Greetings, is a pleasure been here, I'm from Argentina so sorry if my English is not the best, just Wana say that this game is amazing, I love it, and really shows the love that is put in it, well here are my ideas ...
*Would be nice to have a cicle of day and night, and even better days devided in hours, so you can program an schedule in Wich hours to work, sleep, recreate, you could stablish as martial law or as a suggestion, this could also be personal or general
*I imagine that is in process, but would be nice that was easier to change the humor of a dwarf, maybe is that I suck, but most of the time when a dwarf start to lose it is almost imposible bring it back, and maybe have some specific building to achieve that
*Would be nice some new buildings like a guardery / nursery, some entreteinment like a teather, a barbery, sauna, Wich could impact in the mood, showers, bathrooms, I imagine the final game as a perfect simulation, I would love to see a dwarf taking a dump lol, incinarators for all the trash and bodys
*Would be nice that the map have some random events like tornados, floods, volcano activity,
*The option to send trade caravans to other civilizations
*If artifacts have some stats that boost your soldier or place where is display depending on the item, would be nice, and the remains of the forgotten beast also could have some benefit, let's say is an armadillo, well if you use the shell to make armor it has a bonus
*The option to set vacants in the job is required, so a dwarf can choose if he wants to be in the army or be a farmer according to he's mind set
*Food can have expiration times depending on the type, cooked and where is storage
*Would be nice to add a coliseum / arena area, something oficial for dwarf for entertainment, and also have the option of permanent cages that can be fill an open from a lever without having to construct them and linked every time
*Also having the option to create specific days an times for the dwarf to have hollydays / festivals / celebrations, without having to burrow thembin specific areas, something that is already pre stablish and automatic for them to have fun and relax
*As defence of the fortress concern, first would be nice if the ai had a different path finding, I would prefer that they have to find things, not that an enemy that just pop up knows that we lock the fortress 10 lvl underground ... Would be nice that they have to search and discover, at least the first time, maybe send first scouts, or that they take the lead of a road that we build for immigrants, also I would like that when we are lock in the fortress the enemy try to dig in or use Rams, if the first siege gets wipe out by traps that the second remember that and try to evoid them or disarmed some how, make things evolve, because in this state onces you build a good defence is over unless you kinda screw it, also some other option for defence, maybe the option that the enemy try to demand a tribute first, Wich may or not accept, that increase with time and grow of our fortress, the option to hire mercenary's to make a squad, I know that you can make that technicaly by using the ones in the tavern that ask to leave in there, but, should by more specific, put a request and choose the ones and of course had to paid them every month, maybe even the chance that they make a revelion
*Some kinda watch tower that give some advice for invasions/ migrants / wherebeast
Well is all I can think for now ... Just ideas, and im not complaining about this masterwork!!, Would love to read your thoughts about it, my best wishes to all