Hello all, I have a couple dorfs infected with a werebeast curse, and I was wondering if I could remove the curse with DFHack without having to kill them.
I've been trying a couple of things so far, but unsuccesfully:
This one can show the infected units, so supposedly the werebeast curse can be treated as a syndrome(?), and they show up like this:
sibrek mosusmor
- Mystery [permanent]
- - Transformation [permanent] Weregoat
This is where it starts to get confusing, because I've then tried to print all syndromes (as I wasn't sure of what the syndrome name was) with this inline script (via ":lua"):
for _,syn in ipairs(df.global.world.raws.syndromes.all) do
and well, there does not seem to be such thing as a werebeast syndrome... I get lots of inebriation, titan sickness, lots of different sicknesses, but no werebeast (or mistery or weregoat or wereanything).
- first attempt to remove the syndrome with syndrome-util
looking through the list of syndromes in df.syndrome.xml I've found a "BODY_TRANSFORMATION" syndrome, so I tried with
for _, unit in ipairs(df.global.world.units.active) do
if dfhack.units.isCitizen(unit) then
synutil.eraseSyndromes(unit, "BODY_TRANSFORMATION")
but again, no change.
last thing I tried is the add-syndrome script. I've found the dorf ID with cprobe, then tried "add-syndrome -target <ID> -erase -syndrome <many different attempts were made to fill this space>" but it keeps saying the syndrome name is invalid.