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Author Topic: Some questions  (Read 2040 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Some questions
« on: April 13, 2020, 01:32:15 pm »

Hello to dorfmasters, excuse me for my terrible English.

I play DF Masterwork for humans (MW, DF 0.44.12) an have some issues:

1. Stocking items in bins|barrels|bags cancels crafting. E.g. human A have order to make wine from berries, human B collected some berries from farm plot and goes to store them in barrel with berries. From this point barrel with berries "Tasked" by Human B. Human A searching for berries and give a message: "Unable to brew - we dont have berries". After Human B store berries and status "TSK" removes from barrel and now i can give another order to brew drinks. Until next portion of berries from farm.

2. I conquer a undead tower (via raid - attack and conquer) and cannot invite my warriors back, because now "R"aid button inactive with message "Cannot request without leader". Maybe i need barony status for my fortress, but liasons doesnt give me this options (but i already have 1 holding, about 100 people and 1.6 million value).

3. I still dont know how to get some squires/knights/paladins. Its only random caste for migrants or i can order my humans to join some castes|guilds to obtain some military-caste guys?

4. When i tested raiding system i send useless migrants to raid dark fortress, almost everytime them was imprisoned. But fewtimes them sneak into fortress and steal some scrolls/codex. I want to make stockpiles for this "trophies" but dont know how. I try this settings: "All enabled, only Artifact quality", result - all artifacts made by my humans + 20% scrolls/codices. "Finished goods - type - tool enabled. From any material and any quality + Papers and Perchaments", result - 0.

5. And i have 1 bug when tested raids. Fresh blood only arrive and 1 of them going to hunt. Im pause, add all migrants, with that hunter to death squad and send them to raid. All guys from suicide squad, except hunter is gone. Hunter with status "Raid @sitename" still trying to catching monkey. But monkey was killed by dogs and corpse falling in inaccessible location (pool). From this moment Hunter stacks. I can remove him from suicide squad, he quits his military profession, but still stacked. I tried to teleport him via DFHack but his unitid is unreachable:

"[DFHack]# teleport -showunitid
C:\DF\Dwarf Fortress/hack/scripts/teleport.lua:51: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
        C:\DF\Dwarf Fortress/hack/scripts/teleport.lua:51: in local 'script_code'
        C:\DF\Dwarf Fortress\hack\lua\dfhack.lua:680: in function 'dfhack.run_script_with_env'
        (...tail calls...)"

I think his ID removes from my fortress when his Commander leave map, and because of this he cannot drop his labor to Hunt monkey (or because he cant return kill) nor doing anything else. I killed him via spawn magma + spawn water, he chained in obsidian wall. His status "missing" after some time changed to "Deceased", but i cant engrave Slab with his name. So his "name" in the fortress, but his ID is not. Maybe because of this i have some troubles with stealed trophies - maybe stacked hunter steal some scrolls and game dont know what to do: unit die before, but unit invade other site and steal something, unit in fortress and in raid simultaneously.

Some ideas to fix this 5 problems? Problem 1 "fixed" by manager - order job - order 10000 portions of brew. 1 minor problem is full list of announcement with "Need unrooten materials to brew drink". For other problems i dunno what to do.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 01:36:59 pm by Decode »