ImageToMapEdit: I fixed a problem, I'm compiling with java 8 instead of 16 now, and it should work.
This is a tool that can take an image, and turn it into a dwarf fortress map for generating new worlds.
It can generate a map for elevation, temperature, drainage, volcanism, and savagery. It works by using a certain color to represent a high value, and colors far away from it will be a low value. You can set which color you want to use for each image, to make it easier to work with in image editing programs.
Installation:First, you need java installed. Then just download the .zip, extract the .jar to somewhere, and run it. It will create a settings file in its location, so you might want to put it in its own folder.
DownloadUsage:To use, you need to load your world_gen.txt file. Then select the parameter set from the list that you want to add the map to, or make a new one.
Then select the images that you want to use.
Then when you save it, it will save the map to the parameter set that you selected.
How the image and colors work:
It will read the image with a color close to the selected color as a high value, and a color far from it as a low value. So if the selected color for elevation is white, black will be the lowest possible elevation, white will be the highest, and grey would be in between.
Once saved, go in game and design a new world with advanced parameters, and use the region that you added the map to. You might get rejections, for example if the the map doesn't have enough room to place all of the civilizations, then you would have to reduce the number of civilizations by pressing e on the region and changing the settings. See here for dealing with rejections: "reduce rejections" setting in my program sets the following settings to 0: