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Author Topic: The Fall of Crackmourn  (Read 968 times)


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The Fall of Crackmourn
« on: July 31, 2018, 02:49:31 am »

The journal of Zaneg Agbesmar, mayor of Crackmourn.

Autumn of the year 131 in the Reign of Armok

The meeting with the outpost liaison was yet again unfruitful. There is nothing more for us to gain. The stockpiles are filled, the military is well-equipped, and no danger however foul can breach our defenses. Each day the distant echoes of the miners hard at work reach my ears. Even more often are the complaints and concerns about their orders to mine stone that is "damp" or "warm". I know what lies in their tunnels. The blue metal of yore, adamantine, was discovered in a great sea of magma this time 2 years ago. Up until now, our primary concern has been the draining of the cavern lakes into this fiery ocean, to provide a form of scaffolding. Progress is slow, yet the joy of the citizens cannot help but be felt wherever one roams in our halls. The temples and libraries are ever filled with scholars and priests, and the tavern breathes life into the goblin-infested world we have made home. We have settled into a life of satisfaction and contentment, though the boredom peace brings fills my mind.

Timber 131

Word has reached my ears that the greenskins have begun to dig their pits of darkness ever closer to the MountainHomes crippled by siege and death. I task Kogan Morulad, militia commander to gather her men and conduct a raid on a smaller outpost to ensure they are prepared for the larger challenges ahead. Our jail is finally put to use as the resident leatherworker failed to meet my modest demands. The captain of the guard assures me that he will continue to provide for our safety despite the militia's absence.

Moonstone 27th 131

After the success of our men in the Razing of Dwellermenace and HorrorDaub, I have dispatched the militia yet again to destroy another of the Goblin Pits. Glazeplagues, I think it is called. Adamantine is now within our grasp and the miners have begun to excavate the upper layers. Our wealth will be unmatched in all Dwarven History!

Here the handwriting changes and the legibility is questionable. The pages are stained with soot and tears

Endol Uzomlanek, mayor of Crackmourn

Opal 2nd, 131

Neary a mounth ago wast when its started. We awl fell sihlent when the peercing screems cayme fruhm below. Uzol was a good dwayrf an she nevr desrved to die like that. 'Er dawter came runnin' with teers awn her cheeks and cryin of the monsters that took 'er muther. Zaneg ordered the bredges closed.

Opal 6th, 131

We culd ear the beast snawrling at the gaets. When theys were liend up Zaneg 'ad us let thim in thee areena, an we released the greenskin prisners we 'ad been 'olding ther. At furst we 'eard more screaming an the roar of fire. Then 't was quite.

Opal 7th

We din't dare tae check if the demons had fallen, but we din't hope fer much. We weren't lef wonderin' fer too long. Theyd found a way out of our trap, flying pas teh ceelin we'd been for  waitin to collapse on thems. Zaneg erdered e'ryone to retreet to the stayrcaise an wall it off. The demons wer destracted killing awl the checkens an turkees an peecoks an the dogs. We wernt fast enough. Zaneg was nowher to be found, but we's decideds to hole up in the tafern.

The record of Kogan Morulad, militia commander

Opal 7th, 131 in the Reign of Armok

Smoke rose from the mountain. As we neared, we watched as the forest burned and the trees collapsed, smashing holes through the earth and into the labyrinth we had dug in the year 129 RA. We had left the goblin pit individually only to group up later on. With me, I had two marksdwarves a spearmaster, and 2 axelords, one of which being myself. My blood ran like ice as I heard the wailing cries echoing across the plains. Without our full force, we would have been helpless had we attempted anything. I would like to think we charged into battle. I would like to say that we stood upon the corpses of fire and declared ourselves the true children of Armok. But I didn't. And we didn't. I took my soldiers with me and we fled into the barracks, barring the doors as we awaited the rest of our comrades.

Opal 12th

Where are they damn it? For five days we have heard the monstrous destruction of our home. For five days our friends have suffered. For five days we have waited for reinforcements to arrive. Armok save us.

Opal 13th

The silence is only punctuated by the collapse of the still burning forest. We spar to pass the time, hoping only that when we face the demons, we may make a worthy accounting of ourselves. Sodel tired of the insufferable waiting, charging to fight against the monsters. We could hear the primordial roar of the ancient demon Veteksul the Burning Banshee. I saw him once through a crack in our once mighty defences. His body is like unto a great burning dinosaur, twisting and undulating as it clicks it's mandibles and whips the poisonous barb on its tail to and fro. Though Sodel has long been a Legendary Axedwarf, I fear the worst.

Opal 14th

There is hope again! I found Sodel limping for the hospital, singing of his victory. Unfortunately, the injuries he sustained must go untreated as I saw the remains of the doctors littered along the stairways. I had always believed that Kumil, captain of the guard was a coward. But I saw his body lying in the residential halls, as if he had defended those within. His efforts had failed, though the engraver weeping over the bottom half of her husband tells that he had defended them for 7 days straight against the onslaught. The remaining militia has assembled, awaiting instruction. Two more creatures of flame like unto the first dwell within our stockpiles, their flames consuming the masterworks of our people. We will strike them down, and then claim vengeance for our fallen kinsdwarves. Armok will be sated, even if it means the destruction of Crackmourn.

Opal 17th

Population: 43
Our militia is 28 strong, the only other citizens still living are children, the mayor, two farmers, an engraver, and a carpenter. The last I saw of the mayor, he ran screaming through the halls, his body ablaze. The farmers behaved likewise. We lost two more veterans today, caught in the wood stockpile as it caught flame...Death is unavoidable. I've almost begun to believe it would be better to open the gates instead of cowering like frightened rabbits.

Opal 18th

          Death and fire both consume
          To punctuate the silent gloom
          Of our ever impending doom
          I will see my brothers soon
          Born from stone and iron's womb
          This mountain is our only tomb

(FPS has almost died at this point as the entire world is on fire)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 02:52:48 am by Tilmar13 »
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