If this isn't a Steam/non-Premium-Steam-equivalent update to the UI, it probably should be. By default show currently available 'cookables' for Cook/NoCook selection, but allow a 'defilter' to include previously seen items[1], a further level for an 'educated potential[2]' of items. Not sure how to break out into "absolutely every possible derivative!". Blue Whale lungs? <Divine|Demonic Being> fat? Some would be unlikely to be encountered (especially unique FBs, etc), others might even be Spoilers on top of that. But perhaps a sub-category and/or text-search. Maybe "generic seeds" can be set uncookable, but are overriden by "<specifically identified> seeds" being made cookable.
For the mead, may be trivial (non-spoiling) to display all possible alcohols (or all possible under this biome and/or from anything in stock or of things a logical progenitor seed is in stock (or the presence of bees on the map)), or do the Do Not Cook Generic Alcohols Unless Told Specifically Otherwise thing.
An alternative is an Announcement class, that can be made Pauseworthy, of newly 'discovered' cookables appearing. Letting you immediately go in and mark them otherwise before the game can send the nearest dwarf off to casually cook something you don't want them to.
(This could be useful in some other, non-cooking, circumstances. But I think this context is the big one.)
Not really helping OP, any more than the very likely correct Bumber has just done, but if it hasn't been mentioned already (I'm sure it has!) I thought I'd raise it while we're here.
[1] Which I'm sure is a current inclusion, but while discussing levels of filtering.
[2] If there's turkeys, as resident livestock/pets or even wildlife, maybe include all turkey 'meats' and the eggs. If there's just Turkey Corpses (as in dead, not undead... although..?) then just the butcherables?