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Author Topic: Between the Mountains IC  (Read 4464 times)


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2019, 04:08:52 pm »

From dreams of bubbles and clouds made of skies, does Yume awaken. She takes closer notice of what lies in this lake. What the area around her is like.

Non-action, just a general view of what lies here.



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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2019, 06:23:21 pm »

Action 1: Xelathan is still hungry and decides to use 1 DP to crave out an offering bowl of such size that even he could use it as a bowl in his hex...

action 2: Xelathan then creates a fantastical Organism 3CP, he first uses his massive maw to catch unfortunate sea creatures and starts to chew them to paste, then he uses his tongue shape the paste into a couple of creatures that he was satisfied with than he spat them out into the offering bowl he made earlier and then he takes the last step by bleeding out some of his own life blood into the newly formed bodies to grant them the spark of life...
Spoiler: Xelathan's blood born (click to show/hide)

Action 3: Xelathan then hunts other creatures to show the Sea Viper Naga who is on top and teach them how to hunt...
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2019, 07:36:35 am »

Action 1: Bipram explores her hex looking for the silent creature from when she first woke up
Action 2: If Bipram finds the large silent creature, she follows it for as far as she is able to move
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:12:34 am by Naturegirl1999 »

Happy Demon

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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #33 on: October 23, 2019, 11:56:57 am »

[Krupp, The Primordial Corpse]

Krupp awakens in the snow, it pulls free it's hooves and paws from the ice, and it walks forth. Seeking kindred, but then it sees the Ice Walkers strike down a Caribou.
"Kindred... fallen, hunger, fallen, hunger, HUNGER!"
Krupp rushes forth, toward the Ice Walker who slayed the Caribou.
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2019, 10:16:54 pm »

While the slumber was pleasant, the world changed around Vorak was faster than expected. Desecrated Labyrinth entrances of pathetic dark binding magic is annoying for his purposes of the home.

Reviewing the information the watcher has collected has left another goal in mind: There is something out there that is alive, dead, or neither. With a brief visit to the spirit realm, names exchanged and a being, perhaps a mortal, to seek.

Action 1: Dispel the locks the mortals have constructed around the Labyrinth

Action 2: Gather any of the offerings discovered on the way (especially if they prove useful)

Action 3: CrEaTiOn TiMe

Spoiler: A utility weapon (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Subsoul orders (click to show/hide)


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2019, 02:05:37 pm »

"Hmm... Mayhaps I made a slight mistake. Well, the worship is most certainly nice. Continue, and have kids too."

"Hmm.. Well this is as nice as I thought it was. The perfect place for yet another Tower of Winds."

Action 1: Natural Wonder Creation, Tower of Winds
Natural Wonder
Cost: 2CP+4DP=6P
Name: Tower of Winds
Appearance: A tall tower that supports itself deep into the earth below for it's foundation. Rising up 100 Feet, at the top is a chamber open to the elements, and a large crystal emitting a purple-white light across the land. There appears to be no way up to the top of it, other than climbing and braving the winds that whip around it's upper half.
Purpose: Cleanses the Water around it to be drinkable and livable in by all. It's light and presence causes all who see it to be warped, imprinting the image of Yume no kaze into them and causing them to worship her. Even in their dreams does this persist, mortal or immortal. The tower itself is effectively unbreakable, and will constantly repair itself if damage is done. Acts as a beacon of Influence for Yume, allowing her to act in the chamber at the top even if she has no other INF in the hex. Though the Chamber is open, the strong winds wrap around the tower's upper half, preventing the interior from being sullied, and knocking away climbers and flyers.

Breakdown of effects,
Cleansing: Removing the ability for water to poison the drinker or those who live in it.(Kills off Diseases) DP. Affects the area the tower touches the water, but will spread to other areas that water touches. Note that drinking salt water still isn't that healthy for fresh water drinkers, and vice versa.
Yume Worship Impression: CP/DP. Implanting knowledge of Yume no kaze, the Dream of the Winds, and removing their ability to not worship Yume. WORSHIP! (Also makes the tower's Light itself an object of worship, representing Yume's Purifying Light, hence making them want to protect it from those who'd destroy it.)
Restoration of Tower: CP. Restores damaged areas.
Winds: P. By nature, a Ward which will knock away anything that tries to pass that isn't Yume.

Damaging the tower will weaken the effects that rely on CP, however when not damaged, that power goes into effects that require CP. Likewise, the winds are only needed when something tries ascending the tower, and protects the upper sections.

"Hmm. For this one. Ah, coral accents. A bunch of nice and pretty coral corals, smooth to the touch. I'll leave some bone-white parts as well to accent them.

Hehe. Everything shall be pretty.

Yume no kaze moves up to her tower's chamber to look over the land.

Not an action, simply a view of her seconddomain. We should be able to see all the way to the nearby hexes from up here.

"Very nice."

hmm. I think I have a nice idea for later.

"Ah... Well, time to take a peak at them. I wonder which is their leader.."

Yume no kaze turns her attention to her worshipers. Just a bit. It has become known as the Swamp Tower, huh..

Beginning Accroument Creation. Let's see about gifting it to someone as a leader.

A gentle, invisible light envelops the People around the swamp's tower. It enters their dreams and speaks softly. In time, the light grows to be visible to all.

And during this time, all can fell the presence of their god, the one they must worship. As it should be. On whispering winds does the voice of dreams speak to many and none.

On whispers of wind does

OoC: Robo, reactions to begin the IC talk.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2019, 01:15:50 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2019, 01:38:42 pm »

Awakening with Malaya, Vahranis is pleased at Mata's accomplishments, and sends word through Valt praising her for defending her people.

Action 1 (Tag action with Malaya (Tiruin) (2 CP (Alter Creature)): Stone Backs into Stalwart Hearts
However, he is no fool. A large force was sent fleeing from Mata's thunderous defence of the longarms and the trees. It would unwise to think that would be the last of the hairy creatures trying to approach the longarms and their forest. Working with Malaya, he finds a large population of stoneback lizards, and modifies them; granting them a humanoid shape, and replacing their laid-back attitude with one of industriousness, and further bolsters them as communal creatures, along with their mental capacity being expanded upon and their strength fortified. Finally, to make them distinct from the creatures they came from, he grants them a more vibrant colour scheme, granting them green, orange, blue or brown scales, in place of their own grey scales.

The end result is a creature standing at roughly 1.2 metres high, which forms and maintains social bonds better and has more of them, and a drive to do things instead of lethargically sitting around waiting for a meal. To this, Vahranis names them Stalwarts, for they will willingly lay down their lives to defend their homes, land and allies from those that would seek to cause them harm

Name: Stalwa
Appearance: Humanoid Lizards standing at roughly 1.2 metres, with either green, orange, blue or brown scales
Traits: Communal, Strong, Industrious, Intelligent, Passionate, Magic Resistant

Action 2 (2 DP (Minor Curse)): Sealing Evil
With the source of what the Longarms considered evil identified, Vahranis makes a decisive move to block it entirely. Causing a cave in to seal off this entrance to the realm below, no creature would be able to get through the mass of rock which would now encase the entrance.

Action 3 (Free): A Creator's Benevolence
Vahranis teaches his newfound mortals to create picks and spades. teaching them to dig, burrow and carve through the ground to extract precious elements from it, which at the moment mostly consists of stone they can use.

Pass 4 DP to Malaya (Tiruin)
« Last Edit: November 11, 2019, 09:03:11 am by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2019, 08:31:13 pm »

Spoiler: Neurantal (click to show/hide)

Neurantal was pleased to see to see that the Haveners had grown strong. It was time to start teaching them to hunt knowledge as they now hunted food. He began searching for a disciple, a switcher with a curiosity about the world, who was always coming up with new ways to do things.

Having secured a guide for his people, Neurantal taught the Haveners about agriculture and the value of growing their own food so they didn't have to spend all their time hunting for it.

As his final act before hibernating he created a powerful staff. Not only would it increase his strength in combat, but more importantly it would allow him to carry over some of his power when sleeping.

Free: Give Aurum 1CP, Power the Haven 1DP
1: Create a disciple 1CP
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
2: Teach the Havenites agriculture
3:Create an accoutrement, the "Staff of destruction." 4DP
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: November 05, 2019, 10:29:33 pm by Sudurandom »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2019, 01:57:23 am »

Waking up somewwhat late, Kapesh wasted no time in enacting his will.

Action 1: 3CP (Average Accoutrement).

Code: [Select]
Name: Ancestor Amulet
Appearance: A simple amulet made of bone, unadorned and without much artifice put into it
-Souls of dead mortals near the Amulet are scanned and copied by the Amulet, storing a false-spirit intelligence of the dead maned one. The wearer of said amulet can commune with these copies as they wish.
-Allow the wearer to see minor spirits.

Action 2: Enter ingress via meditation
« Last Edit: October 27, 2019, 03:21:00 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2019, 11:53:07 am »

Awakening with Malaya, Vahranis is pleased at Mata's accomplishments, and sends word through Valt praising her for defending her people.

Action 1 (Tag action with Malaya (Tiruin) (2 CP (Alter Creature)): Stone Backs into Stalwart Hearts
Sharing Power with another entity had great potential, but also coming with more responsibility within the institutions of culture. The Longarms were an ancient people, and whose trees were considered divine and holy despite not speaking back or having any particular fantastical significance other than provision of basic needs, and whose lore was orally kept and preserved within the stories told by arborist to arborist, and people to people. They were content, and after conferring with Vahranis, Malaya agreed to ensure this contentment was upheld that in the future, it may be spread.

Thus Power was exchanged through application.
Action 1: 4CP Sapient-ize (game mechanic) the Stalwart Hearts...and let them develop their own name as a civilization.
There were a group of lizards nearest to the Longarms that inhabited the dark green groves--the multicolored trees they found home and sustenance from were all even-spaced and nigh-perfectly complementing each other. It was through a free spirit sight and talk with Mata that it was known that these were Illan's trees; Illan was the first arborist, and for some reason, much of the oral lore was...garbled.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Malaya felt it was the wear of age or some kind of lacking scrutiny that affected these.

Thus they created.
Action 2: Create Accoutrement (6DP, shared with Vahranis)
Spoiler: Accoutrement (click to show/hide)
Through voice or thought, there existed another form that went by the common tongue between peoples and spirits--that of song, either vocal or instrumental; a mutual relationship, as well as the tools needed to be able to work with the relationship. Underlying worship that covered the translation of power from the exchange and communications of the people; power was neither created nor destroyed but transformed, and it was communicated through different means.

The accoutrement was given to Valt, to give better options in the years to come as well as work with resources better. The Stalwart Hearts were basically already knowledgeable with fire and tool-use, with cultural differences in their groups and by their understandings. Mata was requested to spread teachings onto them and help guide them, given that they were the only Longarm outside the forest that, apparently, had ever stepped outside the forest!

Action 3: Turn into an Idol
Upon request of Mata, given their form, Malaya noted that perspective meant a lot to the people, and given the context of the situation, it was perhaps most useful to become a font or figurehead which would be intended to be used as a symbol of love, strength, and solidarity. The world was older than their memory, and they were not working with a nascent people. It was time to take roots into the world and instead of causing the very fragile line of tyranny to form, it was perhaps time to manifest and guide instead. With these at hand, perhaps the notion of and outside the binary of New and familiar, of the individual as merely one form or a two-standard scale, would become more diverse. Perhaps one day, the Longarms would bring their contentment outside of the forests and into the greater world--most of which was unknown in their lore.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2019, 10:39:51 pm by Tiruin »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2019, 12:20:14 am »

Combat Update: Krupp

Krupp, draped in fell-hide watched over the herds as they wandered across the ice. The endless migration in search of food. Yet, upon the ice, all is danger. Hunters of the icewalker tribes hunt the caribous and, in turn, become hunted. Krupp struck down one before assulting their village. In a matter of minutes they had killed several archers, only to be beset by ancestral spirits. Luckily, they meant Krupp little harm, only to reclaim the bones of their descendants. Upon discovering this, Krupp charged at the bone bell which seemed involved in their summoning, only to stop just short of the bell. An elderly man stood between Krupp and their target, unmoved by fear of death. In a tense moment, the two exchanged words, and then exchanged gifts. The icewalkers gave Krupp a prized and rare fish, and in turn Krupp gave them a multitude of scales. Upon leaving the village, Krupp told them to each of the scales, and that they would return once again in 50 years with a hunger.

Happy Demon

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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2019, 12:42:11 am »

[Krupp, The Primordial Corpse]
Actions: 2/3, CP: 2/2, DP 4/4.

Krupp has granted the Frost Walker tribe scales, and instructed them to eat. But did not inform them of their true effects.
The scales cause changes within the flesh of the Frost Walkers. Even those who abstain are changed, because it affects them through the ancestral link. Which also means any separated family member is altered, but not all Frost Walkers are closely related enough. The changes occur over the course of months for those who only partook in one scale, weeks for those who took several, and years for those who did not consume, with many more years for separated kin.
Krupp uses 2 CP to change the tribe of Frost Walkers and their kin into Sukulainen.
First it manifests as itching, pale hair, and even some skin peeling, the itching is particularly over their butt. Then they reveal scales on their neck, their arms grow hairy, and there's a protrusion above their butt, though covered in fine fur.
When the first is altered enough to notice, Krupp informs them of their new name.
"You are Sukulainen, people of Suku."

"Food may spoil, and I don't want rotten food. So I shall provide a cauldron where food never spoils."
Krupp uses 4 DP to create Kessel, the Old Cauldron, which breaks down anything organic into widely edible Broth. It will cost a maintenance of 1 DP per turn after this one.
"Anything that is or was alive, will be turned to broth, inside."

Then Krupp walks off into the snowy wasteland, to slumber.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2019, 01:09:49 am by Happy Demon »
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2019, 12:34:02 am »

Non-Action: Give the current Regent, and bearer of my previous gift, the Ancestor Amulet. "I grant you wisdom of the ancients. In time, the tribe shall hear the voice of the passed away."

Action 3: Kapesh creates the Stormgrill, a minor monument of Destruction atop the peak of the Mountain [1DP/Turn]

Appearance: An obelisk of what appears to be normal sandstone, it is the height of three maned ones.
Purpose: The Stormgrill strikes lightning at any enemy of the maned ones who come to the hex of the Mountain, cooking them to perfection. The ensuing corpses taste divine.
Maintenance: 1DP
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #43 on: November 07, 2019, 11:59:12 am »

(As time allowances declare unto me “go fucketh yourself”, have something really bare-bones to make sure the turn can be happened.)

Create gold (3 cp) and copper (2 cp) in the region near Haven, and teach the Haveners metalworking, including the creation of coins for trade. Make sure to explain the differences between the metals.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #44 on: November 08, 2019, 09:57:04 am »

Quote from: Discord
And so Yume takes the time to make them realize who it is speaks, as they fall into a waking dream.
After an introduction to who it is that speaks,

"I have to say this is disappointing. No females anywhere in this disparate lot of you. In fact, I learn that some of you decided to kill them."
"They were to perform the sacred duty of childbirth through which mortals have prospered for generations, and would do so into the future. The bearers of the first generation of free dreamers."
"And what do I find but those who's dreams and wishes moved beyond reason and into decline."
"I was half-tempted to simply curse the lot of you then and there with becoming those very Bearers. As is, my own ambitions prevent this. For now...."
"And so I ask, what was going through your heads when you decided to do so. Did you godless heathens decide that you could escape others alone? While I applaud that ambition, without reason and forethought, you have ended up here."
"Not only that, but none of you seem to have truly accepted this fate."
"And so, before I let you answer what you were thinking, I set down commandments for my worshipers."
"First off, I do not expect prayer to pass through your lips in every second of the day. Merely an hour of Prayers and wishes will do. I can accept that some days you may not be able to do this, but I expect this to come normally. The more devout of you may continue your prayers throughout the day, simple one minute ones.
However, those who have not truly accepted to worship me and offer worship from their minds, hearts, and souls, will be forced to continue their current form of worship."
"Second, if you truly worship me as those who would be raised to worship me, you can freely leave this place. Though I don't expect you to do so, as this place is protected by the very light that demands worship of you.
In accordance with your own wishes, I demand tribute. When you leave to pillage and plunder, part of your treasures shall be sunk to the base of my Tower. Likewise, women shall be cared for in society, treated preciously for their role in continuing my worship, in bearing the next generation. Do not mistreat them or kill them simply because they are not men. For women, this also applies to men and women both, do not mistreat them either. You are a community, and one I wish to see thrive."
"Your shortsightedness would lead to you becoming nothing more than a footnote in history, but for your desires. I am a god of dreams both grand and small. And so to the third commandment, nurture those dreams."
"Fourth, make sure you teach others of these commandments, and the children who grow up in this place. My Tower cleanses disease in the water, and so is safe to drink. Likewise, those who have grown up in this place shall be my worshipers already, and be free to come and go as they please. As you would so long as you truly worship me."

"Hmph. Rapscallions is right for that bunch.. Well, I suppose it's off to the next area."

By my estimates, umm.. I think it will be another 200 years before I'm ready to settle down and work.

Action 3.

"Time for another long nap..."

Yume ends up in the middle of the lake, more or less, and falls into dreams of colorful clouds.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:21:43 am by TricMagic »
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