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Author Topic: InfantTale: You reincarnated to another world(Isekai Quest in Original setting)  (Read 1215 times)

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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You have been reincarnated to another world as an infant:

          Your name was Charles Stewart. But now it has changed. You died. The memory of the event evades your grasp.  You first woke surprised to see light. Your eyes squinted and you could hardly see. Your cry of surprise sounded across the entire area.  Many people heard your piercing scream. You were swiftly deposited into the arms of a huge woman who looks down at you. You could not make out anything about her your vision swam together. You looked at the blurred colors of your mother’s face and clothes. You heard her soft voice as she proclaimed a single word. “Ignis”

     You nursed before sleep claimed your fragile body. You awoke several times upon a huge fluffy rug. When you cried it took a little while, but a huge woman came after a minute or two and nursed you. It was difficult for you to stay awake, so you rested your head and slept again and again. The time you were awake seems short. But after over a couple dozen times of this happening. You finally were able to stay awake long enough to do anything.
     Now, you attempt to move but you only manage to wiggle a hand breadth. This happens several times before you notice that the mat you rest on is brown. Now you are less tired, and you recently managed to move four hand breadths before falling asleep. The next time you awake, you realize you have the time to think. So, you think about what you feel and what you want to do.

     What do you feel?

Spoiler: Feelings (click to show/hide)

     In the wake of your emotions, you think about what you should focus on? What do you think is important right now (Please choose up to 6. You may not actually do all of them, but you will try all the actions you choose.)

Spoiler: Focus Actions: (click to show/hide)

     You think about the words said around you. The word you hear most is “Ignis”. It was said with a hissing sound that is like a shushing sound. You don’t know if it means the same thing for them. Once, the huge woman drew out her vowels and changed her tone and rhythm of speaking. You think she was singing, but you could not tell what the words were. You do not remember her speaking any other words more than once. How do you want to approach language? (Please rank in order of preference-. You only need to give your top 2 picks.)

Spoiler: Language Approach: (click to show/hide)

     There are many things to look at. What do you notice? (Rank your top 2 picks. Put your favorites first.)

Spoiler: Senses: (click to show/hide)

     You can’t move much yet. This can be frustrating. How do you approach movement? (Please pick your top 2 choices. Put your favorites first.)

Spoiler: Movement: (click to show/hide)


Next update will be posted before 3:30 pm. Central Standard Time April 6, 2019.

Spoiler: Meta Questions: (click to show/hide)

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Known Traits:

Melodious voice - The ability to sing clearly and in pitch with less difficulty bonus to reaction checks fro singing, ? effect 1, ? effect 2.
Light Sensitive Eyes - makes it more difficult to look at bright things for too long.

Language Progress:
Exclamatory word 1 - Wow or a curse word unsure which.
"What" or "How" or "why" -  unsure which
"what" or "how or "why" 2 - is not the same as the one above but you can tell it is a  different question word.
Unknown preposition 1.
Ignis: Your New name.
Unknown song lyrics: No context to understand but you can still try to sing it.
Shh: A way of signaling to be quiet. may be shared between your languages.
Known Skills:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 03:13:00 pm by High tyrol »


  • Bay Watcher
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Given that there are a few different methods suggested to connect our past life with our new one, I wonder what the difference might be between hiding or exposing our level of knowledge to others? Are these people waiting for a special (re-)birth, and what might their reaction be? It's a good hook.


High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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Given that there are a few different methods suggested to connect our past life with our new one, I wonder what the difference might be between hiding or exposing our level of knowledge to others? Are these people waiting for a special (re-)birth, and what might their reaction be? It's a good hook.

OOC: Whether they are looking for a special rebirth is one of the things the mystery die is determining. I have several ideas for what the reaction is for hiding or exposing your knowledge level. When, how, and if you decide to expose it as well as the way you connect to your past self will change the effects of that decision.

This is a little scary, as I don't know whether "weirdness" is "cool fantasy magic stuff that's unfamiliar to your past life" or "horror movie gremlins that snigger in the shadows when you're not looking." I think I'd prefer the lighthearted version, myself, but I'm not the principal author.[/spoiler]
OOC: Both of these things apply to a degree. There are other things it changes too, both mundane and magical.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 03:29:26 pm by High tyrol »

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
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The Melody of Memories:
Update 2

     You feel inquisitive. You wonder what this place is like and how you got here. You are somewhat excited to see what there is to explore here.
    Examine mat: 52(with modifiers/Synergy.)
    Turn around: 31
    First you try to turn. It is difficult, but you manage to turn to look at what was to your left. As you do so, you look at the rug. You notice that it is spotted with large Grey, darker brown, and white patches. You could not have seen that from your original position so you. The fluffy feeling on your hands as you move around in it is nice. You also feel some areas which are matted and courser. Those parts are scratchy.
    Singing: 100(Natural Critical Success)
    Next you tried to sing. You decided to start with a scale to begin with to see how easily you can control your vocal cords. "Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do" 
   You have difficulty moving your mouth to get the right shapes but you get the pitch perfectly on your first try as best you can tell. You go through it several times before you can get your mouth to make the right shapes. You then decided to try your first song. Unfortunately it is somewhat difficult to sing while on the floor. But fortunately, you recall one of your earlier vocal lessons from your past life. It was back when you more enthusiasm than you did later. Your teacher showed you how to use your diaphragm to control your voice to make your singing better. Most of the details are hazy about it though. You follow what you remember and draw in a breath to start your first song. You decided on something easy. "Twinkle Twinkle little star" Your voice rose as the music flowed upon your breath. You were surprised that it came out so clear. After you finish you hear 
    You hear loud speech coming from your left and manage to turn to listen to it. You see the the huge woman exclaiming something in a surprised tone. You manage to make out when the words stop end but she says them so quickly you can't tell what sounds she actually made clearly.
    Reaction: hidden roll.(not Crit)
    Listening: 10(with modifiers)
    Event review: 28 (without modifiers)

    As she says this she approaches you. After standing there for about a minute, she runs out of your sight to somewhere to the right of you. You try to turn to follow where she is headed but it tires you out. You see that there is a triangular hole in the wall on quite a distance away from you. You also notice that the walls are curved slightly inwards as she ducks through the opening. You can not see anything on the other side of the hole clearly. After you see that your exhaustion carries you into resting.
         New Trait gained: Melodious voice
    When you awake again you are hungry so you cry for food. The huge woman comes quicker than last time and nurses you. You can see her face more clearly than you could before. Her hair is red and her face is a reddish brown. You find it hard to make out any other details about her. See sets you down in a position where the wall is to your left. You think the opening is behind you.
    ? roll: 13
   Event review roll 2: 46
   Meditation roll: 38
   Movement roll: 82
   Sleep roll 1: ?
   Sleep roll 2: ?
   Sleep roll 3: ?

   You try to move forward a little bit more than last time and easily move forward half a dozen hand breadths. You decide to a little more because you did that so easily. When you finished you realized that you moved as far forward as you are long without exhausting yourself. Yay!
   Next, you attempt to meditate. Attempt being the key word. You try to take deep breaths and empty your mind. It was easy to empty at first. But, then you though about how that used to take you longer than that in your old life. That thought distracted you and your focus collapsed. When you tried again you could not stop thinking about. So you started thinking about your past life. How did you learn to meditate in the first place? You began to think about your past life. A you dive into the waters of your mind you feel as if everything is murky. ideas flash about your life. You remember talking to a woman about how you used to easily provoked. She said the reason you learned to meditate was that you wanted to be more in control of yourself. You are unsure how much of that is what she actually said and how much was your impression of what she meant. Those two things can blur together sometimes.  You try to recall who she was but it dances away from you. It is frustrating close, yet out of your grasp. You assume she must have been somewhat close to you because how close you sat to each other and how at ease you seemed talking about that with her. You do recall that you first started meditating in your late teenage years. However, your are unable to recall much about how you meditated much less any memories of you doing so. You do briefly see a scene of you playing an organ while wearing a pointy hat and surrounded by balloons everyone there but one boy is transparent. The scene swims away from you before you can see any more. Somewhere along the lines you fell asleep but where reminiscing ended and sleep began is indistinct. 

     You think again about what you should focus on? What do you think is important right now? You must carry over at least 4 of the actions from last turn. (Please choose changes and additions. The maximum actions you can try is 8 now. You may not actually do all of them, but you will try all the actions you choose.You can put more than one action to the same focus.)

Spoiler: Focus Actions: (click to show/hide)

      How do you want to approach language? (Please rank in order of preference-. You only need to give your top 2 picks.)

Spoiler: Language Approach: (click to show/hide)

     There are many things to look at. What do you notice? (Rank your top 3 picks. Put your favorites first.)

Spoiler: Senses: (click to show/hide)

     How do you approach movement? (Please pick your top 3 choices. Put your favorites first.)
Spoiler: Movement: (click to show/hide)


Next update will be posted before 2:30 pm. Central Standard Time April 7th, 2019.

Your action cap is higher now. However, you can only change a portion of your focus. You can freely change your approach to language, Movement, and Sensing though.

I am not exactly happy with what I wrote for the feelings element. I wanted to tie it in with how I wrote about what happened in the other actions. However, none of the ideas I had for it felt right when I read my attempts at doing it. Hopefully I can figure that out.

Specified Mystery Dice Results:
13 - ?
42 - ?
30 - ?

Sleep dice always have the roll amount hidden.

Question replies:

Given that there are a few different methods suggested to connect our past life with our new one, I wonder what the difference might be between hiding or exposing our level of knowledge to others? Are these people waiting for a special (re-)birth, and what might their reaction be? It's a good hook.

Whether they are looking for a special rebirth is one of the things the mystery die is determining. I have several ideas for what the reaction is for hiding or exposing your knowledge level. When, how, and if you decide to expose it as well as the way you connect to your past self will change the effects of that decision.

This is a little scary, as I don't know whether "weirdness" is "cool fantasy magic stuff that's unfamiliar to your past life" or "horror movie gremlins that snigger in the shadows when you're not looking." I think I'd prefer the lighthearted version, myself, but I'm not the principal author.[/spoiler]
Both of these things apply to a degree. There are other things it changes too, both mundane and magical.

Spoiler: Meta Questions: (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

Hmm. Singing already went very well, I don't think we need to improve on that right this minute. If this is a primitive or fantasy world, maybe we have a promising career as a bard or similar? That would be cool.

I also have a hunch about sleeping.

Spoiler: Let's review (click to show/hide)

Question replies:

I wrote those more as speculation than a genuine inquiry, but I'm always glad to get more brain fodder. :) I'm enjoying the cooperative feel to the world building.

I hope more people pick it up and contribute, tho.

High tyrol

  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

Dreams of Terror
Update 2

     Language roll:70+25(OOC bonus)= 95(near critical)
    You tried to understand what the woman had said after you sang. You made out the words so you just needed to figure out what they meant. The first thing she said was short and definitely a shout of surprise. You think it may have been an equivalent to wow or cool. Although it could be a curse word as well. It probably does not matter either way. She took a breath before she started on the next group of words. It was definitely a question and was probably about you. If they use an English-like grammer the first word is probably how or what or some other question word. The ending part of that sentence is probably about your singing and the middle might be a preposition. You continued to muse over it and learned several new words. Although some portions still elude your grasp.
    See traits and skills list for more details(will get up there quickly)
    Object roll: 9
    Sleep roll 1: 1
    Your efforts to understand the local language was mentally tiring yet satisfying. You decide to dive into your memories before sleeping again. You choose to focus on objects first. What things were common and special around you. You see a pencil with a red eraser with a black background. You hear the sound of chalk on rock. You smell nothing. You keep trying to recall. Then you mentally wipe that away and look for something else. You see a desk with papers in tall stacks upon it in the middle there is an empty space where you can see the grain of the wood. Your picture rocks backwards and you see a white Grey colored ceiling with a single sprinkler in the middle. It is illuminated from something behind you. Then you see your vision become obscured by two brown blinds that come from above and below your vision and meet in the middle. The place they meet is curved. Now that they cover your vision the darken and get an Orangish areas. Then they open again and you are laying down. your body is flat but your head is elevated slightly. You see your body is obscured by a blanket. The ceiling is brown with visible wooden beams that go across it. There is a window at the other side of the room you can see a tree on the other side the tree looks like it is right between your feet as they poke out of the blanket too short for you. You feel tired and your eyes close again. Now you see a massive red eye sitting upon a tower with a snake like slit. Then you begin to glow and are cast in to a pit. You are falling, falling, falling.......

You Scream!

   Trait Gained nightmares of another world.
   Sense roll 1: 93
   Sense roll 2: 52
   Language roll 2: 10
   You awake covered in sweat and your cloth diaper is soiled. You are shaking with terror. You are now on your back on your mat. You can see the curved roof above you. You think that it may be made out cloth. perhaps this is a large tent and not a room. Your chest aches. You smell animal fat burning. You hear the sound of footsteps. You try to turn towards the sound but are unable to do so on your back. The huge woman comes looking concerned , picks you up and places you on her shoulder. She begins to rub your back as she caries you to a darker area in the room.She pushed past a curtain and you see a muscular naked man with a long black beard and long hair breifly before you are placed upon a cloth platform. You are changed and then picked up and moved to another cloth platform. She places a liquid on your head and you are rocked back to sleep. She says a few words very quickly but you are to tire to try to understand them.
       sleep roll 2: 76
       math results: 11
   You begin to calm and you close your eyes. You rest is dreamless until you awake. You awake back your mat. You are tired, so you decide not to move much. You think about your idea to go over math. You decide to go over it from the beginning. You count to 30 without having a problem and you stopped sure you could count fine. Next, you decide to go over addition and subtraction. You remember how they a work and when you try problems when the numbers are less than twelve. After that you remember the idea that you can use the place values system to do larger addition problems. But when you try to do it you keep getting confused. You think you could do it is you had something to write with. subtraction goes similarly to addition. To get further you will need to practice more or access writing. You tried to stretch and see if you remembered multiplication. At least you remember the idea. You only could do multiplication by 0,1,2,10, and 11. You remember the idea for division but are unable to remember the answers to any division problem. Then you turn to mathematic ideas. You recall that Pythagoras did something with triangles. It involved squares and roots. Unfortunately, you don't remember what those are. You also remember an integral is the tangent of a curve. It is also the area under a curve too. You think it has to do with infinity. But you can't remember how. Feeling tired you decided to go back to sleep.
      sleep roll 3: 13
   You dream of sheep but every now in then you think the sun might look like the evil eye from your last dream. But it does not do any thing so it is scary but not terrifying. You wake up several times tired every time. Some times the woman nurses you other times she changes your diaper. Other times you sit and think.
   Meditation roll: 63
   Sense roll: 36
   You meditate during some of the times you are awake. You are able to focus now and you can actually empty your mind now. It seems to have helped calm the fear in spirit. Another time you awake you look around you at the brightest parts of the room. The brightest part is where the opening is. You also realize there is a hole in the ceiling. Below it you see stacked wood and a fire upon it. There a people sitting there with their backs turned to you. They have black hair cut to the length of their ears. One of them has a wooden shield upon their back and hat with a horn on it. There is a post nearby him and their are half a dozen shields piled next to it. You have to stop looking then because the brightness of the fire hurts your eyes.
   trait gained: light sensitive eyes
   Random ideas roll: 26
   When you try to think of random ideas from your old world you think about a guy named sun tzu. He apparently said the nature of war is deception. You are unsure what you think of that. You think of Machiavelli. According to your old government professor he was the one who coined the term for modern. It comes from three words which are in both Latin and Italian. "In Que Modos" or "by What Means" he shortened it to moderno to refer to a focus on finding what means it takes to do something rather than why things should be done. The Medici where a pretty nasty family. They overthrew the Florentine republic and ruled the area fairly harshly. The were one of the major patrons of Leonardo da Vinci though. The Borgias, their hated rivals for the papacy, ended up coming out on top. Then you remember Frankenstein. It was a rather interesting book, you found it sad how the pressures of social ostrisazaition  eventually brought him to turn on humanity even though he started wishing well for everyone and seeking relationships. At about this point you have difficulty thinking of anything else so you just close your eyes and go to sleep again.

     What do you want do when you have more energy.
     You think again about what you should focus on? What do you think is important right now (Please choose up to 7. You may not actually do all of them, but you will try all the actions you choose. There is no need to keep any of your old focuses besides 1 count each of sleep and meditation which are locked in.)

Spoiler: Focus Actions: (click to show/hide)

      How do you want to approach language? (Please rank in order of preference-. You only need to give your top 3 picks.)

Spoiler: Language Approach: (click to show/hide)

     There are many things to look at. What do you notice? (Rank your top 3 picks. Put your favorites first.)

Spoiler: Senses: (click to show/hide)

     How do you approach movement? (Please pick your top 3 choices. Put your favorites first.)
Spoiler: Movement: (click to show/hide)


I am only 2/3 of the way done with it. I am going to try to finish it during lunch tomorrow. I might get it done by 3:00 pm. Thursday. Worst case it should be out by 6:00 pm. I apologize for taking so long. I underestimated the difficulty for this.

Amount of actions available changed due to tiredness, bad dreams, and bad sleep rolls.

Dice Results:

Spoiler: Meta Questions: (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 08:37:42 pm by High tyrol »