Increased population & cluster values for the relevant creature raws
This doesn't affect civilizations, unfortunately. The only way to increase their population rates is probably giving them a low child age cap (the lower - the better) and/or a higher max age cap; there are no multiplets in worldgen, so the creatures with the highest amount of adult years are the ones most "fertile". Increasing the entity value of family also seems to work for HFs at least. [LIKES_SITE:default site type of this civ] + [TOLERATES_SITE:default site type of this civ] entity tokens also help.
I'll still probably take a look at a couple of worldgens.
BTW, your equipment presets that you wrote up for your latest release are really useful for adding races like this to the game. Thanks for that, and it's definitely a feature worth expanding on if you do anymore work on your mod in the future.
Thanks for the feedback!
As far as the functional presets go, though, I don't really have any more ideas so far. May go the cultural flavor route (desert dudes with scimitars, island dudes with longbows, you know), but other than that, I dunno. Anything on your mind?
Although I should put some effort into making sure everything is size appropriate for the races I applied them to.
You can really just set everything to [MINIMUM_SIZE:15000] or even lower. These limits are there for realism's sake only - and, when merging with a mod such as Fortress Defense, are but an unnecessary handicap.
UPD: Checked the raws and, just as I thought, enemy entities lack any farming, as their raws are copied from goblins (who don't need to eat and, thus, don't care). Try giving them any or all of the following:
You can aslo give them one or both of these - appears to be buffing the coastal/river site populations: