Here, at this place!
Hey folks! I've been around this place as a lurker mostly but, after seeing krugg-smash, BlindIRL and a few others I was inspired to try modding DF a little. The biggest thing I've wanted is to have Dwarf Fortress take on a Papery sort of feel. I haven't gotten those colors down- and I did try a few based on cartography -but, I feel I've gotten a product together that would be good to share. The text is based on the New Courier Font and is adjusted for readability on all Modern monitors. However, by deafult it's rather large. I'm working on a smaller one, as just scaling things down could get ugly and I'm not sure how it'd look..
If I had to guess, by default it's a 16x16 tile-set it was based on the Standard Curses but upscaled by 100% to make it easier to edit and fuss with. (pixels are hard!). Really it's been in my computer for a while so I really don't know. That's the best i can recall.... Either way!
Here is my tile-set, and the colors I use for my own game as well as a few experimental shots I've taken as I've tried figuring out the colors.
This isn't the, fanciest, maybe, and I'm not planning for anything larger than this, but, It's fun to experiment with things and figure this out. If you have any input, or wish to make changes, reach out to me in DM or here.
Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy it for what it is.
Edit:Yes, It has Dots, yes, that's the intent. This is basically a tile set to feel like it was Drawn or using a Type-writer. I kept the Standard Dorfs cause I like'em.
Change Log::
1.0.0 Initial release
1.0.1 Slight change to sheet to make wheelbarrow sprite more on center and some other cut-offs.