:)Hey this is a number of things that I think would be cool in the game. I don't know how viable they are... (Ive listed the most viable first)
Tell me how good or bad these ideas are...
1.Colonisation : send out parties of dwarfs to to found new settlements in other parts of the world
(and possibly to switch to new colony and let the original fort run itself)
2 alliances : settlements and civs have alliances with multiple other factions, and may gain things like economic bonuses and cultural mixing, or if a certain settlement is threatened allies will be called to help, and is possible to request aid from allies in times of need
3 sustained wars by factions : faction groups waging war with each other for land, for resources, for favour of their gods etc, for very powerful artefacts, out of natural enmity, cultural domination, or other reasons (eg. principles elves dislike nature being ruined).
also benevolent or malignant faction traits.
4.Live a dwarfs life : let the fortress develop automatically and you assume the role of a citizen with an adventure mode like view.
Or similarly you select a group of dwarfs and you see the story of their lives as they live, and you can read a record at daily scope or scope of whole life.
These are grander so I'm not sure how viable or appropriate,
I have not gone into any detail as its easier to talk of and harder to implement...
5. personalities : huge personalities within the world that have a say in what happens, and that the player would notice and know about
6. dark lords : antagonist villains like Saruman / or even Sauron of LOTR that take over parts of the world.
7. gods or similar entities / forces, that affect the mortal populations and shape events that happen.
8. heros : mortal entities that take part in story lines, or super champions that play a huge part in events and have fame in the world
9. living story-lines : I have no idea. But I think this is an aim in development of DF. If this is pulled off it will be gold all round.
(Custom written templates for chains of events that get triggered?, chains of events that link to form bigger chains? event chains that
merge or branch out? event chains designed to trigger and resolve? overall event-states of the land and world?)