Thanks, I decided not to enable shearing. Dwarf Fortress typically doesn't like creatures that blend sentient and pet traits like that, and I didn't want to take any major risks on this mod given that it likely won't receive much testing beyond Buldinn's gameplay.
Anyway, the sheepmen are complete. They don't have martial trances, but they don't cave adapt or strictly need alcohol either. You mentioned that you primarily wanted them for Adventure Mode, so I went ahead and gave them human-style towns for convenience. You can still make forts however you want in Fortress Mode.
Here's the link to the completed sheepmen. To install it, drag the files to your objects folder inside the raw folder and then generate a new world. As the DFFD description says, the modified entity_default is just there to ensure that sheepmen civs will spawn and that you will be playing them in Fort Mode. You don't strictly need it, if you'd like to play as either dwarves or sheepmen within individual worlds. The _4B tag on their stuff means "For Buldinn". Giving them a unique naming scheme makes sure that your sheepmen are almost certainly compatible with any other mods you might decide to install alongside them.
If you encounter any problems, feel free to PM me.
Have fun!
*Made a last minute change, they were missing the BENIGN tag.
**It also occurred to me that they shouldn't be milkable, so I fixed that.