I just tried to implement the More Leather Mod into 50.4 (Steam Version), but I do not get any glob from butchering animals, so nothing can be tanned afterwards. Tannershop says, that glob is needed but none there - so that part seems to work. I followed those 2 steps as described:
hello i have made a mod that allows you to get more then 1 piece of leather from butchering animals.
to install it ad this to [MATERIAL_TEMPLATE:SKIN_TEMPLATE] in the material_template_default file in your raws
then replace your [REACTION:TAN_A_HIDE] in your reaction_other file with this
[NAME:tan a hide]
In the product, if you want to use the reagent's material itself, use NONE instead of a reaction product class (TAN_MAT in this example).
this way like fat the amount of skin globs you get from an animal is equivalent to its size so bigger animals = more leather
this mod is not well balanced yet and you may want to fidle with the number of required globs required for the reaction
ypur free to incorporate this into your own mods just dont forget to give me credit
So what do I have to do to make glob appear after butchering? Any suggestions?