We should also be able to prevent monster hunter visitor petitions. Don't need someone I can't control and who doesn't even do their job most of the time.
How would you prevent people from petitioning (while retaining realism)? Besides changing your ethics to Kill_Neutral:Required. No matter how many signs you put up saying "monster hunters not welcome*, someone will come along claiming they're the exception.
Maybe the ability to set someone who's job it is to take their meetings and automatically refuse them if they fail to get through to the mayor?
It would make sense to me that the fort leader would just dismiss the petition right away "sorry, it's against policy!" so the player wouldn't know he had rejected it.
In game there would be a meeting with the fort noble doing petitions with the peittioner being in his office.
I would actually like to expand the suggestion to have a policy screen with possibility of automating all the decisions regarding visitors and guests:
Settings are for
It's split in the categories of purpose of entertaining/soldiering/studiying/etc
Then for the choices long time residency/citizenship you can toggle between manual/reject all/accept all
So you can choose any combination you want - auto-accept entertainings staying for long but auto-decline their citizenship, auto-accept soldiers for staying and manual for citizenship and auto-accept stay and citizenship for scholars.
Or auto-decline or auto-accept everything. Anything you want really.
I think the default should be set to manual for everything, then players that like it as it is could just not change the settings.