Gonna post to say it worked, the shyhak can send missions now. This should be entertaining, when I get this fort going. Not sure if I'm yet good enough to get a wax surface fortress going, but we'll see.
EDIT: This still in progress? Sorry to bother, but it has been some time. It was fun, while it lasted, shyhak on missions were quite a treat. My guess is two shields, two weapons makes them really good in combat, or maybe that was just the quick leveling to legendary levels speaking. Still, I quit that fortress some time ago because we stole a Vermancer's book full of secrets, and some kind of glitch makes shyhak vermancers go to sleep but forget to wake up until they starve, forcing me to deconstruct beds constantly. It got a bit old quick, but at least we got twenty or so legends out of it. But yes, I mean to ask, any plans on updates?