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Author Topic: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)  (Read 23371 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #210 on: November 02, 2018, 03:52:50 pm »

Saving the people comes second. First comes taking out the enemies. They need us to go over there so they can get what they need to finishe the ritual, so they can come to us. It is always easier to take the defensive position, anyway. We should also send him an arrow as an apology for not cooperating with him.
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #211 on: November 09, 2018, 07:28:02 pm »

Saving the people comes second. First comes taking out the enemies. They need us to go over there so they can get what they need to finish the ritual, so they can come to us. It is always easier to take the defensive position, anyway. We should also send him an arrow as an apology for not cooperating with him.

"Surrender that's an idea.."

You look around at your companions, wink at Ilerie and you roll your eye at Iewaelle.
"Just let my sister go. but there's one thing i have to tell you"
You lower your sword to the ground and take the bow and quiver from your back.
Disarmed in surrender his guards stand at his side and you can take a few steps forwards.

"NO!" you shout as the quiver hits the floor, you pull a single arrow free and draw back your bow with all you might and speed.

The arrow slams through his knee, the point tearing out the back of the joint.
An unseen hand raises your sword back to your hand, in time to slash nearest guards nose open.

You duck back and roll under the deadly swing of Æstrid's axe.

"F**K! AH F**KING! "$"$**ER KILL THEM! DO IT NOW! B%&" ARROW  C***T!" the three eye man shouts in agony.
Robed cultist raise there daggers and then they fall, the first blood has been split.
Æstrid snorts in anger, her hot breath steams from the boar tusked helmet.

The four of you keep back standing near to wast high wall at the edge, forcing them to come to you.
It's a poor defensive position but your back's are to a wall, well half of one.
The cultists are poor fighters and unable to use there weight of numbers against you.

But there willing to attack regardless and quickly your able to thin there numbers down.

As you knock one back with a punch, another gabs you around waist with both arms, your sword carves into his side, lodging in in his hip bones.
But another grabs your arm, as a second pulls your leg from the floor.
Struggling in there grasp, you head butt one as a arm grasps your head, you crunch her fingers open there blood fills your mouth as you are pulled away from the others.

A fist makes your vision swim as Æstrid rushes forwards and stumbles against a spear thrust, falling to the floor.

Ilerie falls moments later as a flurry of blows rain down on her, you can see her pale fingers floating in crimson pool beside her.
Your still dazed when the three eyed mans dagger bonces from your sternum with an iron clang.
Dazed you might be but not help less, you swing a wild haymaker.
His teeth fracture with the blow and roll off the alter.
You grab him and savagely slam your knee repeatedly against his side over and over again, feeling the ribs crack and splinter.

A sword blow cracks across the side of your head, felling you.
Blood, your blood stings your eyes as you see Ilerie crawling towards a sword.

You see Iewaelle fall, her head split in twain.
A boot lands on your back, "Come you! B*****D!" Æstrid roars, as her blade cleanly severs the three eye mans leg at the knee, causing him to fall to the ground, helpless as blood pumps from the stump.
A man charges her knocking her off your back, you wiggle forwards and ram your dagger home in to the the three eye man, stabbing the live from him.

As you stand up, wipeing the blood from your eyes the last of the cultists are scattering, there base is over run and leader slain.
Your head wound burns with pain as you look around.
Æstrid clutches at her shoulder as blood stains her iron mail.
Ilerie grasps a hand with a severed little finger and the tip of next one cut in two.

Iewaelle lies dead, her skull split wide but your sure that for here it's a temporary state.

As you do your best to dress the party's wounds, questions circles around in your head,

What do you do with armour?
You could take some of it, use it's magic power for your self.
But a part of you knows that it need to be broken, scattered once more, but how to do that?

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ilerie (sister) (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Iewaelle the Sorceress (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  and here Iewaelle (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
  • Its a lie. he is still an escaped lunatic brony.
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #212 on: November 27, 2018, 04:11:06 am »

If Iewaelle will return, we can’t be sure if it would be from the body she has now, or from some other source, so we might as well drag her corpse with us. Our sister, on the other hand, we really need to apologize to. We cost her a finger with what we did, and worried our wife greatly. We have to see if any of the “sacrifices” are still alive, as well. And then, regardless of anything else, we need to leave. Back though the cold, though this time we can take the longer, safe, route, and back to town where we can get a warm meal, and sell off the pieces of the armor to the highest bidders. One each, of course, and keeping three for ourselves, just in case.

((Sorry i have been so long. Life came knocking on my door with a sledgehammer and an army))
I hear a piranha is good eating.  I have a spear; I'll be fine!
The Pilot and their cargo handlers paused when they saw that the entire camp is covered in eldritch runes coated in blood. And rotting monkey corpses everywhere..

They decide that they didn't get paid enough for this..


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #213 on: December 02, 2018, 03:07:17 am »

If Iewaelle will return, we can’t be sure if it would be from the body she has now, or from some other source, so we might as well drag her corpse with us. Our sister, on the other hand, we really need to apologize to. We cost her a finger with what we did, and worried our wife greatly. We have to see if any of the “sacrifices” are still alive, as well. And then, regardless of anything else, we need to leave. Back though the cold, though this time we can take the longer, safe, route, and back to town where we can get a warm meal, and sell off the pieces of the armor to the highest bidders. One each, of course, and keeping three for ourselves, just in case.

((Sorry i have been so long. Life came knocking on my door with a sledgehammer and an army))
(don't worry about it, just deal with thing as best you.)

"I'm sorry about this i didn't mean for you to get hurt.
This shouldn't of cost you a finger." you tell Ilerie as you warp her hand.
"Well it has and it's not your fault, i chose to come. Dot tell be i didn't know there would be danger.
I've got off lightly." llerie points to Iewaelle corpse.

After bandaging up the cut to Æstrid's shoulder
You take a closer look at the sacrifices, hopeing that some of them are still alive.
As your fingers feel them there ice cold, body's frozen solid as if they have been dead for days not minutes.

"Peter, what do we do about Iewaelle?" She asks
"We take her body with us, i'd bet money we'll be seeing her again." 
"and the armour?"
"We need to split it up, well most of the parts, i fancy that dagger, so we each take a piece for our self's and we sell of the rest."

You check down stairs to find the undead warriors awaiting.

"She just stopped moveing!, struggling like mad one moment, an then like this!" the risen corpse that you recall is Ayioness shouts at you.
The iron woman lies limp on the floor.

You soon gather up what supply's you can find and start on the long road back.
Back though the cold, it's a long road and the path is twisting up and down the snow covered hills.

As you reach the outskirts town, you part ways with the once dead warriors and leave the mute girl with Crauverra.

The town, well town is putting it generously, it's more a few shacks inside the walls of an old hill fort, it's people are scrape a living by hunting and trapping the few scrawny animals .

Your choice but to settle for the only tavern, a dirty and smelly place, the bar man soon gives you room and a meal.

Sell off the pieces of the armor to the highest bidders is difficult, there's little market for armour, and you get the idea people think that you may of stolen the armour.
But your willing to take there low bids, it's far safer then to revel the armors true power or origins.

Apart from the three parts you keep, one each.
You keep a well worn dagger, it leather grip with silver wire wrapped, the gold hilt set with blue lapis.
Æstrid takes a small gold bracelet, but Ilerie out does you both.
The helmet is ridiculously extravagant, fully enclosed with a hawk shaped mask, a bevor with a skull like set of gold teeth.
It's sides are home to a pair of wide wing shaped ornaments, and a shoulder length aventail made from feather shaped scales, finishes it.

Your in the middle of your third drink, it's some kind spiced cider, it's fowl to swallow and it test the limits of your stomach and liver on the way down.

"Brother, Æstrid, it's time, it been interesting this adventure but"
she taps her fingers, a new three beat "I have responsibility's, i need to get back to my holdings.
Oh don't look so sad brother, what is a finger against such a tale? Sorceress, The man eating amazons of a frozen wasteland, Army's of  summoned from beyond the grave, Towers of ice, Evil priests, Battles with liveing armour.
And i have proof for it all. - she raise her maimed hand and the helmet.-
No i need to be the lord of the my lands now, it's been too long since i was.
Your both welcome any time there, so come visit."

Your sad to see her go but shes right, she does have responsibility's.
It's two weeks later, in the town of Fairdeen when you finally wave good by to her.

Your in the middle of lunch when a visitor with a request interrupts you...
They ask for your help in..

1 Raiding a rival Stronghold.
2 A Prison Break to free someone.
3 Help Deliver a cargo across dangerous waters .
4 Assist with the "total legal" transfer of goods between ships.
5 Escorting an important person.

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: From an age undreamed of. II (SG)
« Reply #215 on: December 11, 2018, 06:40:11 pm »

2 seems right.

2 A Prison Break to free someone.

Your in the middle of you lunch when you catch the barman pointing you out to cloaked man.
You look back at your wife, she nods having seen him too.
Takeing another mouth full steak and wounder if you can make it to the kitchen door.
He reaches your table and pulls up a stool before throwing back his hood, he has straight golden blonde hair and a chin that was once parted by a blade.

"Well you need something ?"Æstrid asks
"I hope not fair maiden. Your Peter? we need to talk." the man asks you.
"Well then take a seat, Bar Man fill his cup!" you order.
"Not here (he looks around with shift eyes.) There's too meany eyes here, my office i'll pay you for your time."

"Well where is your office? we'll think about it." you tell him intrigued.
"Just a cross the road above tinsmiths shop.
Tell then Rainaldus sent you" and then he leaves.

You finish your meal in peace before heading to the meeting.

The shop keeper merely points to the stairs and the large door man shrugs at the name and lets you inside.

Rainaldus sits a desk in mostly bare room.

"I'll be brief, i'm not Rainaldus, this is not my office and i will disappear the minute i leave here.
Now i want you to free a man from the kings prison.
Don't ask why, i'm paying you that's why."

"Ok i won't ask then, but what does he look like? where is this prison?." you ask

"Hyrieos is not a big man, and he's old, gray hair not much left on top.
As for where, he's in keep some where, that's inside the old round city.
We don't have much time, he due to be executed at the end of the month." he starts to sketch out a picture.

"Ok so lets say we free him, what do we do then?"
"you bring him here and then you'll get paid."

"Paid that's the word, how much are you offering, because this is risky if i fail then i'll get thrown in there with him.
"Then don't fail, you'll be well paid don't worry about that."
He point to a large strong box.

"Well you've intrigued me, we'll try but i can promise nothing." you tell him.
He shrugs as you leave the office.

Back in your rented room you start to plan.

1:Sneak in to the prison at night?
2:Get imprisoned and find him before both breaking out?
3:Try something at the eleventh hour, to free him before the hangman's noose?
4: other?

Spoiler: Peter Hudsley (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Our leading man? (click to show/hide)

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG
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