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Author Topic: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)  (Read 10322 times)

Powder Miner

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Design Phase)
« Reply #120 on: April 07, 2020, 02:25:09 am »

Chijindum's Great Irony
The legacy of the great founder of Askian civilization, Chijindum, has been twisted and mutated many times throughout Askian history, viewed from different lights and used to advance various agendas. However, if there's one piece of his legacy that has not been forgotten and possibly never will be as long as Askia lives, it's his legacy as the Great Unifier. Chijindum brought the peoples of Askia together, forging a people that has lasted for thousands of years, even despite the merciless twists and turns it has taken.

This makes the state of the Askian Chijindate in the modern day a profound and cruel irony. Askia is a place divided upon lines geographic, historic, social, political, and economic, and abounds with factions that cause and seize on instabilities to make Askia's future a precarious one. The Askian Chijindate proclaims itself to be a place of undeniable unity, the ultimate evolution of a people descended from a Great Unifier whose will they carry out, and open dissent is not something that the theocracy permits or turns a blind eye too, but the loyalties of any given citizen are sharply divided. Asking a random member of the Chijindate who they supported, were they to give an open answer, could get a great deal of answers, whether pure uncertainty, diehard support for some tiny group, or support for one of the four primary factions that make up the political landscape in Askia -- the Chijindate, the military, the commercial powers, and the northern loyalists.

The first "faction" in Askia, and the one that at least mostly is in charge of the nation is the Askian Chijindate, and the orders of griots that make up the religious and to a degree scientific makeup of Askia along with it. The official government of Askia is the Chijindate, and most of the rest of the country ostensibly follows their leadership, but in reality their situation is somewhat precarious. The Chijindate does have powerful strengths that have propped it up in its position, and probably foremost among these is the very powerful base of support that they have in much of the savannah and hills regions of the country closer to the desert Tu, excepting the area around the northern coast; Wegchahiké found his first supporters among the Rulaarans of that region, and the Chijindate has since often shown favorable policy towards the inhabitants of that area, directing the military to come down hard on raiders and terrorists from across the Tu as well as rebels in the north in order to spare the peoples of the savannah from serious insecurity.

The orders of the griots are also a notable boon -- through their grasp on religion throughout most of Askia, the Chijindate maintains loyal operatives throughout most of the country, even in powerful organizations such as the military and in business conglomerates (though these operatives do not control said organizations), and the orders of scientific griots are even still today at the forefront of many discoveries, ensuring that the Chijindate's government at least does not fall harshly behind.

The Chijindate faces severe problems as well, however. For all that it does control, the Chijindate's presence is somewhat precarious outside of that far-savannah area, leaving it weaker in the north, in the desert, and even in the east -- though it does control the capital, the control over said capital is to some degree control in name. All of the other important factions in Askia are heavily present there (the military must guard it, commerce runs heavily in the large city, and loyalists to the line of Chijindum treat the capital as a place of pilgrimage, it having been the place of his birth), and when real contests for control start over Askia, the capital will be where the shifting power balance is at its most intense. It is also strongly dependent on the military to keep safe both the roads and the seas -- and as the Chiite religion places a strong emphasis on travel across roads as a major part of its religion, further elaborated on by the Chijindate to mean travel across sea as well, the Chijindate must pay whatever costs the military demands to do so.

Ever since the days of the overthrow of the monarchy, the Chijindate's military has been a cosmopolitan body. This has been thanks to necessity -- although Wegchahiké had the staunch support of the Rulaarans, and though the orders of reformist griots that pledged to him were well-trained, he could not staff the command of the military entirely with one or the other lest he offend one group. As more of the ethnicities and regions within Askia pledged to him, he had to include them, and after he defeated the monarchy and took its place, he had to include officers from the capital area around the River Konoo. Ultimately, total balancing became infeasible, and the Chijindate's military became an ultimately meritocratic body. This means that the military remains extremely capable even despite the instability in the country, but it means that it is politically very much possessed of independent desires and agendas, which it does very much seek to take advantage of.

Much like the Chijindate's government, the military has strong strengths and glaring weaknesses. Its strengths are very strong, however. The first of these strengths is that rule in the Desert Tu is essentially military -- with the desert being very sparsely populated compared to the savannah, not much governing infrastructure is in place, but as it is the military's responsibility to keep the area secure, especially the roads and towns and oases that make economic activity possible, its presence has become administrative as much as strictly military. The military has taken advantage of this, and intentionally maintains a cordial relationship with the peoples there to keep a power base. The military also is tasked with keeping the seas and highways throughout the country secure, as the Chijindate relies on these places vitally and as these areas are required for the economic flow of the entire country, and this means that the military has some degree of control over the imports and exports of Askia. This fact has led the commercial powers of Askia to very much buddy up with the military, an alliance that has proved extremely useful, furthering the military's scientific power and independence immensely and giving them a great deal of wealth.

However, the military does have some important weaknesses as well -- two of which are particularly major. Firstly, the military lacks a particularly strong heartland; though it does control most of the desert regions of Askia, these regions have small populations. Though trade flows through the Desert Tu, the base of economy and manpower in the area is not strong enough to allow the military to act totally independently, as they are reliant on resource flows from elsewhere --whether the Chijindate, the corporations of Askia, or both-- to stay active, and exerting overall national control would require dealing with the large Chijindate-loyal population of the savannah. Secondly, the military has almost constantly been too busy to plan a coup or the like; constant rebellions in the north, raiders and agents from across the desert, and the massive conflict against the Yuzuan Empire, these things have all taken manpower and attention and resources from the military, forcing them to keep most of their grabs for power internal, such as the creation of the Paasi-Kakano cruisers.

But in more recent years, the nation having recovered from the Yuzuan War, the military has been much less busy. Perhaps they could make a major adjustment soon, unless, perhaps, there is some sort of major war or other military event...

The third of Askia's factions is the "corporate powers" -- the various corporations such as Sundiata Motors that have found a truly meteoric rise in recent decades. Though Sundiata Motors is probably the most famous of the corporations that sprang up in the 19th century, it is far from the only one to have found success, and as the years approached 1900, these massive businesses grew to secure monopolies over sections of the economy, such as KBO (Konoo Banks Oil) having secured  most of the oil east of the Desert Tu, Quality Steel controlling the majority of the country's ores, Sundiata Motors being responsible for 80% of motor vehicle manufacturing in the country. Now, in the 1910s, the corporations are at the strongest point they have ever been at, holding an immense amount of economic power in Askia, and with the capacity to collectively make economic decisions which are nearly impossible to counteract.

The strengths that the corporate powers have, like those of the previous two factions, are significant. The area of largest support that the corporations have is the heartland of the country -- the area around the river Konoo where a massive portion of the Askian population resides, and the site of several of its larger cities, though the corporations don't dominate the capital, merely contributing to its tenuous balance. This grants them an immense economic strength, which is then strengthened further by heavy corporate control over many of the country's more mundane resources -- though almost all factions possess magnetofume deposits at some level, and though the government has kept an iron grasp on what Miracle Metal has been harnessed, ore and oil and the like are typically under control of the corporations. They also have a mutually beneficial relationship with the military; while they provide the military with resources and sometimes manpower, the military provides them with routes to influence beyond just the economic, and protects their trade routes, and both together have shown a capacity to reform some of the hierarchies forced into place by the Chijindate.

The weaknesses of the corporations are twofold. Firstly, as has been stated, these are corporations, plural -- several independent and individually powerful companies. Though their interests do align on a great many matters, which is what allows for them to be considered as a single faction in the first place, they do not always, and business in Askia is often cutthroat. Sometimes, the corporations will sabotage each other, or hinder each other with specialized requests from the government and military. Secondly, although Askia is not in a stable position, things are really not so unstable as to allow corporations to hire private armies, and the companies therefore require other groups to provide security and give force to their actions. This is why the corporations need their alliance with the military so strongly.

The fourth faction, rather unlike from the others, is the northern loyalists. Though Wegchahiké overthrew the monarchy a couple of centuries ago now, strong loyalties to an idea of the old line of Chijindum remain through a combination of political, religious, and ethnic/family ties. Politically, the communities of the northern coasts, and of the large island Fondinsireyaa off of the northern coast, which once served as the exiled kings' base of operations, have been disfavored by the Chijindate since the civil war, and continual conflicts with the military have caused an isolation which has strengthened the region's bonds to itself and weakened its bond with others. In religious terms, it becomes unconscionable in many northern communities to follow the hated Chijindate's dogma... which means that the old doctrines of the kingdom retain sway. And in ethnic terms, a curious coalition has emerged -- though none but one of the northern ethnicities are even truly that strongly related to Chijindum's ethnicity, they collectively claim his legacy, and the political isolation from the rest of Askia has added an element of ethnic tension which has helped bind the peoples of the northern coast and Fondinsireyaa together.

The northern loyalists are somewhat unlike the other three major factions in that their weaknesses are much more apparent on a surface-level glance than their strengths. The northern loyalists are geographically limited to an extent no other major faction is; while the other three factions do have areas of prevalence, they are free to travel almost all of the country, as they aren't outright enemies at this point... but the northern loyalists are an outright enemy belligerent, and travel to and from the north is limited, even if the northerners have become experts at smuggling themselves across military cordons. They're also in a constant state of suppression, as revolts and riots are harshly put down by the government and military, and neither of these two factions is eager to see the northerners collect themselves. Finally, there is a serious paucity of resources which the northerners have to contend with -- they have the worst access of the major factions to many major resources, as they have no access to what is found outside of the coasts and Fondinsireyaa... and as Fondinsireyaa is a fair distance from the coast, it's a difficult supply line to ply with the military patrolling the seas.

However, they do have their own deceptive strengths. In the region that they do command loyalty, the loyalists command the strongest and most stable passions of all. Despite, or perhaps because of, decades of harsh repression, the loyalties to the old regime and to the idea of the north have remained rock-solid, and the growing rift between the north and the rest of the country has only led to further solidification of these loyalties. Secondly, the northerners have become greatly skilled at managing and even thriving in times of hardship and chaos, given plenty of time and experience thanks to the conflicts with the military... should the situation on the isthmus as a whole strongly deteriorate, it is likely that the northerners will have a superior capacity to adjust quickly. And finally... well... it would seem that hidden actors of one stripe or another have been furnishing the northerners with a great deal of resources, providing them with much better technology and equipment and funding than they have had in a long, long time.

It is a careful balance of strengths and weaknesses, a dance of needs and surpluses, that has kept the Askian Chijindate balanced for decades now. The government, the military, the corporations, the northern loyalists, all of these groups have established dependencies with each other, carved out specialties, informally demarcated areas of loyalty, and/or pushed at each other in ways that have ensured a situation that kept the government in power, despite shifts and starts in the balance of power. But Askia is more disunited now than it has ever been, cleavages deepening in the peace after the Yuzuan war, and that balance seems much more fragile than it has ever been since the revolution that founded the Chijindate; even the civil war was much more clear in its outcome than the imbalances seen today. Perhaps the Chijindate will be able to use the war to distract the military and corporations, securing its control. Perhaps the military will grow in importance and shrink in patience as the war progresses, seizing power in a moment of chaos and governmental weakness. Perhaps the corporations of Askia will profit from the economic shifts that the war will necessitate, working with the military and demanding concessions from the government until they turn it. Perhaps the northern loyalists will take advantage of the hardship of war to enter their element and present their most serious threat in a long time.

But whatever the future may hold, most Askians fear the fact that they know instinctually to be true: what was once proudly Chijindum's Great Unification is now really just Chijindum's Great Irony.

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Design Phase)
« Reply #121 on: April 07, 2020, 04:25:03 am »

Casus Belli: Illegal Foreign Intervention in the Northern Territories

The factionalism set deep in the Askian State, kept in balance by a desire for all the emergent powers involved not to lay claim to undoing the Unification of Askia, is an issue that continually plagues efforts to dissolve insurgent groups in the country's north.

Rebels in the north have always sought to destabilize the proper powers in the nation, and have become increasingly aggressive and well-armed over the last few years. The Chijindate and military launched independent investigations into the source of the Rebel's newfound well of resources, and while the military investigation hit dead end after dead end, the Chijindate investigation bore fruit. The evidence presented to the increasingly divisive but necessary groups within Askia (can we call them an unofficial triumvirate to give them a title that makes a clear distinction between their relationships vs that of the rebels?) was clear: funds and supplies were being smuggled from Etroan ports, brought through Fondinsireyaa, and sold to the rebels on the northern shores.

When accused of working with foreign powers in order to splinter and disrupt Askia, a portion of rebel leadership vehemently denied this fact, stating they were working with people within Askia's business sector. The corporations denied this in turn, and further Chijindate investigation confirmed the corporations were being honest. The rebels and Chijindate agreed to a temporary ceasefire and negotiations commenced as both sides wanted to find out how deeply the Etroan connections went. Rebel leadership was in shambles as various movement leaders accused one another of betraying the legacy of Chijindum, and rebel anger towards the puppet leaders extended towards their Etroan masters.

While the four largest factions of Askian society were far from total agreement, they all shared an intense hatred for foreign attempts at dividing Askia's sacred borders. This hatred was deeper than one would see in a typical nation being invaded or infiltrated due to the Askian people defining themselves on every single level by the formation of their nation (their state is founded on their faith, which itself is founded on the formation and existence of Askia), and was strong enough to see rebellious activity cease while the interventionist Etroans were dealt with.

Quote from: Askiabox
Hasdrubal Bowelle: (4) MoP, Powder Miner, NUKE9.13, TFF

Girgiza Miracle Munitions:
[insert start year here] Maimaita Automatic Rifle:
[Insert Start Year Here] Dangelo Miracled-Armored Car:
Siege Tool:
Iron Paths:
Zobe Self-Propelled Stealth Generator:
Askian Corps of Engineers:
Lethal Askian Trap Ensemble: (4) Powder Miner, NUKE9.13, Man of Paper, TFF

Casus Belli:
Foreign Aggression and Subversive Actions: (0)
Illegal Foreign Intervention in the Northern Territories: (1) MoP

Chijindum's Great Irony: (1) MoP
« Last Edit: April 07, 2020, 04:30:01 am by Man of Paper »

Powder Miner

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Design Phase)
« Reply #122 on: April 07, 2020, 05:14:53 am »



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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Design Phase)
« Reply #123 on: April 21, 2020, 02:37:23 pm »

Commander: Hasdrubal Bowelle
Type: Offensive

-Snipped because that’s a long ass design-

There’s a low muttering among the gathered government officials, a background hum. Not many people in the room truly wanted to be there; the idea to appoint a new Brigadier General had been hotly debated for a few years now, a nearly violent argument about whether it’s provocation or deterrence, whether one is even needed, and who it should be. Many within the government sought to put one of their own into the position; the office work can be important, logistics and such, and it wouldn’t be too provocatory. It would also put a leash on the military - as powerful as they were, they were at least nominally in the service of the Chijindate. On the other hand, there were some in high military or government positions attached more to the corps than they were to the military, and that could also work; they would understand supply lines and the wild new technology used better than anyone, after all, and provoke less anger from the northern rebels (who had been quiet, since the recent destruction of their largest cells).

And then the military had sent this man. Bowelle stood at rigid attention, as was proper deference for his government. He held to his discipline in the finest Chiite tradition. But he wore a scowl that made the politicians try to avoid his gaze as they discussed, angry from three days of this. He rarely spoke himself; he had subordinates who were more initiated in diplomacy than he and let them do the talking, to the immense relief of the politicians and priests. He simply loomed over the proceedings, his presence a stark reminder of the military’s influence in governance. The murmur of debate had started to die down, the priests and politicians ready to retire for the day.

“That’s enough.”

Hasdrubal Bowelle’s deep granite voice, though spoken softly, carried across the room as well as if he’d shouted. The room went silent.

“That’s enough,” he repeated, “Because we don’t have the time for this. You are discussing the idea of putting a priest or a businessman in a soldier’s job. You are considering putting politics above our national security. I did not bring down those rebels to clear Etroa’s invasion route.”

“You act as if we’re in a state of war, Colonel Bowelle!” Bowelle glared, but to his credit the man wouldn’t be easily cowed. “While the military may rattle sabers, we are not yet in conflict - and some may not wish to see it expedited.”

“I am well aware,” the giant man said, “But now is not the time to pretend there is another outcome. There will be war with Etroa; look at our history, and you can see that this current state of affairs is temporary. Look at Etroa’s official statements, and you can see it’s end will come soon. Look at the well funded rebels I crushed for our nation, and you can see it already has.”

There was little more discussion after Bowelle returned to silence. His promotion was approved within an hour.

Commander: Hasdrubal Bowelle
A vicious giant of a man, and a faithful Chiite who inspires his men to great valor. Due to his time in the borderlands, he knows well how to use less for more, and how to crush enemy resistance.
Type: Offensive
Passive: Redeployment: Hasdrubal Bowelle knows how to make the most of limited resources and how to put his men where they need to be; under his command, Expensive and Very Expensive equipment is used more frequently than it’s cost dictates as Bowelle redeploys heavy weaponry to where it’s needed.
(O) Harass and Harry: An offensive tactic in which Bowelle uses his forces for small, mobile strikes to gain an advantage for the next season’s offensive by softening it’s defenses .
(O) Retaliation: Bowelle rallies the troops after a defeat in order to bring the fight back to the enemy’s lines. When used after holding off an attack, this tactic allows Bowelle to counterattack ferociously and improve odds of success.
(D) Mobile Defense: Bowelle’s defensive lines are moving constantly, rotating in strong units to blunt enemy assaults and giving weaker ones time to rest. While his defenses are not equally strong over the whole line, it is difficult to bleed his army out.

Miracle Metal (Sphere: Shape)
-Snipped because if I don’t I hit the character limit-

Lethal Askian Trap Ensemble

-Third verse same as the first two-
Difficulty: Normal
Roll: 6+4 = 10 (Superior)

“Miracle Metal” was not, in fact, originally discovered by the Chijindate’s griots; while Askia on the whole certainly has many deposits, for the longest time it was a scientific curiosity, a conversation piece on a priest’s desk or a wealthy Ofalian merchant’s shelf. Even as it’s extraction and refinement were made easier by industrialization, it didn’t seem to be all that different than iron, and was much, much harder to get. It was not the Chijindate, but self-declared griots pledged to rebel forces that truly found out how to use it. Many of Askia’s more out-there inventions actually originate from such people, who in their desperation to find something to turn the tide were willing to be far more experimental than their more orthodox cousins in the Chijindate. In a small laboratory in a desert, a griot was injured after running an electric current through the metal, and a new weapon of war was discovered.

This particular cell of rebels, unfortunately for them, didn’t have much time to develop before they were taken down by Askian forces - but not before inflicting horrific casualties with their Miracle Metal derived traps. Impressed by this, the leader on the scene ordered the griots captured rather than killed, so they could give their knowledge to the Chijindate. In the time since then, as Miracle Metal is further developed, a set of traps using it’s unique properties were created, based on those encountered in battle with the rebels.

The “LATE” trap system is a rather violent set of traps; the wall and floor spikes are quite capable of killing due to the rapid and sudden nature of their deployment, their pressure plates concealed by dirt in the trenches; when triggered, the electrical circuit causes the metal to violently expand into spikes; one moment, the trench is empty. And then a man steps onto something more solid than the usual mud, or leans against a wall to peek a corner; suddenly spikes suddenly and violently spring out of the walls, dirt flying every which way, and if the squadron is lucky only their pointman has been skewered - and if not, they’ve lost several men without a shot. The wire trap is significantly less lethal, being, well, a tight wire; but it can be useful for slowing an advance, as miracle metal wires can be difficult to cut on the fly. There were some early tests that went… poorly, due to the soldiers needing to remember the trigger locations of every single trap, but this was able to be resolved; all of the traps are on the same electrical grid, deactivated when not in combat, so men can walk around without fear of random painful death when not under attack (from their own side, at least). This does mean that infiltrators or sneak attacks can sometimes go unmolested by the traps, but commanders consider this a small price to pay for their men being able to safely move at a speed greater than a crawl.

The more mobility oriented commanders are skeptical of its use in their fields, due to it’s stationary nature and the time it takes to set up, but those who favor defensive positions see great potential in this. The LATE system will see significant use on the defensive, but not be nearly as commonly useful when on the offensive. It is Very Expensive due to the amount of Miracle Metal required, costing 4 Miracle Metal for the traps themselves and 3 Magnetofumes for their generators at a 5-unit deficit. It is Complex on account of our currently lacking industrial scale refinement of Miracle Metal.


It is now the Final Preliminary Phase.

This turn, you will have two responsibilities: One is to design a uniform for your soldiers. This is mostly cosmetic and for helping my descriptions.

The second, significantly more impactful thing is that you must choose your armory. Pick one from each category.

Spoiler: Preliminary Proposals (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Armory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Commanders (click to show/hide)

---Armory Choices---

Spoiler: Primary Rifle (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Machine Gun (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Special: (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Vehicle: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Artillery (click to show/hide)


Spoiler: Capital ship: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Escort (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Trait: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Primary Ally (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 04:18:45 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Powder Miner

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #124 on: April 21, 2020, 04:54:28 pm »

options discussed at length in the discord, im not doing it again in here
Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (1) Powder Miner

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (0)

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Fumehide Raiders: (0)

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (1) Powder Miner

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (1) Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (0)

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner

Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (1) Powder Miner

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (1) PowderMiner

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Legacy: (0)

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (1) Powder Miner

Guanho Principality: (0)
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Tambamuroo is Mandinka for dagger
Kururuwa is Hausa for scream
I'm fine with Lantarkic Grenadiers
I'm also fine with Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry
Guduma is Hausa for hammer
Fisamanteeyaa is Mandinka for greatness
Duka is Hausa for beating
guano ha ha

I went for Hausa names where I thought it was more experimental magnetic shit, since the Chijindate griots have been responsible for a lot of self-destructive but very cool magnetic work, and I figured that Hausa was a good pick for the savannah-desert area since a lot of our designs with Hausa names are Chijindate-era, and the Hausa ALSO have a heavy association with the Fulani, who the Rulaarans are based off of
I went for Mandinka names where I figured it was the kind of larger-scale, more industrial shit you might see from the military-corporate alliance's scientists, since  Askia as I originally pushed for in the lore was heavily based off of the Mande empires like Ghana, Mali, and Songhai (since a famous Songhai leader was named Askia har har har)

I also went for a naming scheme for equipment of
(Name) (Year) (Adjective) (Equipment Class)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #125 on: April 21, 2020, 05:45:49 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (1) m1895

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (1) Powder Miner

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (1) m1895

Sundiata MW-3: (0)

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
- Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (1) m1895
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (2) PowderMiner,  m1895

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Legacy: (1) m1895

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Guanho Principality: (0)
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

My reasoning for choosing the regular MG is based on the utility of sustained fire for both mobile and trench warfare.
It's utility in mobile warfare might not be obvious to some, but it's quite simple, if your enemy is playing duck duck bullet they are stuck in that position and unable to hinder your movements, as limiting the enemy's mobility is one half of mobile warfare and not having your mobility limited is the other. You're in quite a good position.

Light forger

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #126 on: April 22, 2020, 08:56:04 am »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (1) m1895

Magnetic Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (1) m1895

Sundiata MW-3: (1) Lightforger

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (0)
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha


Powder Miner

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #127 on: April 23, 2020, 03:56:14 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (1) m1895, Powder Miner
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (1) Lightforger

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (0)
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

(Hawusaroo is the Mandinka word for sword, as more or less an upsizing of the usage of the word for dagger for the flechette rifle)

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #128 on: April 23, 2020, 05:13:45 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (2) Lightforger, MoP

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Phoneediting is fuckin sharts. Anyways, I feel like down the like the GM NPC team with the movement stuff is gonna provide better aux troops for filling in gaps we have, since it sounds like they’re more defensive and we’re definitely focused on the offensive end of things.

Going with the MW3 because I think it’ll provide a solid truck to use for the war, and while I want the motorcycle cav I’d rather see what the enemy has set up first, since that could drastically affect how we approach a cav-like element.

Opted for Peerless Navigation for now, but a good argument could sway (or cement) my vote. Peerless Navigation might come in handy doubly if we continue to go down the route of indirect warfare in the sense of traps and the like, but having an Africanized Death Korp could be neat too

Powder Miner

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #129 on: May 06, 2020, 05:36:47 pm »

Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia
The uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia (the official title for Askia's military) vary heavily, but there are a few key details that remain the same across most uniforms.

The ground branch of the Military Forces of Askia primarily uses a rugged but loose tunic (cinched tight across the waist with a sash when necessary) and trousers as their uniform in the hot homelands of Askia, as well as light boots -- a combination of light and loose clothing that works well when in the warmth of the savannah and is essentially necessary for dealing with the heat of the Desert Tu. The sash that tightens the tunic also holds places for multiple pouches, including canteens, to aid with movement and combat in the Desert Tu in particular, but which is often useful in general. As climates grow colder, the ground forces have taken something of a page from the book of Askia's naval forces, and adopted shirts and jackets, as well as tighter and thicker trousers as their uniform of choice. These uniforms are typically colored in a way that roughly suits each environment -- there are no camouflage patterns, but desert uniforms are sand-colored, savannah uniforms green or yellow, mountain uniforms white or grey, etcetera.

The military's naval branch has taken a great deal of inspiration from the other seafaring countries of the world, taking jackets and pants of white and blue color much like many countries' navies do. This is, to some degree, a reflection of how independent from the Chijindate many naval officers are, as the seas are pretty much entirely the domain of the military, with some commercial input.

Common among both branches are two things: Firstly, as initially was put into place by the Chijindate before it fractured into the squabbling factions that we see today, the rank insignias are similar across both branches, consisting of golden lines in various patterns, representing the religious tradition of Golden Paths in the religion of Chijindum, with these patterns becoming larger and incorporating more iron color as rank increases.

Secondly, a veil for the head is incorporated in both army and navy uniforms (look up the "tagelmust"). Although originally a mark of some of the ethnicities living in the Desert Tu, these veils became increasingly popular in areas of the savannah closer to the desert as they provide protection from sand and heat. Although colored in the same way as the uniforms for combat, these veils can be golden, dark grey, or bright blue in dress uniforms. The navy also offers veils, but these are lighter and not made of cotton, instead more water resistant and meant mostly for dealing with winds and sea-spay. Naval veils are dark blue or white in color. Whether or not the veil is actually used often depends upon where the soldier in question is from (some soldiers further into the Askian core prefer slouch hats), although everyone uses them in the Desert Tu.

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (2) Lightforger, MoP

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Quote from: Other Choices
Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Great Irony: (1) Powder Miner

Casus Belli
Illegal Foreign Intervention In The Northern Territories (with Powder's behind-the-scenes lore): (1) Powder Miner

Powder Miner

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #130 on: May 06, 2020, 09:29:17 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (2) Lightforger, MoP

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Quote from: Other Choices
Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia: (1) Powder Miner

Chijindum's Great Irony: (1) Powder Miner

Casus Belli
Illegal Foreign Intervention In The Northern Territories (with Powder's behind-the-scenes lore): (1) Powder Miner


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #131 on: May 06, 2020, 09:31:32 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (2) Lightforger, MoP

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Quote from: Other Choices
Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia: (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Chijindum's Great Irony: (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Casus Belli
Illegal Foreign Intervention In The Northern Territories (with Powder's behind-the-scenes lore): (2) Powder Miner, m1895

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #132 on: May 06, 2020, 09:51:53 pm »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (2) Lightforger, MoP

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (2) m1895, Lightforger

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Quote from: Other Choices
Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP

Chijindum's Great Irony: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP

Casus Belli
Illegal Foreign Intervention In The Northern Territories (with Powder's behind-the-scenes lore): (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)
« Reply #133 on: May 07, 2020, 11:42:56 am »

Quote from: Armory Choices
Primary Rifle:
Flechette MagRifle: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Tambamuroo 1895 Flechette Rifle: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Semi-Automatic MagRifle: (0)

Machine Gun:
Magnetic Machine Gun: (3) m1895, Powder Miner, MoP
-Rename it the Hawusaroo 1905 Machine Gun: (1) Powder Miner

Magnetic Burst Gun: (1) Lightforger
-Rename it the Kururuwa 1908 Burst Gun: (2) Powder Miner, Lightforger

Fumehide Raiders: (1) m1895

Lantarkic Grenadiers: (3) Powder Miner, Lightforger, MoP

Rulaaran Mechanized Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, m1895
-Rename it the Alalasuwoo 1905 Mechanical Horse: (2) m1895, Powder Miner

Sundiata MW-3: (3) Lightforger, MoP, NUKE9.13

Focused Artillery: (0)

Rapid Artillery: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Rapid Artillery: (1) Powder Miner
-Rename it the Guduma 1907 Heavy QF gun: (2) m1895, , Lightforger
Capital Ship:
Brawler Battleship: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Fisamanteeyaa 1910 Heavy Battleship: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Lantarkifume Battleship: (0)

Escort Ship:
Ambush Destroyer: (4) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger, MoP
-Rename it the Duka 1909 Ambush Destroyer: (3) PowderMiner,  m1895, Lightforger

Steeldust Cruiser: (0)

Peerless Navigation: (2) Powder Miner, MoP

Chijindum's Legacy: (3) m1895, Lightforger, NUKE9.13

Primary Ally:
Ofalian Confederation: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, Lightforger

Guanho Principality: (1) MoP
-Rename them the Guano Principality ha ha ha ha

Quote from: Other Choices
Uniforms of the Military Forces of Askia: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP

Chijindum's Great Irony: (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP

Casus Belli
Illegal Foreign Intervention In The Northern Territories (with Powder's behind-the-scenes lore): (3) Powder Miner, m1895, MoP
Long Live United Forenia!
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