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If Badwild dies, what should I do?

Start another goblin fort
- 2 (66.7%)
Make a succession goblin fort
- 0 (0%)
Reclaim it
- 1 (33.3%)
Go back to being a dwarf and end this thread
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: July 26, 2019, 08:54:25 pm

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Author Topic: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!  (Read 13156 times)


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2019, 11:51:42 am »

Pop is at 25 and slowly dropping. There haven't really been any major causes of death, the worst singular incidents killed like four goblins and otherwise it's just been death trickling in from sieges, tantrum murders, and insanity. Migrants are coming in small numbers at best and not at all (not even a message) at worst, so I expect the fort to continue to fizzle out.

Green is the weather thing, yeah. It causes vomiting, like the other purple rain.

And one siege per season isn't that bad, in spite of everything (crippling sadness, equipment bug, lack of organization) the military somehow remains effective enough that invaders are little more than an annoyance. I do have some seasons that don't bring sieges, but my near unceasing raids provoke a lot of attacks. If I'm lucky enough to get the siege in my designated kill zone cleanup goes pretty quickly, but if not then it doesn't matter because the surface is already coated in an insurmountable amount of corpses anyways. I just give a "dump all" order on corpses and body parts from the stocks menu every now and then.

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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2019, 04:51:35 am »

Well, this was entertaining enough.

The 4th felsite record is...yeah. Shame about the ogres.

Hm...Did you consider pre-engraving the slabs?

The craftsgoblin "all labours enabled" would seem like there should always be somebody to do shit. It was amusing and surprising when there wasn't.

It might be nice to do with the undead jabberer in the caverns maybe. But eh, goblis don't get nice things.

The landscape was beautiful before unpausing. Didn't even expect it to be too hilly, but here we are. Maybe toss a pick at someone to flatten it.

Digging out as much as possible near the aquier could actually be an interesting challenge. Seems like a conglomerate aquifer, I guess. I fear shallow metal is just tetrahedrite here tho.


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2019, 11:22:29 am »

I don't think you can pre-engrave slabs, it doesn't show anything but dead units on the list of things you can engrave slabs for.

Maybe I haven't posted enough pictures of the embark, but if I flatten the landscape then I quite actually would destroy my fort, it's inside the mountain.

I'm definitely not gonna prod around the aquifer, flooding my mines is not high on the priority list.

Also, I'm considering just dropping this fort and making a new one (probably on a new thread, since I accidentally broke the voting thing on this one), I don't think Badwild has any more stories left to tell, at least, not ones that are worth the effort to extract, cause this is gonna go on for ages unless I give it up, since my remaining warriors are halfway to invincible. Plus, the equipment bug makes it seriously unfun to play and forces me to break my own rules. Oh right, and I think I'm also running out of enemies to kill.


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2019, 11:24:28 am »

Running out of enemies to kill? Boredom and bugs starting to bog you down?
Clearly, it is time to break into [SPOILER].  :D
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2019, 12:29:32 pm »

Oh right. Brilliant idea, we get to watch these little buggers go out in a blaze of halfhearted glory. Also, I swapped my resolution back to 1330x768 or whatever, so images shouldn't be so huge anymore.

For the first time in a while, I have a look at the deeps, to prospect my chances of making a halfway decent battle arena as to not fight on a staircase or some crap. My goal isn't really looking at a caverns, but it's hard not to notice the fact that they're an absolute bloody mess.

The second thing I need to do is actually get some miners. I'll want a few, since I'm sure only like 2% of them would actually do any mining, between not grabbing their picks, using said picks as weapons rather than tools (for the express purpose of bashing other goblins' faces in, of course) or just refusing to do anything because of dumb excuses like "I'm sad" or "my family died in front of me, so I'd like a moment to mourn them."

Next on the list is drafting everybody, just because. I don't bother to change profession names or even process the migrants that came pretty recently, they just get told to grab whatever junk they can find and start training with the others. The barracks fills up again, at least a little bit.

Down below, I designate my battle corridor and make sure all the miners have picks to grab and whatnot. I burrow everybody inside to make sure nobody is continuing to dump corpses despite having better things to do. Of course, only two show; a sad medic/miner, and a fresh migrant who actually has a brain enough to grab a pickaxe and swing it. It's hideously slow, though, as neither have any skill in mining.

By the time its done with, the season is just turning around and I've made a few minor changes, along with some cut corners (which is purely literal). A big group of up stairs is also dug to allow for a rapid breach to be dug and let in a bunch of zombies, because, y'know, why not?

Everything seems to be in place, so I order everybody to hop to it and get down there for their first (and probably last) assisted suicide group project.

And, as is tradition in Dwarven society, overseers must always leave a cliffhanger when breaking down the doors of hell itself.

Yes, I did do this update entirely in like an hour.


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2019, 12:36:21 pm »


Lookin' forward to the finish.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things! (spoilers)
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2019, 04:22:56 pm »

Wait no longer!

The forced-to-participate brave warriors of Badwild prepare themselves for their hardest battle yet! The sounds of the demon horde grow louder, the only miner who ever did anything against for this fort flees upwards out of the spire towards safety, and the rabble of epic warriors stands and waits.

And then the demons roll over them like nothing.

I'm not sure if my forces even took out a single one of them, much less several of them. Lets have a look at the old dead list, hm?

Spoiler: Dang. (click to show/hide)

We killed exactly one.

On the plus side, while looking at the very long list of deaths, I found out that we actually killed a dwarven king sometime along the way.

Time for the second phase to come into play! The demons bang on the three sets of stone doors while I wait for my miner to arrive and open up the caverns.

I also wall up the only overland entryway into the fort. There's still a path in, through the caverns, but that's all part of the plan. One poor sap gets walled outside, but I'm not waiting for him to crawl his depressed butt in here.

The demons finally get through, and rush the second doorway, the one with our trapped guy behind it.

He actually gets a nice hit in before dying, though.

And then the plan takes into effect! The demons start hunting down every single thing in the caverns and beating the crap out of it.

Spoiler: *laughs* (click to show/hide)

One of them also lights things on fire, because just metaphorically lighting the caverns on fire wasn't enough.

Then, a hero comes!

It gets instantly killed, and then reanimated a few times and instantly killed again and again.

Did I mention that there's some children playing down near the caverns where all this is happening?

Oh wait. Nevermind. The plan is still working perfectly, though. With how flight and pathing works, these clowns won't go into the fort unless they coincidentally go up onto the ledge while chasing some cavern creature, and then the said creature dies. This keeps it a slow trickle, which means whatever warriors didn't kill themselves at the mass-suicide booth can kill a few demons before they themselves get killed.

Those demons soon come up to the barracks.

The battle actually goes in favor of the goblins, thanks to superior numbers and the fact that all of those demons were made from ash.

At this point, population is down to 7, and three of them are insane.

After a while of demons running around murdering random cavern wildlife, I get bored with the carnage and tear down the wall that keeps them from pathing into the fort. The horde streams in and murders everyone.

Except... wait, my game isn't over? Who's left?

... Ah. The girl who tore down the wall fled into the caverns.

She too, eventually gets chased down, and is finally cornered in the battle corridor.

She's a legendary lasher, yet has no gear other than a silver halberd.

Remarkably, she kills eight demons before she gets overrun. How that happened is anyone's guess. They were all soot and snow, but still, that's astounding for a warrior that is merely legendary + like 8.

So ends Badwild. Mission success. Well, it was sort of impossible to fail since dying is literally like the only thing that is guaranteed to happen. But y'know, take what you can get. Anyways, here's a gif of the entire fortress.

And they all died horribly lived happily ever after.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2019, 04:44:43 pm »

And they all died happily ever after.
That was a delightful rollercoaster of a fort. Thankee kindly for the ride. :)
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2019, 11:30:04 pm »

Ah well about slabs then. Maybe I have too many dead and have lost track of who lives and who dies. Maybe with dfhack.

Didn't catch that abou the embark, yeah.

And this hellfight....Neat to see. That went surprisingly poorly - I wonder if the fire demons made them unable to move their whips by their mere presence.

The barracks three handful doing better than ten times their number demonstrates the importance of chokepoints and releasing enemies only bit at a time as well.

In hindsight of the complaints about idlers, it's perhaps not so surprising that some goblins had time to find love, marry, settle down, start a family, and then die in a brave last stand to defend their children from the forces of hell. They perhaps told them something short, sweet and reassuring, like "I'm going to rip off a limb from demon and beat your ass with it!"

Gratz on finish!


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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2019, 01:30:08 pm »

Of course they all died. We knew that they'd eventually die.
Because that's what goblins do.
What a death though. That pink gobblin killing 8 ! Wow

Thanks for the epicness and the beautiful gifs.

See you in the afterlife.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Badwild: Let's go get killed by things!
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2019, 03:33:49 pm »

Link to the sequel for future readers!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2019, 05:05:14 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important
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