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Author Topic: The Firestar  (Read 87190 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1050 on: May 02, 2012, 08:19:45 pm »

Don't you dare die on me, one of my most enjoyed games!
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1051 on: May 03, 2012, 06:59:04 am »

If it's not one thing it's another...
My old decripid laptop is begining to give up the ghost and it's been off for repairs for sometime now leaving me without internet.
I'll continue this once I get it (and all the notes I have on it) back.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1052 on: May 03, 2012, 07:03:59 am »

Cant wait  :D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1053 on: May 21, 2012, 10:30:08 pm »

Don't you dare die on me, one of my most enjoyed games!


(In other news, how's your laptop doing, Jerick?)
Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1054 on: May 23, 2012, 08:32:29 am »

I was supposed to get it back a week ago but after frequent calling they say it'll take another week.
This pisses me off because it was supposed to be back in time for my exams as all my class notes are on it as well as the Firestar stuff.
But no I had to do my exams without the assisantance of checking my notes any time a full month before them.
Simply put if it's not back from the repair shop this time next week there will be hell to pay.

Anyway I thought I'd give you guys some history of the world of Firestar while you wait.

The Sol System
Mankind had long hungered to travel the stars and once the first orbital elevators where built they spread effortlessly from the overcrowded earth to every rock and moon large enough to support them.
Nowhere in the sol system was left untouched by human hands.
But the others stars and their planets where still unreachable and all that could be done was send probes so the great great grandchildren of the probe builders could learn about.
Centuries would pass with human kind still trapped in the sol system.
Over that time the industry and infrostrucrue grew and evolved as it demand for materials increased without end and new technologies where created.
Soon the sol system in it's entirity was overcrowded with humans again hungering to travel places they could not reach.

Reaching out
But there was a possibility, the newly formed United Sol league poured their reasources into six giants ships.
These ships would carry many thousands and would slowly accelerate till the halfway point of their journey.
Generational ships to be dispatched to the most likely inhabitable worlds.
With no shortage of volenteers or ceromony these huge ships where sent on there way.
And as expected eventualy lost all contact with the home system.
They slowly developed their own unquie culture and language during their isolation as years turned to deacades and deacades turned to centuries.
And one by one they found a suitable home save for two that where lost in transit.
Some of these colonies prospered, quickly building an orbital elevator of their own and spreading across their new home system others barely clung to life as food and water became troublesome.
But all the colonies developed differently coming up with inventions and new technology that was unquie to them.
Of the two missing colony ships only one would be found the Heilatis, the other called Ameliliadar was never found.

The gene tweaked crisis
As the distand isolated colonies took different technological paths the USL continued advancing their own technology.
They discovered ever newer and easier ways to control and adjust the genetic makeup of an organism.
As the human understanding of biology and how genetics effects it improved creating a tailor made organism from scratch became not just possible but easy.
Services offered to create for you your ideal pet and have it look like anything you want and be capable of almost anything you want.
It fast adopted into medical practise to replace defective genes.
As genetweaking became common place it became impossible to control.
Genetweaked creatures where escaping into the wild and into ecologies unable to cope with such bizarre beings.
Dangerous bioweapons and viriuses where easier to get hold of than guns.
As any dangerous madman in his basement with the right equipment could produce what ever organism he desired.
Contagous plagues swept entire cities of life and everything spirialed out of control as panic took over.
The USL military responded by going house to house confiscating every genetweaking device they could find with orders to shoot anyone who resisted and to put down any genetweaked they saw.
A sembalnce of order returned under the USL military boot but the practise of genetweaking was only driven underground.
New strict laws where put in place forbing the creation of any genetweaked that could reproduce, any humanoid genetweaked, any intelligent genetweaked, genetweaking on humans is only allowed in order to save the persons life and so on.
Genetweaking devices are currently heavily protected and insanely regulated and are harder to get than WMDs but there are still a number held by criminal hands.

The discovery of FTL travel
While the Sol system recovered from the genetweaked crisis scientists expiremented with new methods of providing thrust in space.
But the sol system even with the disasters visited upon was still full of traffic and ships moving about.
They chose to conduct their tests around the sun as it would elminate the chance of hitting anything.
It was during these tests that the first accidental jump occoured.
Scinetists the system over where baffled and a race began to uncover what had happend to the device.
Many probes where jumped never to be seen again as people tried to figure out what was going on.
It would be years before the radio signials of one of the first probes which had by chance manage to jump to the neighbouring star system.
Attmepts to replicate this one and only sucsessful jump initialy failed but through trial and error they eventualy figured out that they need a high speed and a percise vector.
Expirements involving jumping lab rats to the star and back proved sucsessful and it wasn't long before the first human would jump.

The first wave
Often called the surge, the first wave of colonisation was a period of rapid expansion by the USL.
Countless worlds and systems where colonised by the USL.
A few of the colonies created by the generatational ships where discovered and reconnected to the rest of humanitity.
Their different views and approches to technology caused a burst of innovation each time one was discovered.
One of these colonies had developed AIs during their isolation.
Remebering their mistakes from the genetweaked crisis the USL imposed harsh restrictions on AIs to insure they never lost control.
Since AIs were superior to most normal programs they were quickly became one of the most widely used tool in computing.
The explosive exphansion was eventualy halted by USL leaders as they realised that if they expanded much more without the proper infrostructure in place it would lead to disaster.

The Second wave
The USL had spent it's time since the first wave consolidating their position.
But internal pressure to exploit nearby reasources mounted on the USL untill they allowed expansion to continue.
Unlike the first wave the second wave happened in fits and starts and the USL monitoring of it was disorganised and haphazard.
They lost track of entire worlds, colonies where forgoten and regions of space where left to be lawless as the USL became overstreched.
Pirates became common place and numerous.
The second wave of colonisation was ended early as the USL leadership acted to prevent the situation from detoriating any further.
Yet many of the pirate factions born during the second wave expansion proved difficult to subdue and the second wave worlds remained dangerous and pirate infested long after USL forces attempted to crackdown on pirate activity.

The third wave
The lure of reasources still called settlers to the stars even after the second wave worlds had gained a name as a dangerous place devoid of innocence.
Ignoring the USL's end to the expansion a trickle of private interests began to make their way to set up new colonies without USL approval.
The USL moved quickly to attempt to regulate these new colonies.
But the trickle became a flood as inumerable colonies were established and the USL was desprately tring to keep up.
USL forces tried unsucsessfuly to stem the flow of colonists to third wave worlds again and again attempting to lock down the second wave systems to stop people from leaving.
But pirate action made any such lock down impossible.
As the USL's failure to control the third wave became ever clearer to the public more and more people decided to take their chances outside of USL control.
Meanwhile the USL pushed to establish a pressence on these new colonies.
The third wave worlds were often defiant and resentful of USL control.

The AI rights movement
Despite being sentient AIs had no real rights since the first wave and were often just disposed of when they were no longer any use or forced to endure through horrible tasks they didn't agree with.
The AI rights movement began as more people became aware that AIs where capable of suffering.
But it realy took shape during the third wave colonisation as many people felt able to stand up to the overstreched USL.
In an attempt to appease the growing demand for fair treatment of AIs the USL implemented some poorly thought out laws that required the AIs to agree to their given task, they couldn't be destroyed and that they had right to be paid.
This was seen as a major victory but it backfired horribly as employers and buisnesses instead chose to use non sentient programs that they didn't have to pay.
Countless AIs where left with no computer to run on and no money.
The AI rights movement split drasticaly as many people took to trying to help the out of work AIs, some pushed for fairer treatment, some decided that enough was enough and to keep what they've earned and not rock the boat any further and risk it and some advocate violence in against humanity.

The great Rebelion
It was inevitable that the situation in the third wave worlds would eventualy turn violent.
The USL was horribly overstreched and messages could take years to reach the Sol system from their forces in the third wave worlds.
USL forces were isolated without support but could do what ever they wished without their supperiors learning of it.
The colonists resisted USL control, sometimes violently, other times it was the USL forces that were the first to respond with violence.
Numerous seperate rebellions sparked up in the far reaches of the third wave worlds.
Some where easily suppressed and others defeated the local USL forces before word had reached their supperiors that there was even a problem.
The rebelion's begining was ludicrously disorganised but they were faced with the vastly overstreched and easy to outmanuver USL.
The USL however had better trained and equiped forces, they deployed their purpose built warships and dealt the rebelion several crippling defeats.
The rebelion responded by becaming more organised becoming a unified front of all the smaller seperate rebelions and liberating many worlds which had had only a token USL pressence.
Moving their headquarters into the third wave worlds the USL regrouped and launched a major offensive to retake the rebelion's "liberated" worlds.
What followed was a long conflict that would end with the destruction of the USL's headquarters.

The new nation
Focing the USL to recognise their independance the newly named Collective of Allied worlds began forging a new system of government more suited to it's vast size and the limited speed of comunications.
The CoAW decided to leave the decision making of each region to that region and have a council that discusses solutions to problems that face the CoAW as a whole.
Following the rebelion the CoAW was disordered and in a state of near anarchy and in the confusion pirates from the second wave worlds spread rapidly through out the third wave worlds.
CoAW military might had mostly been spent against the USL.
So they turned to Agrel and asked him to solve the pirate problem.
Agrel was one of the first men to join the rebelion and had brought with him a large mercanary group that he had commanded.
Despite dealing large amounts of damage to the USL had come out of the conflict with a great many soldiers and stolen USL ships.
He had the bulk of the CoAWs remaining forces under his command and had unsurprisingly been elected to lead one of the regions.

The Civil war
The problem was that Agrel was a man of ambition and his status as a hero of the rebelion had earned him many loyal followers.
Stealthly at first he installed his followers as the supposedly fairly elected leaders of neighbouring regions.
He moved his forces from region to region allegedly hunting pirates but instead takeing over other regions and making use of the slow speed of comunications to spread his control faster than news of his treachery.
He had conquored half the CoAW before the council even noticed.
Many of the regions under his control supported him feeling that the council were just a bunch of men sitting around talking about fixing things rather than doing anything and Agrel's do what ever needs to be done to make things right philosphy backed by his reputation as some one who can get things done while caring about those under his command.
The rest of the CoAW fought back against Agrel's aggression.
(There's more to this but I'm out of time)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1055 on: June 09, 2012, 01:45:15 pm »

Alec flips on his comm after turning his vesker around and flaring his engines, in an attempt to get the hell out of dodge "Bridge, vesker/bomber1, success! Making my way back to flarewise for replenishment. Flarewise do you read?"

(I'm baaack. I've read up till this point. Love it. Excited to be back in the pilot seat.)
Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1056 on: June 12, 2012, 08:13:45 pm »

Quote from: syvarris
Pyro is probably some experimental government R&D AI.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1057 on: June 13, 2012, 01:26:24 pm »

GENERATION 9: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
I wish my grass was emo, then it would cut itself.
Quote from: Jesus
Quote from: The Big Fat Carp
Jesus, you broke the site!
Sorry, Bro.
link to quote


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1058 on: July 06, 2020, 06:04:17 pm »

Hey Jerick. I sent you a PM about this SG. I was hoping you could share any backstory, info, ship mechanics, or ideas you have still laying around for this old game.

I'm hoping to run a reskin of D&D 5e for this old game and want to use some of the stuff from this badass story. Any help you can provide would be excellent.

Hope you've finally got the laptop fixed, eh? Haha

Sorry everyone else for the necro.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 06:07:46 pm by Gotdamnmiracle »
Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1059 on: July 06, 2020, 07:32:42 pm »

I didn’t know about this game before, now I have an interesting story to read. I will join your game when you get around to making it


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Firestar
« Reply #1060 on: July 06, 2020, 07:46:35 pm »

I didn’t know about this game before, now I have an interesting story to read. I will join your game when you get around to making it

Haha sorry, bud. It's between me and my friends offline, but if there's some interest and Jerick can get me the info I could probably whip up something. I just know things have a tendency to peter out here and it's hard to put a lot of effort in and have people just stop posting.
Go back see if he's there and run him over, and drink his gun!
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