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Author Topic: Tomb Space: Neo Humans  (Read 549 times)

Tyrant Leviathan

  • Bay Watcher
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Tomb Space: Neo Humans
« on: July 02, 2019, 12:40:58 pm »

They called you freaks. Out of fear, they hunted you and casted you out. Now at least your people know freedom. Space is a harsh mistress though and should be ever ready for bad stuff to happen

Notes: Get to make your teams

Each one who voted is a leader with five underlings.

On to the unique stuff.

Neo Humans:


Psionics: Everyone in Base Team is a Psionic. Leader down to minion.

Conditioned: They are less likely to flip out/sane damage or panic/fear.


Not all are equal: Only three classes/units can cast multiple times. Some only once a match. Others can go beyond power casting of four (like the leader) doing so, hurts them. Must roll how much directed damage in that case.

Unique Gear:

1: Force Blade: Costs 60 points. It is a blade that is channeled by psi energy. Requires a power stat point to keep charged. Melee, it hits hard.

2: Focus Point: A Keep sake that helps one channel
Psi energy in turning them on.

3: Boost: A drug met to allow psion to gain psi points. For more casting.

Starting psionics:

1:  Tactile Telekinesis: Having super strength, just with power on.

2: Telekinetic Barrier: Provides defense bonus.

3: Screamer: Channel energy in lungs to voice box and unleash. Painful scream that can hurt/kill and blast off locks.

4: Telekinetic Grab: For getting options or screwing around With foes gear.

5: Push: Knock around target with force wave.

6: Manipulation: Able to use weapons/items hands free thanks to use.


Leader: Start off free but afterwards needs 150. These guys are the head honcho, they do commands and have the best gear and access team super stuff.

Elite: These guys are the ones who can become Leaders in a pinch. Good at everything and can give orders and bring back morale. 100 points.

Caster: One who casts magic. In non power side, has Quantum tamper driver for false spells. They work, just super science than real supernatural. Cost is 80 points.

Tech Magic:

1: Quantum Bolts: Basically magic missile. Power stat decides how many and damage.

2: Ablative Field: Energy Force Field with four layers of protection. Good until all break, device loses power or switch ability.

3: Warp: Can move instantly to point A and B as long a straight path.

Brute: Big strong guys of the team. Using the biggest and heaviest stuff. Have penalty in mental stuff but can overpower most normals due to muscle mass. Cost is 60 points.

Engineer: One who is good with technology, hacking, repairs and building them. Decent in combat. 50 points.

Can hack, bonus if picking up loot, and can build things in Team time. In combat can do following specials.

1: Can turn on equipment.

2: Build a turret. For bottled check points.

3: Repair robotic/machine parts.

Carver: 50 points to buy. These guys are not good at fighting. They are the medics of this game.

1: Heal: Get some hp back.

2: Cure: Defeat status damage like disease and poison. Even get sanity back.

3: Fix ya up: Should target team mate have something crippled in stat, the Carver fixes said body part.

Minion: They are free. So no cost. All they do is have stats, can equip, and fight. That’s that really. Nothing fancy. Red shirts of game.

 Leaders, Elites and Casters Get three Powers. Brutes, Engineers And Carvers 2. Minions get 1 Power.

Alrighty first Order. Design while making up your crews of sixes. Leader and five others.

Note the stats from main thread.

Tyrant Leviathan

  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Tomb Space: Neo Humans
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2019, 08:03:25 pm »

Ok leader stats. Then have 600 points to spend on..

: huff and poof: Damn, did the universal list of gear. How much points you start is to be discussed I. Individual threads

Universal gear: please note despite everything it is still a Arms Race in Rules. This time only in working order and price. I could have just vomit forth all my ideas down on paper, did not.


Melee: Strength + Skill + Speed And Weapon Type = total damage.

1: Blade: Free! A knife that is easy concealable and does it’s job. Cut and stab. 20 damage to Melee results.

2:  Normal Weapon: cost is 25. Any basic close combat weapon will do. 40 damage to total.

3: Greater Weapon: Really Big Weapon That does tons of damage. Need the strength for it though. Extra 60 damage total if Wounds. 50 points.

4: Chain Blade: Cost is 75 Damage is a motorized blades weapon that comes in these forms:
Double sided buzzsaw Pole

Needless to say, someone will lose parts and blood from these weapons. 80 damage.

5: Scarlet Weapon: Made from a legendary material and when it strikes target, super heated results.full 100 damage to pile plus fire damage and addition burn stuff. 100 points. Also no sealing wounds, these weapons will actually explode blood vessels for more bleeding.

Guns: Good ole bang bangs. Keep in mind can make special ammo for bullet stuff. Also all guns fired up to four turns in row, then reload. Like X Com 2. Also the smaller guns can be “ aimed” for Fallout out style results.

1: War Hawk:  Big auto pistol. 25 damage if connects, range is 6. Cost: 20

2: Tactical Shotgun: Pick Shell or slug. Range six, damage base is 25-50 depending on distance and luck. Cost is 40

3: Arbalest: This one is a four shot gigantic cross bow that can be like a harpoon Gun. 50-90 damage and can fly target in surfaces to stick there. Cost is 50 range is 10

4: Assault Rifle: Classic Rifle with one aim shot, semi or full auto. 25-40 If single (but six shots) 40-70 If semi auto ( so now 3) or full Auto ( 2 max shots) for 70-150 total damage. Cost is 90 range is 10.

5: Sniper Rifle: King of the aim shots. 100-180. Call shot and chance if critical table. 100 cost. Range is 30.

6: Flame thrower: Four shots worth of super heated fluid/napalm Death. Stupid to use in space ships though. Firing is a focused burst or wall of flame. Can catch things on Fire ( which really kills the air quality.) 180-270 damage. 120 cost. Range is 8

7: Bazooka: One shot a time, blows stuff good. 270-360.  140 cost. ( Disaster in space ships, best for grounded missions.) range is 10.

8: Grenade Gun: 160. Special in can use custom grenades made or pre selected. Fires as many times have said grenades ( that limit is 12) then reload. Damage depends on the shell. Range is 15.

9: Heavy Machine Gun: Big mean firing Machine, four shots worth of 200-300 and can be used as a club for 12-60 damage.  Cost is 150. Range is 12.

10: Chain Gun: Cost is 180. Range is 8. Two shots. Said shots are 360-450 worth of bullet pouring damage.

11: Anti Tank Rifle: 200 Cost. Four single shots at 18 range. Said shots are 450 to 560 and can do a called shot if strong enough.

12: Missile Pod Gun: Cost is 225. Fire and forget as the six missiles coming out can lock into six targets or less, with more missiles to single target.

560-640 and they lock on/Chase their target. 22 range.

13:Laser Pistol: Cost is 230. A gun of unlimited shots as no reloads or over heat issues. Aimed single shots. 250-300 6 range.

14: Auto Laser: Auto Rifle Laser. Can go full auto or single shots. The only issue is the weapon can run hot and hurt owner to drop. No ammo needs though. Damage via bolts is 400. Auto fire six bolts come out.

15: Las Cannon: 250 cost. Can destroy defense save. Range is 14. 4 shots of laser lances. 800 damage ( met to kill gigantic invader creatures and hunt dinosaurs.)

16:Celestial Gun: Cost is 300. It has four levels of potency ( Red weakest, then yellow, white and blue.) Not just that but many mods ( cannon shot, artillery shot, charge, burst or explode shot.) shots depend on power before reload. Red is four, yellow three, white two, blue one. The damage shows though but if o we use maximum power too much, it can blow up on you. Damage:
Red: 80-120
Yellow: 120-240
White: 240- 480
Blue: 480-600.

And reason the numbers are so high is some of the npc Forces/monsters are that Freakken scary tough.

Arms Race features can be anything though, what you make you keep for free.

Please note there are now following mission places. Space Ships, Space Hulks, Planetary Ruins, in a civilized city ( depends where) and lastly Gladiator Jobs.

1: Combat Wear: Clothing That doubles as armor. Only 5 defense. Free.

2: Carapace Armor: 20 def  value. Cost is 50. Made from big dead bugs or alloys.

3: Nano Armor: For 40 defense and a suit that acts like private medic unit, not bad for 100.

4: Power Armor: Defense is 60, jacks physical stats and can carry extra weapons due to gravity plates. 200 points worth.

1: Deflector: Three uses, it bounces stuff away. 150 points.

2: Absorbing  Field: 200 points. Unless attack is over field limit, it stays on user as it absorbs enemy attacks to stay on. Self value is 16. Anything more breaks it.

3: Shield Wall: Make a impassable Wall If energy with strength 100 defense value. Though can be whittled down or out right destroyed or after three turns stops. 240 points.

4: Energy Sheath:  It costs 180. It is a recharging force field. It can be defeated if max of 70 breaks. But, if left alone, it comes back on. Also if damaged recharges then too.

1: Healing Powder: Works by pain numbing, to give impression of feeling better so “healthy.” Heals 5-15 damage. 40 points a pop.

2: The Green Elixir: It is Cure Basically, undoes bad stat effects. 40 points a pop.

3: Big Red: Iv Of Strange Red fluid, injected into living patient. Super intense healing factor occurs, Healing all damage, regrowth of organs and limbs! Yet, due to shock and pain cannot act 1-3 turns before going back to the fight. Can cause sanity damage. 120 points a pop.

4: Lazarus Needle: If Dead Team is dead less than five rounds, inject. They come back to life at half hp. Insanity damage is obvious 180 points. If no body or into turn six, true death.

5: Fixer kit: Repair robots and cyborgs Of machine parts. Can heal machine parts and even replace destroyed robot parts. 90 points a pop.

Help: Just helps party out.

Freebie: Carry sack: Can Carry up to twelve units of loot. Your own fear gets Own parts.

1: Fixer: 70 points a pop, fixes building destruction. Big help in space ship combat.

2: Scanner: Detect things with read out. Batteries good for four turns. Can also label If loot is safe. Warning as device is noisy and can alert others. 60 points.

3: Navi System: Fae style robots go out, map the areas and come back with details. Turn on twice, then need recharge. 90 points.

4: Escape Tether: Incase getting massacred Declare. Now a escape wormhole to hq. only open for one turn after turn on. 500 points a pop and one use.

5: Climbing tools: For 30 points can scale up walls and such.

Aside that can research new devices or psi powers.

Setting up background and missions.

Also depending on hub background can earn extra stuff.