Yeah, blue spawn is now in a big ruin like ~8 seconds of running from the blue ladders up/previous spawn. You run across the field to the ladders and/or the gate now, wherein you can get murked by horses as mentioned and which is about as boring as the rest of the other games where you spawn way the hell back from anything interesting happening. I hear red spawn is BASICALLY the same, but I also always play blue so I'm not sure.
I think they added stairs up from the blue-side's gate entrance up to the wall too, because that exists now (even if it's like a terrible place for stairs but wHATEVER). I think last map was either balanced or a rare case of blue-leaning before, but now it seems pretty red-leaning. Most of the fighting that I've encountered on that map happens at the gate area now, and/or on the stairs.
I used to love that map because I had inexplicably consistent, massive success playing a dude with a war axe, fire bomb, and smoke bomb and just storming the center. It seems like most people are ignorant of the fact that you can climb the crates to get up to the treehouse so I can still do that sometimes but typically red just floods back in while my team mates get stuck brawling and can't hold the point like before, so it mostly doesn't matter anymore.
Also since I'm bitchin' 'bout map changes right now anyway: what the heck did they do to Taiga? It went from mostly balanced, maybe a little red-leaning, to hilariously blue-favored in one change, and I still have no idea what they actually did. I liked how the fights were around that rope bridge/the sneaky jump/the log bridge before, and even if it sucked when they'd hit the blue spawn because of how out of the way the red cart is from the typical blue route I think it's better than just the boring field-and-rock it usually happens in now.