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Author Topic: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod  (Read 2584 times)


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The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« on: September 27, 2020, 12:57:40 pm »

This is my first story, I don't really have any real goal as of now just want to tell the story of a bunch of prospectors who are to trying to gain riches. Of course DF is DF so most likely it will head to a different direction. If anyone want to be humaned, by all mean tell me.
This will be told from the perspective of Lucky the expedition leader. She might've gotten the name from her  childhood or something.


a party of seven human trek through the wasteland  seeking fortune in the vast desert of  the heavy desert. These prospectors, got wind of the rich ores that lay beneath their new home, and are looking to profit off them.



The journal of Lucky, Expedition Leader first of Granite,271

Well we finally arrived at the place, just your typical wasteland scenery, crumbling ruins here and there, pipes jutting out from the sandy landscape and such. It's all we know so it's nothing out of the ordinary for us, we did heard stories from the elders when earth was lush green planet, but That's not important to us, what is important are the rich ores beneath us. We are still not sure what type of ores, but we're hoping for some nanotechne. Since those things sell like hot cake in the wasteland, and if we can get  our hands on  some we will be rich!  We also decided to call our new home dust town. Since we felt like it fit the area quite nice.

 As of writing this, two of our guys are digging down to create us a temporary home, which we will then turn into a  stone block factory to pump out blocks for construction up in the surface.
Hopefully those drill operators can  carve out a temporary home quickly though. Since the wasteland is home to weird  fauna who can easily kill us.  I will be ending the log here, and once everything settled down I will note our progress.

The journal of Lucky Twentieth of Limestone,271

We have finally got enough blocks to start  building up in the surface, also 6 migrants showed up in the nick of time to help us haul these blocks. Thanks to them we were able to get these blocks ready for construction earlier than usual. We had a bit of celebration to commemorate our hard work. Then a Pishacha class barged in with it's arm wailing wildly and ready to kill.

Luckily one of the new migrants had a bioframe with him so it was dispose rather quickly


Our outpost liaison also came exactly when we were about  to build up in the surface , sadly we wont be trading with the merchants this year. We really need to get situated if we are to survive.

Journal of Lucky, fifth of Obsidian,271

Things seemed to settle down quite nicely. Of course the fauna did  harass us a bit but our bioframes took care of them. We were still able to get our small town hall built, that will also act as a temporary temple, since everyone here is a bit unnerve being unable to worship our founders(OOC: gods).
We also had more migrants while we were constructing our small little fort. Which was nice. We sadly ran out of blocks to build our dormitory room. For now we are going to start hauling in some scrap metal  to start crafting beds and also some cups since I've been getting complaints from the new arrivals about the lack of cups to drink from.

Also wanted to dot this down since I think it's fairly important, but our Outpost liaison told us that a neighboring human civilization laid siege to one  of our holding

Apparently it happened right when religious priests and an enforcer were being inaugurated. Talk about luck?
Our Supreme Leader Fengo, is currently trying to work a peace treaty with our wavering  alliance Ink Bridled. He's a bit peeved by the whole attack, but he find peace preferable to war. Since he is more concern on preserving a good trading relationship. I hope we don't go to war, we got trouble as it is.

They aren't much, but they have been a pest to our merchant caravans. Always ambushing them and mainly destroying the caravan and fleeing into the desert. Sometimes they will wipe out everyone from the caravan to fuel their blood lust. I really hope they don't come here, we're not much of a militia.

 I will take a rest for a bit and after that, I will be out hauling scrap metals. Not sure when I will write in my journal , maybe when we start building houses or maybe when I get any downtime to talk about the other members.


I took a screenshot of my current town using Armok Vision it ain't much  for now, but felt like posting it.

I was thinking of doing slanted roof, but decided not to because their isn't any real need to build slanted roof, and it will take too long to build, also the environment is pretty hot and dried so their is no real need for slanted roof(Even though they do look nice in Armok Vision.)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 04:10:47 pm by Luckyowl »

King Zultan

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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2020, 04:55:01 am »

Post To Watch.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2020, 08:00:45 am »



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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2020, 06:53:38 pm »


The Journal of Grate Motaplato, The roboticist.  The first of Granite 274.

It's only been 3 years since my arrival, and the worst event has happened here in Dust Town. Not so long ago the Drill operators uncovered an ancient cavern that had these massive glowing mushrooms dimly illuminating the dark cavern with it's blue light. The floor was covered in cold metal tile.

 Enforcer  Ades(OOC: enforcers are basically mayors)mandated an exploration of the place in hopes of finding  grade x  nanotechne deep within those ancient ruins. He assembled a small group of three and off they went to the caverns. But it didn't took them long for trouble to come  rear it's head from the dark cavern, Just minutes after  the party step their foot on the uncharted  ruins, A rouge light war drone ascended upon these poor explorers killing all of them. Sadly, no  door was put in place at  the entrance to the ruin, consequently causing further mayhem when it charged up the stairs and into  a group of unexpected civilians who were wheelbarrowing stones. After the carnage, 13 were injured, and 5 were killed. The 5 that were killed are being set for burial.

(OOC: the one at the far left wasn't part of the incident, it was a baby who died because his mom thought it was good idea to bring her child to deconstruct a roof that ultimately collapse crushing the poor baby. But don't worry his twin his alive, so he's still somewhat alive?*shrugs* gotta see the sliver lining of things? )

(OOC: The one circle in blue was the drone that caused all of this)

The wild light drone was ultimately killed but the damage it inflicted will leave an imprint on all of us. . That's why I started writing  so I can get my mind out of the gutter about that event. I also heard that one of the causality was the expedition leader, Lucky.

 We weren't close, but I can't help but feel sorrow for her ultimate end, she was one of those poor souls who were hauling stones and sadly the light drone attacked and killed her first when it  reached the top of the stairs, my sympathy go out for her deeply.

But we ain't got time to mourn the dead right now…

 a shitstorm is kicking up here in wasteland.  Heard that Becan's army been laying siege onto our settlements with no end in site. I don't understand why our Supreme Leader is just letting him at it? But what got me more worried, is the civil war that's breaking out within our settlements.

 enforcer Feivelm send a few of his men to attack Perplexedforded, and yet the Supreme Leader has been quiet about that as well. It feel like the Nation of Joining dissolving, the dream of unifying the wasteland has begun to unravel, and so our enforcer  ordered a militia to be formed for the purpose of defending our dusty little home from outside forces. Sadly all we got are grade c nanotechne, which is the lowest tier,  but we got to make what we have. Enforcer Ades  also ordered for a robotics  lab to be built in order to manufacture biomechs and war machine, and to program them for combat.


The laboratory isn't finished yet. But I've been taking a gander at the machines that were left in my care, and most of them had their motor function busted and some of  their armor plate has started to rust from being neglected for so many years.

It's gonna take some time for me to repair and reprogram these machines, hopefully I can get them all ready for combat as soon as possible, but I don't think I'll be able to get them all running to their fullest. We have no enemies specifically targeting us as of now. Other than the bandit group far north from here, but they haven't bother us yet. I will be ending my writing here, and will try to log my progress with the war machines.  Man I can really grab a bite right about now, might head to the tavern and nab me a meal.  Hopefully Muuto whipped something up good for once…


Man building those houses were such a pain, and I only got   28 residency for 75... the structure where you  can see my attempt of building a balconey is the enforcer's house. I vision the enforcer giving his speech from that balconey. I also got a tavern builiding up at the far left next to the unfinished robotics lab. It has two floors now, and the second floor has an opening in the middle

it's not properly furnished, but I'm working on that, I also need to build the roof  in the other room, where I'm going to throw some rooms in there for tire  wastelander to come and rest. 
Also Grate is actually my adventurer who I decided to integrate into my settlement. When I made him I vision  a roboticist wandering the wasteland with his pet drone walker. So I decided to bring him to the settlement and rename his profession to "roboticist" for fun really he's just an animal trainer.

And I changed my tileset as well, because It was honestly hard for me to read it, so I'm using Kruggsmash tileset because I really like how you can see the crumbling ruins  that liter the landscapes. I might tweak the tileset a bit, if I feel like it.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 07:20:11 pm by Luckyowl »


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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2020, 07:41:11 pm »

Journal of Grate Matoplato, The roboticist, eighteenth of Galena, 274

I have actual good news to share! I was able to program most of the bioframes that were left in my care. But I still have two left, they've shown to be quite a challenge. It seems like their motor functions might be beyond repair, I tried replacing their motor functions with some leftover pieces, and that still didn't work. Sadly I can't get the same model since these two are rare biomech types. And their parts don't come cheap! So it's sad to say this, but it seems like they will stay like this for good while, but I won't abandon them. I will keep them here until I can get the right pieces to fix them.

Also  Enforcer Ades  got re-elected  this year. In his inauguration speech, he cried out  inveigh of those who use their power to dominate the weak, that the cycle of endless slavery most come to an end, and that we, here in this small dusty town, in the middle of nowhere must bring a new change that will bring the wasteland back to the green lush landscape that it once was.

 The  Crowd roared chanting "Ades breaker of chains!" I honestly don't really like how this is heading, but I at least I get to work here, I even got my own laboratory to work on my mechs.

Sadly, weeks into his second term Ades declared war on against the Group of Ancients  up north, since they are known to capture merchants from their raids and sell them as slaves. Then he wants us to gear our blades to the nobles who are living up far west .  For they enslaved wastelanders and are also the central hub for slave trading.

I tried actually pleading with him  that his declaration of war against the nobles, I told them that I actually visited those  high tech fortress that those Nobles control and saw their insanely powerful bio-mech and exo armor. I look him dead in eyes and claimed that  We don't have a chance against them, let alone those  Rakashas from fort Pullertraps. But he told me that we are not to worry that our founders will protect us and we will be successful. I told him to reconsider his decision, he gave a smile and placed his hand onto my shoulder, and said in a callous almost eerie threat, " Are you against me? Grate? Remember who gave you that laboratory and a spacious home atop your lab. Now go back to your lab, and do your job."

 I think the Enforcer have gone insane. Although I enjoy being able  to research and fix mechs here, I can not help but feel a looming end for this small town. I will only stay for the mechs for they are my responsibility to fix and I can not entrust them with these people. I pray to the founders that me and my mechs will stay safe, but bullets and energy blade beats prayers. I hope this entry won't be my last. I will write again if something major happened This is Grate Matoplato signing off.


Huh, who would've guess that the baby's death is what made the Enforcer go mad?

This the baby named Sagen, I was going to write about it, because that baby was the first death from this town, but I never got around to it because I ended up steam rolling through the game without taking the time to stop and write what's going on. This is fairly new to me, but the only way to get better is doing it.

What's interests me  is that the baby died while the people of Dust Town were building the enforcer's home. I  guess Ades felt responsible for the baby's death. But still, he's gonna cause more casualty than that baby by going to war with the Nobles, but let's see what happens.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2020, 07:45:27 pm by Luckyowl »


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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2020, 06:16:39 pm »

Grate Matoplato ,Obsidian  ninth of 274.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The end was inevitable,
but it didn't end with guns and blades against the nobles and the rakashas, but by what lurked below those rusted soil. Two weeks or so, we had finally sturck Ancient nanotechne, after 3 years we have finally got what we sought for. But then an unforseen death cloaked our the dusty town of dust town.  When the second drone attacked we made sure to seal the cavern, unfortunately their was a small little opening that we forgot to close up and this small gap is what invited 20 light drones from the caverns. All of them rushed to the surface by the entrance  of the mine we had our 20 recruits  waiting  for the enemy to emerge from the stairs, sadly these recruits were not skilled with their newly given weapon and so when those light drones rushed out the mine it didn’t take long for for these soldiers to  After are only defense against the horde it was complete chaos everyone fled from the town some made it out of alive, like me, others weren't so fortunate…I am not sure how many we're killed during the fall of dust town, but from what I can remember it must've been quite a lot…a very sad tale for this small mining town, like icurus who flew to close to the sun, the people of Dust town dug too close to magma.

If only we have kept 4  out of our  10 biomechs behind, we could've fought back, but no, thanks to Ades he sent all 10 of them along with our 20 other welly trained soldiers to attack that Rakasha fort. So there was no hope for us but to run for our life . I'm not sure the fate of Ades, maybe he was killed while we were all fleeing, or maybe he made it out alive, and like all of us, have to make a new start in the wasteland again. As for me...

Well I returned back to the wasteland that I have lived in for 35 years of my life. I don't really know where I'm going since I have always been a wanderer, wandering  the wasteland. I don't really know the fate of  those soldiers we sent nor the biomechs that I helped programmed and since the attack was so sudden I was unable to rescue those two mechs that were in my lab. I pray to the founders that they fought taking all of those drones with them.

But what really wrench my heart was the lost of a good friend of mine, a pet drone walker named Loto...if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have survived that attack, Loto gave his life so I could live, We've been through a lot over the years, and to lose him like that I am deeply sadden and deeply grateful.

I'm currently in one of Nation of Joining's city Focuswave. A  booming city with metal scrap houses and shops clustered together.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

  It's nearly night fall and I have paid 20 coins for this room that I am currently in, after this I will be heading off to who knows where. I'll be signing off for a good time for this only pen I've been using is starting to run out. I might write something if I can find a replacement. So this is Grate Matoplato signing off


Man, what luck, I literally finally found Nanotechne only to have 20 drones attack my fort all because I didn't  seal the caverns right. Lesson were learned. I might make more stories about this small wasteland. There's some interesting historical figures and fascinating tales from the wasteland called the healing land that I never got to tell, but this was an experience, I want to thank Bay12 fourm for giving me a platform to tell my story. Hopefully I improve on my pacing, but I will get there one day.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2020, 06:20:17 pm by Luckyowl »


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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2020, 08:18:34 am »

Damn, I came a little too late o be human'd. It was a good read though, and I know the feeling of losing a fort like that. Also somewhat I hope you will make another AAR in the same universe, maybe the same main character (if he's still alive IG), so the story doesn't end on a sour note.

Either way it was entertaining, thanks


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2020, 11:38:08 am »

Damn, I came a little too late o be human'd. It was a good read though, and I know the feeling of losing a fort like that. Also somewhat I hope you will make another AAR in the same universe, maybe the same main character (if he's still alive IG), so the story doesn't end on a sour note.

Either way it was entertaining, thanks

Thank you for the reply! and sorry that it ended the way it did...I will most likely continue the story with Grate in one form or another. However I want to sideline him for a bit. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2020, 09:22:43 am »

Neat short story - very fitting for The Long Night. Every fort I tried ended with something new coming from no where and murdering everyone.

I'd be interested to read more from the wasteland, if you do decide to write up more.

King Zultan

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Re: The mining town of Dust Town- The Long Night mod
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2020, 12:59:57 pm »

I'd also be interested in another thing like this if you decide to do it.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?