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Author Topic: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04  (Read 2578 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« on: March 04, 2020, 02:23:47 pm »

With a few fixes after the initial release, it seems like the community is primed for new succession forts in 47.04! This is an idea that I think went pretty well
The gist of things is you play as long as you do in a sitting, then reupload it when you're done for constant gameplay!

The World of Convenience
1.Follow Procedure
2.Don't use tilesets that modify raws, they occasionally mess things up. I'm not sure if this is still the case, but better safe than sorry.
3.Vanilla forever. Don't use anything that can mess with how the game runs. It isn't dwarf fortress if you aren't experiencing a fear of ampersands.
4.Unless you say you're going on a 24 hour Dwarf Fortress Marathon, 24 hours after your I DECLARE post, the current save will once again be considered up for grabs. Late returners can still return the save, so long as there have been no new I DECLARE posts.
Otherwise, anything goes. You can ask others in your post to do something for you, but no one is obliged to follow up. Writeups are done at your own whim, heck, your two posts can just be "I DECLARE I AM PLAYING" and "I DECLARE I AM FINISHED [Link]" and leave us wondering what you did. No need to stick to fort mode either.

1.Check to see if anyone else has the save.
2.Post that you are going to play the save include I DECLARE I AM PLAYING. If two people managed to post at about the same time, first one there picks it up. I suggest refreshing the page.
3.Download the save and play for however long you're going to.
4.At the end of your session, post I DECLARE I AM FINISHED, and INCLUDE THE SAVE. Don't putz about, all that's needed is the file.
5.Repeat forever.

I might include a list of players and neat things that happen at my convenience.
Save 0
Events and Things
-10Terrapin01 Makes the game
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 02:30:49 pm by 10terrapin01 »
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2020, 05:29:05 pm »

Will be editing this post with the contents of my turn, all going well. Stay tuned!

Urist is a powerful name. Though long associated with a certain variety of dwarfish stupidity, the name nevertheless calls to mind an "everydwarf" of sorts: a dwarf to stand in for all dwarves, a dwarf somehow representative of all that dwarvendom is. There is great power in the name Urist, and he who should harness that power... why, he would hold all dwarfkind in the palm of his hand.

The world is changing. A new era is at hand. I am Urist "McSuperdorf" Glazebreached, and I have seen fit to bend this fortress to my will.

Hematite, 366 - Early Summer

Spoiler: some turkeys (click to show/hide)

Not very auspicious.
Our surroundings do not assuage my worry.

Our bunker should prove adequate to preserve us in a crisis, but we need a proper fortress and fast. To this end I mark a hallway to be carved west of our current position, along a convenient section of cliff-face squared off by my predecessor.

Behind this I lay a rather elaborate series of hallways and chambers: the grand entryway for our fortress-to-be.

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The work begins immediately. Glory to the miners.

27th of Hematite, 366 - Early Summer

Soon after the miners begin their labor, a pair of migrants arrive to the fortress! Their chosen professions are useless to us, but the tanner Olon bears some skill at arms; he shall serve as our militia commander, with fish dissector Olon as his lackey.

They are unarmed and puny, but we shall make gods of them yet.

3rd of Malachite, 366 - Mid-Summer

The miners have struck upon good soil above the new chambers! Glory to the miners.
A spore-chamber is hastily dug, and a plot marked for the raising therein.

6th of Malachite, 366 - Mid-Summer

Our planters are laggardly about the raising of the plots.

Mystified, I observe in secret the doings of the planters-- and discover to my chagrin that they have all the while been forced to march to the very edge of our territory, to lay spores by the bed of a far-flung river!

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What pointless, what preposterous inefficiency! I order the offending plots dismantled, that our hard-laboring sporemasters might gather and sow without such miserable tribulation.

2nd of Galena, 366 - Late Summer

The miners have carved beneath the farmworks a large chamber for the storage of food, that we may grow fat on the fruit of our labor.

Glory to the miners.

1st of Limestone, 366 - Early Autumn

I was right, it seems, to fear the dead.

Their numbers are few, but they would prove nevertheless more than a match for our feeble militia.
In my infinite foresight, I had carved with my own hands earlier in the year a temporary doorway to be set at the entrance to our new fortress.

Grateful for the deft hands of the furniture haulers, I order the door to be shut off from the approaching scout force.

The deed is swiftly done. We are safe within our halls.  Glory to the miners.

10th of Limestone, 366 - Early Autumn

Our glorious entryway is fully carved.

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Not far beneath, a respectable eating chamber has been carved and set, for the benefit of the populace.

Now the miners delve deep indeed, in search of the earth's mantle. Glory to the miners.

Mere hours after they began, the miners have uncovered the first of the three great caverns!

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With my own hands I shall prepare blocks for the stairway through. Glory to the miners.

19th of Limestone, 366 - Early Autumn

The first elements of the staircase are laid.

The cavern is joined, and the miners may continue their delvings. Glory to the miners.

26th of Limestone, 366 - Early Autumn

Already the second of the great caverns is struck! Glory to the miners.

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This cavern will need little in the way of special construction. The miners may continue their earthen descent.

28th of Sandstone, 366 - Mid-Autumn

The last of the great caverns is breached, and a marvellous sight uncovered thereby!

Glory to the miners! Perhaps when we are stronger, we may take this treasure for our own-- until that auspicious occasion, I shall mark the area to be walled off from cavern creatures. No mere beast shall take this treasure from us.

12th of Timber, 366 - Late Autumn

The miners can dig no further. The stone has grown soft beneath them.

Now we need only find where the stone melts entirely, and a world of living fire shall be ours. Glory to the miners.

18th of Timber, 366 - Late Autumn

Time and time again the miners have come to me to declare the heat of the sounding shafts; time and time again I have sent them back with new orders. Now a miner has come to inform me that the last sounding shaft was not warm, and thus I have deduced the point at which the miners must dig:

Soon now, very soon, we shall tap the earth's throbbing heart. First we must clear the sounding shafts of material-- it would not do to waste such fine stone.

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27th of Timber, 366 - Late Autumn

I take it upon myself to remove the last boulder from the sounding shafts.

The shafts are clear; now it remains only for the miners to strike open the barrier. I place the order.

28th of Timber, 366 - Late Autumn

The order is swiftly carried out.

Glory to the miners! Pleased at the success of my soundings, I lay for the carving a chamber for the storage of molten earth.

It is winter now, and I grow weary of looking over my fellow dwarves so. I shall relinquish this position of influence I have created for myself, and allow another to take my place.

Save -

Good luck next person! Siege is still here and the anvil's still in the wagon outside 'cos I didn't think to bring it in, so... you're gonna need it  :-X
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 09:48:25 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2020, 07:19:33 pm »

1st of Moonstone, 366

     Earlier today, I attended a meeting with Urist "McSuperdorf" Glazebreached. He was smiling triumphantly and greeted me warmly. He could hardly contain his excitement as he explained the miners had struck adamantium, praise them! All my worries began melting away, like a goblin siege caught in a magma flow. Even an undead monster can be slain by an adamantium axe if the old stories are true. I felt something I hadn't felt in so long it felt foreign: hope. His excitement was contagious, I couldn't help but exclaim "This is amazing news! Do you know what this means - this could be the turning point in the war against the necromancers! When shall we be able to begin producing adamantium weapons and armor for the military?"
     "Well, there is just one little problem... until we get the anvil in off the wagon, we can't produce any..." All my hopes came crashing down at that moment.  Every dwarven child knows the parable of needing an anvil before you have an anvil. Without that, we would be unarmed and unarmored. As I begin to regain my senses, I realize he is staring at me, waiting for a response. I gave him my standardized response to nobles, "Yes, that's a great idea."
He beamed, elated by my response. I actually felt like I had said the right thing, until he stopped smiling and started talking. " Thats great! You really are helping me out here! We don't need anything like a vote, tomorrow morning I'll announce that you'll be taking over as the Overseer. Everyone will see the wisdom in naming you as the leader once you explain to them that the necromancers want to kill us all, and as our militia commander, it's your responsibility to keep us safe. Just make sure that you don't make a mistake, as I've already sent a copy of the logs to the Mountainhome. If you fail now and somehow live, they will never stop hunting you! Not to mention every dwarf in our entire civilization will know your name and blame you for ruining the one chance we had against the necromancers- well every dwarf but me, I'll always be your friend for helping me out here! Cheers!"
    And with that, he left me standing there dumbfounded as he felt the need to socialize. I am writing this hastily as I this is my last night before I become the leader here, as I doubt I will have much free time to contemplate my history. Who knows what my first action will be? Perhaps slaughtering all who would threaten us...Next step, I'll become the baron of these lands...crazier things have happened before.

2nd Moonstone, 366

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     I never got any sleep and I took the first action in defend the fort, although it wasn't glorious. As I was laying down in our shared dormitory, I  contemplated how I would retrieve the anvil and claim my barony. Movement from the corner of my eye caught my attention; thick fog was dancing in from under the door leading directly to the outside! Panicked, rushed towards the door, fully expecting to enter a life or death contest with an undead horror. Instead, I only found an unlocked door, left slightly ajar so animals could freely come and go. I sealed it tight and began my work. I knew I would find no sleep tonight, not after a scare like that.
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     Instead, I went and found Riggoth Whippedstreams, our manager, bookkeeper and appraiser all rolled into one. When I informed him I was interested in taking over as bookkeeper, he eagerly accepted. He gave me the current records of our stocks. He explained with his other duties, he never got around to making exact counts. I thanked him all the same and hastily moved on. He tried to ask me when I'd dispose of the undead as I exited the meeting hall, but I pretended not to hear him. I'll begin going over the figures and correcting the numbers tonight, and visit the miners tomorrow. If the reports are to be believed, I'll have to cover 164 flights of stairs to reach from the surface to the bowels of the planet, and I rather not do that after a sleepless night like last night.
3rd of Moonstone, 366
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     As I descended deeper and deeper underground, I could hear the sound of picks striking the earth. The familiar sound reassured me. Sure, there are some undead lurking about on the surface, killing any wildlife they see and raising fogs with some arcane trickery. Okay, fine, we have no way to arm or armor our dwarves or perform any metalworking beyond melting ore into bars. At least we had a adamantine, right?  But as I neared the bottom of the stairs, a miner moved to stop me. Apparently they penetrated the great magma sea by accident! He assured me everything beneath the 161 marker in the mining shaft was slowly filling with magma. He quickly assures me that our losses were minimal, no casualties and only a few small exploratory shafts will be flooded. However, no floodgate was installed, so magma crabs or fire imps may now freely access the fort from the sea itself until sealed off. I waste no time in making my exit away from such dangers, equipped with a wooden shield and training axe like some pansy treelover. "Praise the miners!" I shout as I begin ascending the stairs. internally I curse them for their reckless greed. As if the lack of anvils and encroaching undead weren't enough, I must now also consider how I will resolve the magma issue and acquire the precious metal. I'll have no time to make journal entries, for a few weeks, perhaps months...but already solutions are forming in my mind.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 05:19:12 pm by chips »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2020, 05:02:05 pm »

25th of Moonstone, 366

     I've had little time for anything but work, but at last I've found time to record the events of the last weeks. Much progress has been made and morale is high, despite none of our problems being resolved. Due to my increased responsibilities, I restructured our military. I will remain the commander, but now, Mistem Crystalwatch has been promoted to a captain in charge of her own squad, The Sepia Dikes, which she also named herself. I was going to ask how she decided on the name, but thought better of it. Her first question was determining what uniform her squad should wear, training axes or nothing?  Apparently the only approved uniforms are wooden shields with training axes or...nothing. Well, thats obviously ridiculous, so I added a basic uniform at least. We may not have any weapons or armor, but we can at least plan for the future in which we do.
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     Next was the design of defenses. I toyed with many different ideas, but eventually settled on a system of bridges build over pits. When the control lever is pulled, the bridges will activate, throwing anyone unlucky enough to be on them with devastating force into the air, or in our case, the ceiling. Beneath the bridges will be pits. Without metalworking or a glass industry there will be no upwards spears or spikes. Instead, the tops of the pits walls will be smoothed. If the undead survive the bridges throwing them and falling into the pits, as i believe they will, they will be trapped forever. There are three bridges lined up and will form multiple walls, should one fail to activate, it should still be impossible for a zombie to penetrate into the fortress.
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     On the 15th of Moonstone, we had some unexpected visitors. A few humans came to visit our tavern. I wasn't even aware we had a tavern, but lo' and behold, we have a tavern and all guests are welcome. They knock at our doors, timidly at first but louder and louder until we were certain they would rouse the dead. I allow them inside, against my better judgement and a few more ruthless dwarves grumbling that they will kill us all. Mercy seems to have been the wisest course, as the human pikeman, San Mirrortell, carries himself as only those who have mastered a skill can. The bard, Bolli Reverepages, brought a truly amazing musical instrument with him, a wispy cloth thele. Interestingly it is made from wispy cloth cloth. They don't make things of that material back in the Mountainhome, thats for sure! I pulled Riggoth aside and asked him what he would appraise the instruments value at. Without hesitation, he answered, "24,040 coins seems a fair offer. The interesting thing about trading is, it is worth whatever they are willing to accept as payment, we could give them a bunch of total cr..." He droned on and on, unaware that I was done listening. The strange instrument was worth more than some artifacts. I was enchanted by its beauty and crisp timbre. I decided then, it was staying where it belongs, here in Sombercrystals. The bard was optional.
     My thoughts and schemes were interrupted with more disturbing news. It sure is difficult to have an uninterrupted thought here. As our new guests approached the fortress, the fog grew so thick they got lost. One member of their party even got separated somehow over the past few days. Everyone seemed concerned but none dared leave the fort to attempt a search and rescue. The idea of a search and rescue was totally destroyed when...
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     The first sign there was trouble was when one corpse went mad, raising dense fogs from the earth itself in a senseless display of power. After that it all happened so fast... a desperate cry for help, suddenly replaced with howls like that of an animal, a guttural sound of anguish and terror. When at last the fort fell silent again we all joined wordlessly in a joint effort to erect our defenses. Everyone except the miners. Until the stone is smoothed and the bridges built, they can't deepen the pits without cutting off part of the work site, increasing the total amount of time and labor required to finish the project.
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    Instead I put them to work expanding our industry, specifically, our masonry and metalworking industries. A small room is ordered to be mined out. This room will be where the masons and other stone dependent industries are centered. Minecarts will meet and dump stone here, metallic ores and economically important stones will be sorted and then dropped down the shaft in the north of the room to avoid hauling boulders down hundreds of flights of stairs to the magma forges. Eventually. If we live long enough to establish such industries. If my defenses aren't set up before the next migrant wave or trade caravan gets here, I know there will be many casualties.

27th of Opal, 366 Mid-winter

     Work has continued mostly uninterrupted. Every dwarf is assigned relevant labor. Apparently nobody has ever worked as a mechanic before. Since our carpenter has no access to wood, he fills in as our mechanic and sets about linking the bridges with a lever. Within the next month the should be ready; the walls are smoothed, bridges built; all that remains is deepening the pit, sealing off the stairs that allow our miners access to the pits, linking the bridges to a lever and luring the undead to their doom.
     In other news, my mining pit has been dug deep down around 150 stories with no losses of life and successfully avoiding the cavern layers. Praise the miners! For now it sits idle, just a pit. But I begin designing tracks, laying out hauling routes, and designating stone stockpiles. Only now I realize too late: how will I get a minecart? least i didn't try and use minecarts for our defenses. Perhaps I'll have to open up a cavern to harvest some lumber? Sod that, we NEED to access the surface!

12th of Obsidian, Late Winter

     The work on the bridge defense system is complete. Everyone gathered in the tavern for one last party, knowing this could be our last night alive. Tomorrow, the Sepia Dikes will leave the fortress in an attempt to bait the undead into the trap. I tried convincing the humans to be the bait with every trick I had, but they wouldn't cooperate. Even when I told them that the tavern was now for citizens only and I was expelling them, they refused to move. The pikeman simply took up his weapon and announced, "Which amongst you will be expelling me?" With only two wooden shields and wooden axes to our militaries name, even a single human clad in copper armor is too dangerous of a threat to face in direct confrontation. I played it off as a drunken joke, but begin plotting their demise.
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     Sensing the mood shift the humans tried to sneak out in the middle of the night. Unfortunately for them, our militia captain was busy testing the undead. Apparently they cannot see thru the heavy fog either, as she easily runs to the wagon and back without even getting their attention. Yet as she was entering the fort, she saw the humans trying to leave. Hastily, Mistem locked the door from the outside. The humans began crying to be let out, which was their downfall. The ruckus alerted me to the fact they were trouble out on the bridge. I knew now was the time to strikeact. I pulled the lever.

     For a split second, the pikeman seems to float midair. In reality, he was being slammed into an obstacle. Despite that he lands deftly 4 stories down, completely unharmed. When I ask about the bard, he seems to have disappeared completely. I have a dwarf peer down into the pit, but the bard isn't there. The door to the outside was locked  and gaurded. I can't help but wonder, could he have tunneled thru the ceiling from the launch and escaped? Or could he be embedded in the earth a few levels above? Either way that bard was slicker than greased up butter to escape like that.
    The ruckus attracts a duo of rotting corpses over. I call the Sepia Dikes to action; I order her to simply peer out from the doorway. The undead monsters should immediately move in to kill. When this happens, hopefully, Mistem will instead abandon her orders and flee back the way she came. As long as she's fast enough, she won't get trapped in the pit with the undead. I make sure Mistem understands not to stand and fight, and flee as soon as she gets their attention. We don't need a hero!
18th of Obsidian, Late Winter

     I thought my plan was successful and yet I am being punished for it! Mistem was overcome by terror, as I knew she would be, and flees back inside. Yet after the fact she convinced everyone she felt nothing in the midst of conflict, the liar, and instead abandoned my plan and improvised her own! Two zombies still shambled into the trap. They fall with less grace than the human, but the blows are deflected all the same by their steel armor. Once they are in the pit, the human pikeman is immediately ripped to shreds. I checked the pit personally one more time...escape will be impossible for them, I am certain of it. As I triumphantly strolled back into the tavern hall, I was greeted by rough hands and hostility instead of the welcome party I deserved. Apparently the dwarves liked having a bard around, he would put on wonderful performances. They also felt safer with the pikeman around, from his confidence we knew he was legendary at something, even if he wouldn't tell us what. They blamed me for them leaving, and had evidence of the pikemans death at the hands of the undead, which was enough to remove me as overseer, despite nobody even knowing for sure what happened to the bard. Without ceremony, I was stripped of my title as overseer. They gave me 1 week to put everything into order . I do not know if I will be kept as book keeper and militia commander, they left that decision to the next overseer.
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     Above is my best sketch of the bridge/pit defenses that I designed and are functional. To the left is what the entrance looks like. In the center, the bottom of the pit that is underneath the bridges where two zombies and trapped with the fresh corpse of our pikeman. On the right is a picture of the lever controlling the bridges. It is located in the meeting hall, Northwest corner.
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     These are the most up to date records I have on the state of the fort and its last census, if you can call counting 9 dwarves a census. I did not complete any of my objectives. Two walking corpses still wander the surface, although it may be possible for a dwarf to sprint out and grab the anvil, which is still in the wagon. Tracks were not carved and routes were not designed, although progress was made.  If they will be removing me from overseer, let one of them try and design such a complicated minecart scheme! The most dangerous part is done with the deep pit carved... No progress was made containing the lava or aquiring adamantium. Praise the miners indeed  ::). Worst of all, I outright failed one of my objectives. The bard Bolli something, and more importantly his wispy cloth thele, disappeared without a trace. It was confirmed he was on the bridges at the same time as the pikeman. Yet once the bridges were activated it was never seen again... Perhaps it was what allowed him to escape, some magical property of the wispy cloth cloth? At night I still hear its crisp timbre in my dreams...
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« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 05:27:12 pm by chips »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2020, 01:37:38 am »

I Declare I am Playing
My computer I don't think I'll continue tonight.
And post the save before doing the write-up, if you aren't doing the write up as you play, that way others can be involved while you finish what you want to say.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 02:58:03 am by 10terrapin01 »
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2020, 09:35:40 am »


Edit 1. Finished playing. Declared end and added link to the save. Will then do short write up of what happened.

Edit 2: Added the write-up of events.

In Summary:

As I took control of this fort, it was still in siege by some undead. I believe two of the undead were trapped in Chips' pit, and there was one undead axedwarf up at the surface along with the Invader which I suppose was the leader.

I couldn't figure out a safe way to obtain the anvil from the wagon outside. I like to be on the safe side of things, so I set up walls behind both doors leading to the outside, with the thought they can always be taken down later.

I decided I'd start a glass industry to make some glass spikes, with the goal to create another pit full of spikes, with a narrow lane with glass weapon traps at a time. Got the glass industry up, but never got around to the pit, because I noticed dwarf caravan arrived with the liason. How?!

Turns out while I was busy setting everything up, a 15 year old human warrioress by the name of Ulum Agegil came to visit, slayed the undead axedwarf with a silver whip, and I assume this spooked off the Invader leader. I found the battle report, and missed it by two months.

Opened up the fortress to the lovely world, grabbed that anvil, and decided I would start setting up the adamantine industry, based off what was showing deep down below. While setting all this up, another siege comes. Seriously? Had to close up the doors and wall off the entrances again. This siege is larger than last time, and I was able to sink a few more undead into Chips' pit. Fortunately, a small migrant wave was able to come prior to the siege.

A forgotten beast wandered into the caverns, luckily with no path into the fortress. Though I had panicked at first and built a stone wall blocking one hallway. Sadly, I didn't see that I had trapped our brave manager within that hallway, and he succumbed to thirst and hunger after a while.

Made an adamantine statue of our heroine Ulum Agegil, and placed it outside of her engraved inn-room.

We were able to gather a fair bit of adamantine, until one of our digger's(Stukos Zanegtaguz) tapped into a vertical adamantine shaft, that lead to places no dwarf should dream of. Stukos didn't like the sounds she heard coming up from this shaft, and wasn't too happy that I immediately assigned her to a burrow in that room, with the task of building a pillar to block the shaft off. She was SO close to getting that wall completed too..."Construction nearly done."

Anyway, I was prepared for the worst and had a hatch at the top of the stairs, which was the only way out. Forbade the passage, and built a 3 layer thick wall surrounding it, along with a memorial slab to our dear Stukos.

And so now the fortress is in your hands.

---The good---
We got our anvil!
We got a small migrant wave!
We have the groundworks of a glass industry!
We have the groundworks of an adamantine industry!

---The bad---
We got re-sieged...
We trapped and murdered our manager...
We dug into a vertical adamantine shaft and lost a digger...

---The ugly---
There are at least 25 beings from the
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trapped beneath an orthoclase floor hatch. Appears sealed for now...

Names to remember:
Ulum Agegil - rebellous teenage girl with a silver whip who came to our fortress to slay monsters, and ended up scaring off the first siege. Sad fact, she literally just got married the year prior. Now she's locked in our fortress without her love. The statue outside of her inn-room is her and her mate embracing. *tear*

Stukos Zanegtaguz - Dug too deep and found more than she bargained for. To quote her memorial slab, "Loving wife."

« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 02:43:01 pm by Rockslide »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2020, 03:06:24 pm »

And post the save before doing the write-up, if you aren't doing the write up as you play, that way others can be involved while you finish what you want to say.
4.At the end of your session, post I DECLARE I AM FINISHED, and INCLUDE THE SAVE. Don't putz about, all that's needed is the file.
Sorry Terrapin, I should have read the rules a little closer! I kind of hogged the save for 24 hours, didn't I  :-[?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2020, 11:20:37 am »

Well what a great idea this is! A new format for succession, without the barrier to entry that is the usual time commitment and expectation of lengthy, pictured writeup. I'll have to play once my turn at Smithsoldier is complete.
Our planters are laggardly about the raising of the plots.

Mystified, I observe in secret the doings of the planters-- and discover to my chagrin that they have all the while been forced to march to the very edge of our territory, to lay spores by the bed of a far-flung river!

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What pointless, what preposterous inefficiency! I order the offending plots dismantled, that our hard-laboring sporemasters might gather and sow without such miserable tribulation.

Your choice of words gives off "17th century landowner who is disgusted with the peasantry" vibes.. it had me laughing. Why does that tone fit so well with dwarves of all things?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2020, 11:26:45 pm »

Well, I have some time, so I'll give it another go; I Declare I am playing.  I declare I am Finished
Summer, 368
I only ordered a small nook to be carved out of the mountain to shelter us before handing off the position of overseer. However I certainly did not expect those who followed to blitz towards the underworld with such speed. Yet, we've not any magma smelters set up! What's the point of racing towards Armok's warm embrace and not harnessing the blood of the earth? As Ral mines, I shall have many of us smooth stone as to not fall idle, and to increase the fort's appeal. We also don't have proper rooms. Another thing to prioritize. 
Autumn, 368
I don't know how we found out.... but the demons are having children...

New domiciles have been excavated, as well as the foundations of the magma forge chambers. I think a library will be next, so that we can sate our intellectual needs.
Winter, 368
While I was busy with the interior of the fort, the siege left, and a migrant wave arrived. Only seven, and none particularly skilled, or suitable for the military. For now, they can haul all equipment from the visitors slaughtered by sieges.

Everyone is vomiting as well, since we've been cooped up so long. While we have access to the outdoors, I will be training my woodcrafting skill, so in the future we can all sleep upon the most luxurious beds.

Glassmaker Oddom has been taken by a mood! Claiming the only glass workshop, and requesting glass, we must build another...sigh...

It comes to my attention, we have visitors in the main hall? The mountainhomes should not be open to the public. I shall designate an external tavern for visitors in the near future. However having only one miner means things go rather slowly. Once melting down old equipment, new picks shall be made.

Oddom has completed a glass statue of one of the ghouls trapped in the pit. Charming. On another note, a devilish warthog of sorts is in the cavern now.

Spring, 369
Ah, the siege of the year has arrived, practically as scheduled. And as soon as I order everyone to hea for the burrows, another force of darkness arrives at the same time. As our military still only consists of chips, and I don't feel like sending him to his death, we retreat into the mountain once more.

I must resign now, despite not finishing many of my projects(such as the reinforcement of the front, the exterior tavern/temple, or fancier catacombs), we do now have some proper rooms as well as magma forges.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 10:09:04 am by 10terrapin01 »
I want to tell you they were bad men, cephalo.  I want to tell you that with a better overseer the Fortress never would've gotten so bad someone would get offed in a pointless fisticuffs.
But the sad truth charlie?
It was inevitable.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: World of Convenience 2: Electric Boogaloo V47.04
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2020, 04:16:22 pm »

I declare I am playing  8)
I declare I am finished. A few death ghouls were so fast they managed to get in before a dwarf pulled the lever  :'( Just use the last save by terrapin01 if you want to play
« Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 09:59:42 pm by chips »