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Author Topic: [IC] Frontier Breaker M.A.W.: Far Future Mecha Combat  (Read 458 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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[IC] Frontier Breaker M.A.W.: Far Future Mecha Combat
« on: November 30, 2021, 12:27:15 pm »

Theme Song (Mobile Armor)
It had started small, with reports of strange debris approaching from the Philadelphia’s eastern flank, not too long after the Promethean’s crew were rescued. Pill shaped metal craft the size of a shipping container that bore no markings, and broadcasted no IFF signals. Unidentified craft that nevertheless followed after the Philadelphia with a dogged tenacity. Steadily building up speed as the ship meandered its way through the debris field, while seemingly oblivious to the presence of the ship’s scouts. Scouts who found themselves unable to figure out what the damned things were, only that more were starting to drift into view.

Both wary of their apparent pursuer’s intentions, and all too aware of the battered and patchwork nature of the Philadelphia and her crew. The captain ordered the ship to gradually accelerate out of the debris field, hoping that their measured retreat and lack of hostility would convince their pursuers to give up their chase, or to at least buy them the time they needed to repair their damaged fighter craft.

Unfortunately, neither of that happened, as long before the scouts could pull themselves back to the relative safety of the ship, something strange happened within the enemy ranks.One craft after another began to break from their ranks, and seemingly break apart. The smooth gray metal coming apart in two halves to reveal the strangely humanoid form hidden underneath. A jagged, angular frame that pointed one end of the blocky, if all too recognizable tool it held in both hands, and opened fire. Pressing the scouts into service as the first line of defence against an all encroaching threat.

Which leaves the four of you here. Cramped inside of your cockpits as you stare out at the vast expanse of the Philadelphia's hangar bay. All too conscious of the teeming mass of machinery, supplies, and men in your way, and the disquieting sound of explosions in the distance that seemed to grow louder with each passing moment as your vehicles made their way to the ship’s catapults.

Of course, none of you were particularly eager to be here, as one of many squads assembled from volunteers and survivors from both sides of that grand battle. The four of you are only together by chance, either blessed or cursed to be one of the last charging into battle by the amount of work needed to turn your damaged or prototypical MAWs and Fighters into something more than a glorified metal coffin.

But as the steely grays and bright white light peels away from the ceiling above, and the unbroken mass of displays reveal the vastness of space lying just outside of the catapult’s walls. The four of you are given a moment to steel yourselves before the airlock seals itself shut behind you, a stark white line lights up on the floor, and the ‘dulcet’ sound of the radio operator’s voice crackles in to wearily state, “Teal Squad please be advised, you are about to be launched into an active combat zone, assume any vessels not broadcasting a valid Trojan or TAU IFF signature are hostile.”

A simple message appears on the lower left corner of your screens as she speaks, requesting that the four of you form an orderly line on the launching platform. “And be mindful of your distance from the Prometheus, your orders are to reinforce the defensive line, not to chase down retreating enemy vessels. We’re lost in space, there’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to retrieve your vessel if it goes down behind enemy lines.”

Another message appears on the lower left, reminding each of you that the gruff woman called ‘Spirit’ was nominally this squad’s leader. “If you have any questions I will be on station, but do remember that any information we have on enemy vessels is fragmentary at best. All we can say for sure is that they are numerous, well armed, and agile”

The catapult’s armor plated doors slowly slide open as the first vessel lines itself up on the electromagnetic rail, giving them a glimpse of a still distant battlefield littered with rapidly moving vessels, lingering wreckage, and the occasional explosive flash. “Godspeed ladies and gentlemen, godspeed.”
"I guess I gotta get all funky if I'm gonna make this work."-Stretch Armstrong


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: [IC] Frontier Breaker M.A.W.: Far Future Mecha Combat
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2021, 01:03:53 pm »

The hulking, hextuple-gunned MAW lumbered forth as its pilot ran the mandated system checks, plus a few more her experience told her would be helpful.
Quote from: Scathach
>Engine startup routine . . . done.
>Auxiliary power check . . . done.
>Regenerative plating check . . . done.
>Main battery traversal check. . . done.
>Lifesign analysis. . .
>>Oxygen usage. . . done.
>>Temperature range. . . done
>>Integrity check. . . SKIP
>>Heart rate. . .
>>Warning: Heart rate elevated. Notification of medical personnel recommended. Proceeding in 5. . .
"Cancel medical contact. Clear error." If her control setup had been slightly different, she would have slapped at the display. "Damned thing. Every single time." She was going into combat in a giant robot, of course her heart rate was a bit up. She'd gotten a bypass on the bodily integrity check - the thing constantly threw errors in response to her and nobody had seen fit to set up a new subroutine to accommodate - but she hadn't found a good way to do the same on the heart rate.
Quote from: Scathach

>>Blood pressure. . . done.
>>Lifesign analysis complete.
>Maneuvering thruster check. . . done.
>All tests passed. Unit is operational.
The pilot turned her comms on, ensuring she was on the Teal Squad channel. "I'll be going out last, as the heavy artillery. Clear the way for me and I'll watch your back." She didn't quite stop transmitting before she started to grumble under her breath about sensor data and target selection. "Let's get moving."
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Frontier Breaker M.A.W.: Far Future Mecha Combat
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2021, 06:29:55 am »

"Trojan friendlies on the IFF. How fickle the tides of fortune are." Dana scoffed to the void of her own cockpit. She was not so caught up in herself to interrupt official comms during important information distribution. But later. . . perfectly clear radio channels were boring, sterile. Real pilots, human pilots? There'd be some cross chatter, jokes, irritation, etc.

As her fighter slid onto the catapults, the voice over the comms diminished. Dana gave it a moment, then called out, "Copy that Score. Ya'll know how your ships work. Keep together and lets kill these motherfuckers. Over."

The G-force pressed her back into her liquid cushion seat, and in an instant, the ship was out in the void. The catapults certainly gave a strong start out of the ship. Wouldn't do to be picked off just outside the hangar, or within the burst range of the capital ship artillery that might detonate in the vicinity of a ship such as the Philadelphia.

Dana aligned her fighter abreast with Score, somewhat wide of the vector to the nearest enemy vessel. She would, begrudgingly, wait for a bit more intel in their approach before charging in.
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
  • The dark Knight of Eternity
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Re: [IC] Frontier Breaker M.A.W.: Far Future Mecha Combat
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2021, 11:10:38 am »

who all is in this game again?
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.