself think.

15th Slate, 128
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Migrants! Four of them, one each peasant, ranger, herbalist, and glassmaker. So, one potentially useful dwarf and three haulers. Also, I noticed the item inaccessible messages starting up again, so I forbade all coins of all types via the stocks screen, and they seem to have stopped again.

26th Slate, 128
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This door is locked. Has that seriously been the cause of all that confusion, over all those years? If I unforbid the coins, and unlock that door, will that also solve the problem?

28th Slate, 128
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I'm carving out another row of low-rent bedrooms, since all the ones I checked were being rented already and that suggests a lack of spare capacity.

5th Felsite, 128
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In deference to the king's pettiness, since my switching back to my old quarters did seem to calm them down, I've decided to swap the roles of my second office and my second bedroom. This gives me an exceedingly nice office, and a merely very nice bedroom, which the king will hopefully take better.

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Is that acceptable, your majesty?

20th Felsite, 128
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There's a hole in that corridor. Has that always been there? Did that just collapse at some point? Oh, is this the damage to the iron road that those iron blocks were commissioned for? I'll start on re-paving that corridor.

22nd Felsite, 128
The new bedrooms are done being carved out and I've now designated them for smoothing.

1st Hematite, 128
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That's all for tonight. I should be able to get at least one more season in this weekend.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 11:32:32 pm by Exa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1413 on: September 25, 2022, 08:28:07 pm »

5th Hematite, 128
The state of the clothing in this fortress is deplorable. Most are wearing tattered rags, if even that. I've ordered a batch of all sorts of clothing, which should hopefully both help with that issue and clear up some stockpile space from our huge stocks of silk cloth.

10th Hematite, 128
The Human caravan arrived. Trading them various goblin products and goblin accessories. I'd say it's the all-goblin economy, but we do also have rock crafts. Speaking of which, I noticed this in our trade goods pile.

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Dwarf bone? It's worth just over a thousand urists, but I'm keeping it anyway.

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Overall, a huge trade deal. Mostly for the sake of getting rid of this junk, I traded for everything they had that was made of metal (for melting), everything they had that came in a barrel, all of their food and all of their booze.

19th Hematite, 128
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Years of effort changing stockpile settings, manufacturing bins, and trading things away are actually having an impact! There's spare space in the miscellaneous stockpile! The bulk of the unbinned remainder is cloth, and I'm working on using that for clothing. Hmm, actually, those orders have been approved for a bit and haven't progressed. Do we actually have any clothesmakers?

26th Hematite, 128
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For all practical purposes, we do not. I've assigned a few random dwarves the labor. Now, where are the relevant workshops...

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Here it is. And it's workshop, singular. I'll slap down another few of those to speed things up.

1st Limestone, 128
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I decided to mine out the last of the adamantine. I was almost certain the demons had already been cleared out, but I had the military standing by just in case. But I was right and it was fine. The previous overseer set up adamantine refining and I saw no reason to stop it, so it's just been running in the background. I haven't gotten around to training up armor or weapon smiths, so I have no current need for it. Use it responsibly if you use it at all.

10th Limestone, 128
The dwarven caravan from Kodthikut has arrived! Hopefully they have steel, and like goblin bone.

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Also, the iron road's repairs have been completed. And it was immediately vomited on, naturally.

16th Limestone, 128
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They did indeed have steel, and like goblin bone. In exchange for an absolutely titanic quantity of rock crafts, bone crafts, tattered clothing, and goblin paraphenalia we have receieved several cartloads of steel equipment, all of their food, all of their booze, all of their clothing, and mild wrist strain from filling out the trade paperwork. If the ledgers are to be believed this single trade comes close to matching the sum total exports of the fortress to date.

17th Limestone, 128
A vile force of darkness has arrived! A squad from the south, two squads from the west, and a squad from the east! I've ordered all dwarves inside and scrambled the champions.

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This lever is unlabeled, hopefully it raises that drawbridge.

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The champions arrived before it could become an issue.

23rd Limestone, 128
Seige broken. Immediate casualties one planter and one marksdwarf, several injured. One marksgoblin was allowed to keep firing for quite some time, accounting for the military death and several serious injuries, which could still result in more losses.

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Speaking of which.
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18th Sandstone, 128
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While following the adamantine vein, we encountered platinum. Nice enough, but rather overshadowed by the adamantine itself.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 11:32:02 pm by Exa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1414 on: September 28, 2022, 11:18:29 pm »

2nd Timber, 128
I drafted two rangers and a few random planters into the military, since we've had a few military losses in recent years that hadn't been properly replaced. I don't know how to give them a training schedule, though.

10th Timber, 128
Migrants! Only two of them, but at least I can keep the plural. A peasant and a stoneworker.

13th Moonstone, 128
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Two dwarves were killed by the guard for violation of production orders. I have admittedly been ignoring those, I've now checked the current mandates and ordered the relevant items.

18th Moonstone, 128
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The crops wither in the fields for lack of harvesters. I've assigned some more planters, but the main cause of this issue is that our haulers are overstretched, keeping everyone too busy for harvesting. Ah well, we have a huge excess of food anyway and we're making good progress tidying up, and installing beds and doors for the new apartment block.

7th Opal, 128
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Oh, what is it now.
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Dangit, you're going to make me give up my tomb too, aren't you. *sigh* I suppose having the tomb directly off the quarters makes the quarters less reusable than they really should be, I'll make one somewhere else. If that's still too much for the king, they'll just have to deal with it.

24th Opal, 128
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Congratulations! Oddom is one of the ones I assigned to the military, so I guess they started training even without specific instructions.

1st Obsidian, 128
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The new apartment block has now been completed, designated, and put up for rent.

1st Granite, 129
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Overall, it's been a good but not particularly eventful year. We have plenty of free bedrooms now. The miscellaneous stockpile has been almost fully cleared, and most stockpiles have at least some free space. There's dramatically less, but still far from none, unbinned material. There's a great deal of hauling to be done to get everything in the right stockpile, and in bins, but that just needs time. The trading was good - we have a fair bit of steel bits and bobs that are suitable for use directly (e.g. trap components) or melting as desired. The clothing situation is significantly improved, though not yet fixed - keep checking people to see what clothing types are missing or tattered and ordering more as needed. I've been making some clear glass blocks, though I didn't have time to do anything with them. I've repaired the iron road. My crowning achievement is resolving the item inaccessible job cancellation spam from the second coin stockpile (Orange is still occasionally complaining about inaccessible items, but only them so I'm fairly sure it's something else). The previous overseer set up adamantine processing and I saw no reason to stop it, so that's been continuing in the background. We still have no armor or weapon smiths worthy of it - training some up should be a priority. Since the general tidying up that's taken place over the last six years has mostly been done by this point, it'd be a good time to start a more significant project.

(also, end-of-turn note: this fort is currently operating on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want to play a turn, announce as such and you then have 28 days to play and post a save before dibs expires.)

Dwarf therapist:
DF version:
« Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 11:48:06 pm by Exa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1415 on: June 20, 2023, 07:55:36 am »

Took a peek, then realised I'm too spoiled by graphic sets and absolutely nothing makes sense.

The cancel key being Space rather than Esc threw me off, too.

Mike Mayday's 40d pack is still downloadable from his site, but his page lacks the link. Had to do a little Wayback Machine time travel to pull it up.

Made a save in DFG22 and dropped it in vanilla 40d, it loaded. So I guess they're compatible.

So I decided to let the fort run a year while only responding to prompts that pause the game and making a few manager orders, because I'm too lazy to learn how to play to see what would happen. Feel free to discard this save and start from Exa's last one if you don't like that I killed 22 people.

Overseer's log:
I fired the Captain of the Guard because I hear they kill people for little to no reason.

The elven caravan came with a tree-ty. It looks like the fort is using magma, so I said ok.
Goblin siege came while Kingler was talking to the elves. Elves say don't cut more than 156 trees.
Thief came in during the siege. Three of them. Pressed Space to unpause.

Got some job cancellations because of lack of empty buckets. Noticed the fort only had 18 buckets, so I had the manager queue up 30 of them.

I can see what looks like the last two members of the siege locked in mortal combat with a naked gemcutter, and I have no idea how to send the military down there to help out.

Oh well, he's been fighting them all spring, he'll probably be okay.
I hope someone comes over and gives him food and water.

Summer came, migrants arrived, but not nearly enough to replenish the lives lost to the siege, which apparently ended at some point. The goblins are still here, though?

..Say, aren't dwarves supposed to starve or dehydrate if they don't eat and drink twice a season? That gemcutter's been fighting those gobs all spring and summer... nothing in his inventory either...

Autumn came, a human diplomat arrived, and not long after, another siege.

...They're chasing the human diplomat.

Oh, and the gemcutter's finally dead, looks like he got bisected. Diplomat died too.

Hmm, people are dying of thirst. I wonder what's going on with the buckets in this fort. There's 48 of them now and none of them are usable? 126 people left...

I haven't gotten job cancellation via goblin in a while. Looks like the rest of the goblin siege is content to just hang out at the map edge.

Kingler destroyed a bridge somewhere.

The duchess had a baby. 127 people left.

It's winter now and the siege is still on.

Some dude went plant gathering and got poked by gobs. Seems he's fine, though.
However, the gobs he provoked killed someone else.

Orange is really spamming "store owned item" messages. I wonder if it's that glove in the river. Or any of the picks in the magma.

Got three more thieves... Pressed Space to unpause.

The siege ended sometime after.

There's a lot of cats, and no meat. Just saying.

Mid-winter, two deaths, one to bleeding and one to thirst. One migrant. Why do we keep getting bleeding and thirst deaths?

Late winter, we're apparently out of refined coal. Guess I was wrong about the fortress using magma as fuel. Or not. There's two magma glass furnaces, and another couple regular ones. Nothing to worry about, then.

I kind of got annoyed with Orange's spamming. So I assigned him ALL THE LABORS to keep him busy. That shut him up. I should have done that earlier.

And, finally, spring is here. The ordeal is over, everyone! For me, anyway. XD

Tested the DFG22 save on vanilla DF and it loaded. You will notice I was looking at the area of magma that had a hole set up just under a murky pool, in what I think was intended to make an obsidian plug to stopper the magma tube so the magma-filled tunnel could be drained and salvaged.

Well, I looked at it, but I wasn't going to touch it.

(Obligatory end-of-turn note: this fort is currently operating on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want to play a turn, announce as such and you then have 28 days to play and post a save before dibs expires.)

DF version:
Dwarf therapist:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1416 on: June 27, 2023, 04:52:12 pm »

I went ahead and played another turn. And a bit proactive this time?

As with my previous turn, if you don't like what I did, feel free to discard my saves and start from Exa's last turn.

So, the king's complaining about someone's pretentious office because his was set entirely inside his bedroom. IIRC there was a thread on this forum about room overlap science that said overlapping room tiles' value gets set to zero, which is kind of awful for the nice artifact bed, armor stand, weapon rack, grate, hatches, chest, cabinet, mechanism, and chair in his room. Actually, I should take a better look at his room, is EVERY buildable artifact in the fort in there?

...But wait. Kingler's tomb is in his room, and it's still a Royal Mausoleum. How does that work?

I disabled armor, clothes, and crafts from all the stockpiles I could find, to save the haulers the time and trouble of carrying narrow junk and useless crap to and from the depot. I'll just let the crap pile up in the workshops or stay in the depot.

I set up a 1-tile dumpsite in one of the food stockpiles, so I can dump clutter without worrying about it going rotten if it happens to be food. It's in the upper right corner of Food Stockpile #7 on z-149.

...I think I did a bad. I cleared all the H/F/D/M markers from stocks because they were confusing me, but belatedly I realize some of that stuff was probably marked forbidden to protect masterworks from being melted down.

...I'll just stay away from the strongest weapons and armor and hope for the best.

In other news, I'm extending the wall on the iron road a bit.

Elf caravan came with another tree-ty. I said ok. They said don't cut 122 trees. Traded some narrow stuff and useless crap for some brewables and booze. Elves seem happy. I hope they come over to help with spring cleaning next year, too. I'll even trade them socks. We have them (coated) in green and red!

Goblin ambush arrived. Well, I still have no idea how to deal with those, so I'll just ignore them.

A migrant arrived. Welcome, try not to die right away.

Snatchers appeared, so I put some cage traps around that door they like to use.

I saw the queen taking a walk outside during the goblin ambush and looked at her profile, she's been sleeping without a bedroom lately. I wonder why she can't reach hers?

Kingler's throwing tantrums again. He must really, REALLY hate Exa's office. I moved the artifact chair that was in his bedroom to his throne room to see if that would make him feel better. He's so crabby!

Removed part of the iron road so I could put some traps at the entry points. I put it back after I was done.

Cutting down the trees along the iron road. Hope I don't go over 122!

Built some coffins and did some smoothing and a small extension in the graveyard area. I notice some of the named graves are empty...

Kingler's quite content now, but now he's complaining abbout someone's dining room. Probably Exa's. I might get away with doing nothing about it, though.

The queen's fine now, too. But she does work a lot for a noble! What a good example.

...And I just found one of the fort's garbage dumps. Yep, it goes straight into the magma. Better remove that one...

The fort's not eating at the big legendary dining hall. I'm going to try and see what happens if I claim the dinky dining room beside the meeting hall for Kingler instead. And put the artifact chest in there to keep him happy-ish.

I put the artifact armor stand in the meeting hall so everyone else can gawk at it. But no one's looking at it?!

I think I know now why people have been dying of thirst every season. The jail has food stockpiles, but no water source. So when the fort gets too busy, the prisoners dehydrate because people can't be bothered to bring them water. I can see stockpiles for booze in there, too, but for some reason they're empty. I should set them to take from fuller stockpiles, or something.

Also because I fired the Captain of the Guard, probably nobody realizes their sentences are up.

Orange keeps getting himself chained up. That's it, I'm freeing all these chains. And now one of the guards is giving him a beating. And Orange is dead.

Turns out I can't fire those guys, they just don't switch jobs. Well now...

I spotted Exa's dining room (or one of them anyway) and it doesn't appear too fancy... which one is Kingler complaining about?

Nobody's using the circular dining room even with Kingler squatting in the regular one... everyone seems to go into the nobles' rooms to eat or just use the first chair they can find. Guess I'll give it back to Kingler and see if he cheers up. Moved the artifact chest there too.

Apparently Exa's dining room is just Grand (really, it is). Looks like the only other royal dining room with an owner is the queen's...

Summer came, and with it another ambush. And of course there's always that one guy that runs TOWARD the gobs when you give the order to go indoors. Why do I even bother...

Human caravan arrived. Hopefully they don't rush the gobs too.

Taking advantage of the caravan's presence to do more cleanup. I think there are stockpiles I haven't spotted yet, there are bins and pieces of armor going back and forth...

Uh-oh. there are large clothes in the trade list. Guess the caravan DID rush the gobs.

You know, whenever I read 'Fat Barrel', my mind defaults to an extra large, empty barrel, then I have to remind myself it's a barrel full of animal fat, not empty.

Caravan made it in. Traded some narrow stuff and crafts for all their iron. Bought some booze too, but I'm not really interested in anything else. The bill comes to 19k, but goblin drops have us covered. The caravan was even gracious enough to provide slaughtering services!

And now that I bought all that iron, time to melt everything down! AHAHAHAHAHAH MELT MELT MELT MeLt mElT meltMELTMeLtmElT-- Ahem, on to business...

Oh, there's a stockpile that only lets in iron armor, beside the magma smelters. I'll allow steel and adamantine too.

Someone died from thirst again. I can't seem to get the jail stockpile to work.

Okay, now the Royal Guards are dying of thirst. What is going on?

It looks like the well in the meeting hall is bugged? Guess I'll deconstruct and rebuild that one, and try supplying water to the one in Kingler's dining room. I also made the well at the barracks and the one near the meeting hall, into meeting halls... maybe that will solve the thirst problem? But why are they milling around so much they need to be rescued, instead of getting booze from the stockpiles?

I wonder what the coins in the obsidian maker are for. I should get them out of the way before I try it.

...And why can't I melt most of them? Guess coins are a no-go for the smelt exploit. Wonder if screws work? Is that why the fort has so many?

I found a masterwork iron maul. I built it into a weapon trap by the cage traps near the dump tile I set so I don't accidentally melt it.

Kingler is complaining about Exa's office again, so I put two artifact weapons on a weapon trap in his throne room, and moved the artifact armor stand there too. He's still complaining though. But apparently he's quite content, so is he just being crabby on principle?

Dwarven caravan arrived. Cleanup time.

Two kobold thieves showed up, but it looks iike they left after getting caught? I found a couple of holes in the roof that let the thieves drop into the fortress, so I patched them up.

The duchess had a baby. She must do this like every year. Well good, because we lost a few people and only one migrant came... which is an improvement from last year's 22-person population loss, actually. Let's aim for no casualties sooner or later!

The food stockpiles near the stills are getting full, so I moved the links around to get them to shuffle inventory.

I have the booze pile above the circular dining hall taking from the output pile beside the stills on z-149 (#9), and the food pile that's also above the circular hall taking from the output pile beside the kitchens, also on z-149 (#8). Meanwhile, I have piles beside them that are taking from the piles beside the aboveground and underground crop plots. And the two piles above the circular hall are feeding the piles for food and booze in jail.

Or I think that's how I set it up. But I recall it not working earlier, so eh.

In the meantime, I have all the labors on the broker disabled, but he INSISTS on hauling crap to the depot instead of trading. Come on man. The merchants are about to leave.

Oh god don't tell me I need to unselect 50+ pages of pending trade crap before I get you to trade.

"Yes, overseer, that's exactly what you need to do!"


The caravan bill came to 105k. There's (shockingly) enough trade crap in the depot to go just over double that. Well, some merchant's going to go home happy this season. Thank you for the garbage disposal, come again next year!

And now to re-mark all the trade crap I unmarked to get the broker to trade...

I need to shut off the farm plots for a bit to give time for the kitchens and stills to process all those ingredients. Or assign another food stockpile. Or start selling food to the caravan. Hmm...

Built a few kitchens, since apparently there's only two of them in the entire fort. I placed them near food stockpiles, so they shouldn't be too hard to find.

I decided to clean up the Trade Depot, since the dwarves have been hauling bins into it that contain things that do not belong in the depot, like armor that's supposed to be marked for melting. I re-enabled the armor stockpiles but set them to only accept metal.

Winter's coming, and we seem to be low on logs other than tower cap, so I decided to use up my tree-cutting quota. I designated around 80 logs to to be safe. Everyone's too busy hauling crap back and forth to do any woodcutting, though...

The iron stuff down in the magma dump bothers me, so I decided to try draining it. I dug a tunnel where the magma would go, but I want to stockpile the stone inside before I close up the wall I built to protect the workshops, and channel out the last bit of tunnel so I can pump the magma through. But everyone's busy moving food! ...Which is my fault, but eh.

No migrants again...

It looks like the hammerer is getting trigger-happy. He beat two people to death in the same season. Guess I should hire someone weak as Captain of the Guard, since apparently, in this version, I can't disable the justice system by leaving all the law enforcement positions empty.

A siege came in winter. Guess I'll be able to test the traps I built.

They avoided the weapon traps and went for a long line of cage traps someone else built on a 1-tile wide chokepoint. After losing a few of their number, they turned tail.

...I'm a little offended...

A second group went for the door the thieves like to use. Kingler went out to fight them along with the fortress guards. Or more like, cheer them on while puking his guts out and complaining about the sun.

A third group is prolonging the siege by hanging out at the edge of the map beside the labyrinth. But hey, as long as they don't kill anyone, they can party there all they like.

It's mid-winter, so I feel a little meh about doing anything more, but I built some walls around some muddy pools that were dug out.

And... Spring has arrived!

I think I did better this year. Or maybe worse. All those destroyed masterworks...

Oh well, time marches on! Losing is fun!

(Obligatory end-of-turn note: this fort is currently operating on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want to play a turn, announce as such and you then have 28 days to play and post a save before dibs expires.)

DF version:
Dwarf therapist:


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1417 on: July 01, 2023, 12:04:29 pm »

This is an announcement of my intention to play a turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1418 on: July 01, 2023, 01:57:28 pm »

Derp, should have taken dibs. I played another year, Is it too late to post it?

Anyway, here's the save, but feel free to start wherever.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1419 on: July 02, 2023, 04:50:39 pm »

A note that, in my purely personal opinion, it's not good for one player to play multiple turns in a row in quick succession and I would prefer if you didn't - one player taking multiple turns in a row isn't really in the spirit of things, and while I have done it myself that was on a "keeping the thread alive since it'd been a long time with no activity" basis and even then only two turns.

I'd already started playing from the spring 131 save, so I'll continue with that.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 05:07:16 pm by Exa »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1420 on: July 02, 2023, 07:27:49 pm »

Every time I bother logging in to DF's forums instead of just lurking, I'm amazed that this thread still exists, let alone gets occasional posts.

last relevant quote from the OP... i'm not sure there is a "spirit of things" still alive to even contradict? this thread is from 2008. 2008. anyone bumping it to the front page should be lauded with silver fronds and fresh, oiled breads.

but yeah tradition would put priority on the person who posts and claims the turn. :]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1421 on: July 13, 2023, 06:38:02 am »

I'd already started playing from the spring 131 save, so I'll continue with that.

Fair enough, and saves me from writing a post for 132. Have fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Eternal Halls - An Endless Succession Game
« Reply #1422 on: July 26, 2023, 10:28:14 pm »

1st Granite, 131

Incredible how time seems to move quicker when you're older - I was enjoying my retirement, and it seemed like I only looked away for a moment to chart out the transits of the Keshanic moons, and then I look up and two years have passed! And... twenty five people have died? And the cloth stockpile, which I had just gotten tidy after six years of on and off work, has been changed to *not allow cloth*!

Well, that simply cannot stand. That nagging inconsistency in the transit timings will just have to wait, there's business to take care of. It's time for a revolution!

2nd Granite, 131
My glorious revolution proved surprisingly anticlimactic, the previous overseer was raging drunk when I stormed up in a fit, and just handed over the keys to the office without a fight.

Now, to take stock of the situation.

The manager orders look reasonable... *too* reasonable. I think I created some of these orders. Did they seriously not get done after two whole years? What, did all the clothesmakers die? No, Marineking is still around, among others. Though Marineking is now our best clothesmaker at merely talented, I thought we had better. Well, anyway, I'll figure it out later.

Thankfully, since there was no place to put the cloth already in the stockpiles after the policy was changed, it was largely left in place, which I could use to tell which stockpiles previously allowed cloth. The situation has now been rectified.

Oh, and apparently we're under siege? Could've fooled me, the dwarves haven't been (o->i) ordered to stay indoors, nor have the military been (m->select squad->v->t to set to on duty, then on main map x->s->enter to station, don't forget to set squad back to standing down afterwards) sent to take care of them. *Are* there even any invaders?

Oh, so there are. Where?

Oh hey, speaking of the cloth stockpile. I'd thought those were goblins in cages, but apparently not. Well, shit. GUARDS, GUARDS!

No, wait, belay that, I was right the first time, they are in cages. Are we still considered under siege even if all invaders have been captured? Or are there uncaptured goblins somewhere.

3rd granite, 131
Well, if there are, nobody's complaining about them. Moving on, I suppose.

There's some major construction apparently going on in the northwest, by the giant obsidian dwarf statue. Not sure what it's for, but I don't see a need to cancel it just yet. There are no idlers, is everyone working on this?

Not even fully cleared of rocks yet, the new wing of the catacombs is already full. Ah well, queue up some more tombs.
Oh, wait, they're not fully cleared of rocks because the dump designation on those rocks was removed. Wait, were these marked for dumping? Rocks are useful, maybe it's just that we ran out of rock stockpile space. (Oh, the hidden designation was removed)

Queued up another 72 tombs. We're seriously starting to run out of space, and may need to select another place to start building these, or switch to a more space efficient design. Wait, no, nevermind, there's plenty more space to the south.

8th Granite, 131

Took a quick opinion poll of the fortress, seems people are generally hanging in there. Kingler just filled the sheet with obscenities about my having a nice office, again. I already gave up my excellent bedroom, why can't you just calm down! I need that office for my astronomy notes!

12th Granite, 131
Ah, I see, that huge mess of floors is covering up a hole in the ground. Fair enough, carry on.
Also, I am by now quite sure that we're allegedly under siege by the goblins in cages. See, this is why weapon traps are superior to cage traps!

19th Granite, 131
For no reason I can discern, we are no longer considered under siege. Hooray, I suppose. Also, I reassigned MarineKing as manager since Dadamh wasn't getting around to validating my orders. And told MarineKing to stop farming, too.

19th Slate, 131
The fort is fully occupied, with generally no dwarfpower free, so I've been relaxing with a nice ale most nights.
I did order another few runs of bins, though. Can never have too many bins.

7th Felsite, 131

PTTG ran off and locked themselves in a Mason's workshop.

24th Feliste, 131

Went and checked in on PTTG, and drat - I remember getting messages about our artisans cancelling orders for shell decorations for lack of material, they must have run through our stock. I'm not even sure if we have any active fishing. Seems not - ordered a few folks to stop hauling and take up fishing.

4th Hematite, 131

One of the cats wandered into a trap today - horrible business, I thought they were too lightfooted for that.

9th Hematite, 131

The elves are here. Have we been cutting down trees? Yeah, probably. Did we agree not to? Yeah, probably.

10th Hematite, 131
And barely a moment later, the humans arrive as well. Hopefully they get along.

14th Hematite, 131
It never rains but it pours - the goblins are here as well.
Anyway, the champions handled it with zero injuries military or civilian. The only hard part was figuring out where to send them - having a bunch of captured goblins makes the question "Where are the goblins?" far more ambiguous, as it turns out. Everyone get back to hauling.
For some reason everyone's hauling the trade goods one by one rather than by the binful. Are we just out of bins? Also, the broker had been assigned... every labor, so there wasn't a chance in hell that they'd ever get around to trading. I took them off the rosters and told them to hop to it.

24th Hematite, 131

Damn it! Nobody could get a shell in time? Another distinguished fortmember lost to madness for want of a shell, in a tale as old as time.

4th Malachite, 131
Wasn't able to move many trade goods due to it not being done binwise, went ahead and traded anyway. A bunch of junk in exchange for all their meat and a bunch of miscellaneous iron goods, for melting. Now go away.

18th Galena, 131

The new tombs finished being dug out, and I've ordered them smoothed. Also, a new person got a mood - hopefully this one goes better.

Damn it. Put a few more people on fishing duty.

26th Galena, 131

Got it! Now, nobody use shells for *anything* except moods - these are precious! And keep fishing for a bit, so we can build up more of a stock.

Hmm... Atir is still just muttering. Bars of metal, rough color, cloth/thread, a shell, leather/skin... we've got all that. What's the issue? Okay, it looks like they might just need even more shells. Two already collected, maybe... six or seven, total? Keep fishing!

12th Limestone, 131
Dwarven caravan is here! Also here: a bunch of snatchers, that immediately got caught in cage traps. Alright, maybe these cage traps do serve a purpose.

22nd Limestone, 131
Goblin ambush. Champions handled it. Still no more shells.
Traded a bunch of crafts and junk to the dwarven caravan for all their food, booze, and as much of their steel gear as we could afford - they really brought a remarkably large quantity of it, did the previous overseer request that? Good taste, if so. I made sure to trade them the contents of the bins, but not the bins themselves - we're still low on bins.

24th Sandstone, 131

Only three shells needed, as it turned out, and the fisherdwarves have delivered! But I'm not taking anyone off fishing until we have at least ten in reserve.

27th Sandstone, 131

Quite a nice helm, though hardly earthshaking. Mostly I'm just glad to have avoided another failed mood.

1st Moonstone, 131
A snatcher appeared and injured a child before anyone could respond. Damn them! Little Dakost will likely recover fully, at least - it's only a leg wound. ... If anyone brings them inside. Hello? Anyone?

15th Moonstone, 131

After four or so snatchers in quick succession were captured by the cage traps, an actual ambush appeared - two squads. Thankfully, the one civilian in the area was far enough away to avoid being shot, and the goblins were kind enough to remain in place long enough for the champions to arrive.

Naturally, they promptly stopped being a problem.

19th Obsidian, 131
I'd been confused as to why goblins were occasionally appearing in the middle of the fort - turns out that cages, containing goblins, were ordered to be melted. I have removed all melt orders for all cages.

1st Granite, 132

Well, as per the Hallowed Unwritten Bylaws of the fortress, my time is up and I must step back from management. Excellent, I can get back to my celestial observations.

(end-of-turn note: this fort is currently operating on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want to play a turn, announce as such and you then have 28 days to play and post a save before dibs expires.)

Dwarf therapist:
DF version:

Very sorry for the delay - work suddenly started kicking my ass, and I've had to rush through this kind of at the last minute.
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