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Author Topic: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game  (Read 42039 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #270 on: October 21, 2017, 02:51:36 pm »

Yeah using any will cause a game that uses them not to work, to fix this you need to edit two things, first you want to go into 'RaceType.txt' and find your race, go the description,

ie 'Halflings. Warrior.110.known as small peaceful farm folk. they are short but have great appetites and are known also for their large and hairy feet'

The above has incorrectly put a period after the word farm folk, counting it as two variables, remove the period in farm folk and save to avoid further issue

in the save game file itself, find the exact same string of text as above and remove the periods, there should be one at the very start and one at the very end of the description but when creating your own race, use none! :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #271 on: October 26, 2017, 03:40:25 pm »

This update is going to be one of hopefully many more themed updates, the theme of this update was expanding the southern region of exploration, one that until recently was the most empty, the game has been in development for at least two years and the south has barely been touched since its introduction, so this update has improved a whole host of things, there are now zero empty locations, there are huge lore expansion for the south and three new settlements to explore, in lieu with the update's themes I'm going to divide the changelogs into sub updates as it's a juicy one!


The Far South was a previously abandoned area with some placeholder text in it, I planned to add some far away from the world coastal settlement but this update went overboard and I have added an entire culture, with a full breathing black-market like city and tons of lore and things to do.

* Added the city of Shaian to the south coast
* Added the Nalli outpost to the south coast
* Added Akall fortress to the south coast
* Added the Farthest Stretch to the south coast
* Added the Coastal wall to the south coast
* Added ability to speak to the coastal king
* Added 6 book library to the city of Shaian (readable books)
* Added 2 taverns, and 15 other locations to shaian
* Added ability to recruit peasants from shaian
* Added ability to attack shaian and raid the outpost
* Added 8 characters with dialogue lines to shaian
* Added new shaian tavern dialogue system (30+ lines)
* Added new name suffix (of the South Coast) +15 battlescore
* Added new name suffix (Son of the Coast) +13 battlescore
* Added new name suffix (of Shaian) +20 battlescore
* Added very rare coastal trader throne room encounter


The Drylands is next, it's the region where the demon gate is based, I have added several locations here including some which will later be expanded, but I won't spoil them currently! there are also nomads in this region but they are worthy of their own category!

* Added coastal wall to the Drylands
* Added Dry Plains to the Drylands
* Added Dried Lake Bed to the Drylands (Credit u/derpderp3200)
* Added Abandoned Cave to the Drylands (Credit u/derpderp3200)
* Added Big Red Canyon to the Drylands (Credit u/derpderp3200)
* Added Eerie Cave to Drylands (Credit u/Ghost5k1)
* Added Strange rock formation to the Drylands (Credit u/Ghost5k1)
* Added Lake of Blood to the Drylands (Credit u/Ghost5k1)
* Added Secret city of Baiaa (currently door locked)


The Drylands is a rough place to live, but when the going gets tough, only the strongest survive, so we have drylands nomads, a group that never stay still and move from location to location, they are some of the toughest opponents in the entire game, with none tougher than their leader Koova (based partially on Conan the Barbarian), seriously try to fight them if you feel up to it, Koova is a beast!

* Added moving group of nomads to the Drylands (Credit u/derpderp3200)
* Added ability to attack nomadic group
* Added ability to speak to nomadic leader (and buy information)
* Added hirable mercenaries from Nomad group
* Added ability to watch nomadic brawls
* Added ability to speak to random nomads (45 unique dialogues)
* Added 19 Nomadic units to battle (Nomad, Nomad Spearman, Nomad Brawler, Nomad Champion, Nomad Snakeculler, Nomad Liontamer, Nomad Rockrunner, Nomad Flesh-hunter, Nomad Canyon-Jumper, Nomad Hunter, Nomad Rock-Wearer, Nomad Mercenary, Nomad Sellspear, Nomad Sellsword, Nomad Mercenary Captain, Tamed tiger, Tamed tigress, Koova King of All Nomads, Taavak the Nomad Champion)


The Oasis region should have had more settlements being seemingly the only settleable location in the south, so we have added one, with a history and some concerning things going on around it, Arasuk, a secretive village!

* Added Arasuk settlement to Oasis in the south
* Added Sandman Tavern to Arasuk (patrons/sudden death/dialogue)
* Added Sand-Talker's to Arasuk
* Added new name suffix (of Arasuk) +5 battlescore
* Added ability to destroy Arasuk


The rest of the update includes a lot of bugfixes and tweaks as well as some new hero names and boosts for certain races names to keep things varied, this isn't the focus of the update but more maintenance and bug squashing!

* Fixed merc throne room troop reset bug (Credit u/just-one-more-thing)
* Updated no fullstops requirement to also say no periods (for americans)
* Added new name suffix (of Barbaria) +79 battlescore
* Added new name suffix (of the Free Hills) +5 battlescore
* Fixed Patron chance text colour bug
* Fixed Erak diplomacy bug
* Added new name suffix (of Battania) +40 battlescore
* Added new name suffix (of Calradia) +45 battlescore
* Added new unit type (slinger)
* Added 12 new building tile sets
* Added 23 new ent names
* Added 15 new orc names
* Added 4 new giant names
* Fixed Deathsound system loadgame bug (credit Niklas)
* Fixed Rebel death text bug (credit Dr. Strangelove)
* Fixed Rebel paid off text bug
* Fixed can't leave changling bug
* Fixed Heart of the world text pause bug (credit Kellen - Dank Memes)
* Fixed Heart of the world loop length bug (credit Kellen - Dank Memes)
* Fixed removed heavy armour text bug
* Fixed throne room explain yourself ascii bug (Credit Niklas)
* Fixed demon worshipper ascii bug (Credit Niklas)
* Fixed mystery slaver text colour bug (Credit u/Flyrpotacreepugmu)
* Fixed not many goblins text bug in wild north outpost
* Updated bugged save message

And that is the update guys, also let me know what you think of this way of presenting the changelogs, I thought doing it a little different might be fun but similarly as the saying goes 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' does apply so if you guys prefer how I usually do them, let me know!

Any comments, thoughts and suggestions and very welcome!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #272 on: October 26, 2017, 04:04:30 pm »

Any comments, thoughts and suggestions and very welcome!
"magical explosion has lead to the death of x of your soldiers" (replace lead with led)
"it's people are savages should read its people are savages" (replace it's with its)
"a king who could be replace by" (replace replace with replaced)
That's a tongue-twister :)

How come the soldiers of other races never desert me? How come people keep joining the rebellion and finding dead rebellion soldiers after the rebels have been defeated?
Arena champion Gal'Ruuk the Theif (replaced Theif with Thief)
So if I recall, the Prime Hill Horde was a bandit group created by a demon summoner. Yet they appear as a mercenary group and I can hire them to attack the demon horde. The demon summoner mercenary company did a kamikaze attack on the demon horde. Conflict of interests?
"Should we call a beak dog a gobbo doggo?" - Relevant_-_-Username


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #273 on: October 27, 2017, 04:50:31 am »

Wow, thanks for all the bugfixes, I think I have found and fixed the following thanks to this.

* Fixed Lead death text bug (Credit FakerFangirl) 
* Fixed blackmarket people text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)
* Fixed a king who could be replace text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)
* Fixed thief text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)

these will be in the next update, as for the other races deserting, it's a valid point, I'm going to look into it soon and have that soldiers from other kingdoms require a wage and will desert, however! some independent kingdoms have no currency or concept of money so those units will require no pay!

As for the prime hill horde group you got, the demon summoner is unrelated to the demonic horde, he just abuses their resources in a way, if you've ever played elder scrolls games like morrowind and oblivion it's kind of like summoning daedra to fight daedra, it's a valid strategy! :)

regardless thank you very much for these suggestions, you've been a huge help! and I hope you enjoy the new update


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #274 on: October 27, 2017, 12:10:03 pm »

Technically, even if there is no concept of money/currency, there is still upkeep. 
Peasant income is food.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...  This is the truth! This is my belief! ... At least for now...
FMA/FMA:B Recommendation


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #276 on: December 12, 2017, 09:52:31 pm »

Hi guys, firstly thank you for waiting, I was expecting this update taking so long to annoy some people but I've had very kind support, the update has taken a while due to several PC issues, bits of code being lost (which I managed to restore) and a few personal issues which have slowed me down a little, but finally after just short of two months the update is ready, it's got tons and tons of new things to even if you ignore the vampire city part of the update! thank you for the continued support and enjoy the update!


The Crown jewel of the update is something that halfway through development I realized the majority of players won't find unless they are purposely searching for it, which in a way is slightly depressing considering how much work it's taken! none the less this adds an entire vampire city hidden in the canyons of the Drylands, once discovered you'll unleash vampires into the world, trade with them, fight them, arrange deals with them and explore their city, with taverns and bards, hidden towers of magic with mazes, batracing, special buildings and even an arena with beast fights!

* Fixed entering Baiaa text bug
* Added 15 baiaa dialogues for taverns
* Added shade's bloom tavern (speak to patrons, speak to the bartender, special locations, vampire bards and a new game called thralls finger)
* Added the upper district bloodworks
* Added the torture chambers (dynamic torture)
* Added Thundil tavern (speak to patrons, advanced vampire bards)
* Added crypt of ancients visitable location
* Added black tower of Baiaa
* Added secret maze to the blackmarket of baiaa (several characters with over 40 lines of dialogue, secret map, hidden library with vandalised books and other special locations)
* Added Batracing to Baiaa (credit u/Dtyn8)
* Added Bloodforge to Baiaa (credit u/Dtyn8)
* Added Building for each major house of vampires
* Added Special unique units for each house of vampires (16 in total)
* Added elite unit for each house of vampires (6 in total)
* Added dynamic entry scene when first finding baiaa
* Added each vampire clan leader as unique units in battle
* Added Blood pits to baiaa, with fights that costs slaves to watch
including monster fights, using the new monster system, with move sets
based on the randomly generated monsters bodyparts (a beast with teeth bites)
(a snake whips its tail and tries to wrap around its opponent) also regular
slave pit fights.
* Added wild vampires to diplomacy screen
* Added cheat code 6085 (show vampire states)
* Added formation of vampire hunter groups
* Added vampire hunter group recruitment from militia, aslona, rebels, bandits, mercenaries and freemen
* Added vampire hunter vs vampire battles
* Added interchanging vampire council laws of Baiaa dictating feeding, freedom and conversion
* Added ability for player to pay for Baiaa to stop letting wild vampires roam


The last update added the nomads, well this one fleshes them out even more, adding tons more ways to interact with them as well as the ability for them to become corrupted by the demon overlord!

* Added new throne room encounter 'Koova's Warning'
* Added ability to talk to Koova about each of the 10 drylands locations
* Added ability to buy info about drylands for troops from Koova
* Added 5 new dialogues to Drylands Nomads
* Added Rock-Jumping every three years at the big red canyon for the nomads
* Added Koova's Tiger cages to the nomad camp
* Added Taavak's hut to the nomad camp
* Added ability for nomads to be killed at random by demons
* Added ability for nomads to skirmish with demons at random
* Added ability for nomads to kill stray demons
* Fixed Nomad camp description only for cave camp
* Added ability for nomads to be beaten by demons and turned evil by the demon
overlord, stopping them from growing or moving around
* Added dark nomads camp with 2 new visitable locations
* Added dialogue with Koova in dark nomads camp
* Added new units (dark nomad, dark nomad spearman, dark nomad champion, dark nomad swordsman
dark nomad brawler, dark nomad snake-eater, dark nomad lionkiller, dark nomad rockbreaker
dark nomad flesh-hunter, dark nomad half-demon, dark nomad man-hunter, dark nomad demon born
* Added cheat code 7898 (for debugging) resets nomad troops
* Added cheat code 7897 (for debugging) sets nomads to good (default)
* Added cheat code 7896 (for debugging) sets nomads to demonic


Popular commenter over on the audiogames forums Niklas has provided a large list of bugs and suggestions, all of which have been fixed/added, he has also been added as a character in the blackmarket slums! thanks for the help Nick!

* Added Bug Hunters Hut to the slums in the blackmarket!
* Added Grand Galleon description (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed ascii bug for demon song (Credit Niklas @
* Added Changeling dance description for ascii-free warsim (Credit Niklas @
* Added Goblin dance description for ascii-free warsim (Credit Niklas @
* Added peasant angry at goblin troops throne room (Credit Niklas @
* Added peasant angry that goblins outnumber soldiers and peasants throne room (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed strengthen text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed individuals text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed decide text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed accessible text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed Composition text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed you army bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed clams bug (Credit Niklas @
* Added dynamic 6 in one peasant vs bandits throne room encounter  (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed smalls debts text bug (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed you the gold hag (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed he is a guide (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed scrote visible disabled ascii (Credit Niklas @
* Fixed refusing knight visible face (Credit Niklas @
* Added description of zoology hall sketches (Credit Niklas @
* Added Travelling Acrobat throne room encounter (Credit Niklas @


ZXC is my favorite grammar nazi! his tremendous effort to improve the games text issues and numerous bugs, big and small has no doubt improved the game greatly! thanks for your help ZXC!

* Removed bugged grave code
* Fixed Annihilator mispelling
* Fixed Man's Dog issue
* Fixed Independent Vassal bug
* Fixed grammar in Krut attack screens
* Fixed all exit screens to follow a standard
* Fixed Wulf musician text bug
* Fixed Cartographers' guild bug
* Fixed Thickblood tavern description bug
* Fixed Explorers' guild text bugs
* Fixed show you how I click bug
* Added exits to minor goblin diplomacy
* Fixed captain's room typo
* Fixed decisions typo
* Fixed Wizard's Tower typos and duplicate word
* Fixed references to black-row, dock-row and guild-row setting them to blackrow, dockrow and guildrow
* Fixed Seer of Minds text
* Fixed Dockrow visit locations text and conformed all 'the' to be the same
* Fixed the Count's Arms textbug
* Fixed Guildrow description bug
* Fixed Dragon's Kneecap bugs
* Fixed the place is a ruin bug
* Added ability to send recruiter knights to join foreign king as well as normal knights
* Fixed foreign king encounter text bug
* Fixed reptile joke text bug
* Fixed die and dice errors
* Fixed launch no attacks space bug
* Fixed raid text issue
* Fixed attacked by enemy text issue
* Fixed blackmarket soldier wage text issue
* Fixed raided the lands text bug
* Fixed building upgrade descriptions
* Fixed armoury text error
* Fixed Military tutorial text bug
* Fixed scrote text bug
* Fixed shining god of battle text bug
* Fixed krut and erak attack text bug
* Fixed the rebels demon kingdom description bug
* Fixed bandits and tribal goblins hire text bug
* Fixed the invasion text
* Fixed the vassal tribute percentage bug
* Fixed northern stone text bug
* Fixed Adventuring parties options text bug
* Fixed Plague box description bug
* Fixed denlands is a text bug
* Fixed denland description rumour bug
* Fixed Trade caravan smallhaven bug
* Fixed grain merchant encounter text bug
* Fixed helping the blackmarket text bug
* Fixed wishes to serve your text bug
* Fixed fruit farm no exit bug
* Fixed throne room orb encounter text
* Fixed citadel text bugs
* Fixed krut goblin mine text bug
* Added new demon horde diplomacy screen if you are a demonic king
* Added actual outcome for selecting (beg for mercy) with demons
* Fixed could can fathom bug
* Fixed A Stole text bug
* Fixed Anenemy text bug
* Fixed who's name text bug
* Fixed passtime text bug
* Fixed bandits horde text bug
* Fixed parched lands text bug
* Fixed monfort mine text skip bug
* Fixed monfort mine add more miners exploit
* Fixed autotrain general key bug
* Fixed musician's guild intro text bug
* Fixed musician's guild title bug
* Fixed fortress close/expel code bug
* Fixed shadow assassins hire text bug
* Fixed Nercophile name bug
* Fixed mercenary group laws text bug
* Fixed obsidian sword bugged text
* Rewrote northern carving text
* Fixed arena subsidy text bug
* Fixed village champion text bug
* Fixed usability text bug
* Fixed wildwood text issue
* Fixed parched lands text issue
* Fixed eastern lands text issue
* Fixed southern coastal wall two lands issue
* Fixed room of truth bug
* Fixed room of master bug
* Fixed visions text bug
* Fixed mystery slaver not showing you tribute message
* Fixed artefact text bug
* Fixed demonic description bug
* Fixed sinking sandhole text bug
* Fixed sinking sandhole exit issue


The rest of the update includes so many additions and bugfixes it's hard to describe them all, we have new options with some staff, expanded leagues of good and evil, lots more books, the ability to stop bards songs prematurely, trillions and trillions of new faces, new face generators for a brand new race called Protofolk! and tons more! have a read.

* Added ability to select both race and kingdom name from general (credit Dark @
* Fixed the length of demon bard song
* Fixed removed his armour text bug
* Fixed Lead death text bug (Credit FakerFangirl) 
* Fixed blackmarket people text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)
* Fixed a king who could be replace text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)
* Fixed thief text bug (Credit FakerFangirl)
* Added 68 new custom insults from peasants in the throne room
* Added 420 new randomly generated mad-man sayings in the throne room
* Fixed upgraded main blackmarket graphic bug
* Added Northern sudden death game to throne room
* Added Eastern sudden death game to throne room
* Added Southern sudden death game to throne room
* Added more public opinion based staff want to quit encounters (rarer if you have good public opinion)
* Added ability for knight vs horde to be sent on quests for you
* Made questing knights 25% more likely to succeed
* Added dynamic (144 different texts) knight wants to quest throne room encounter
* Added ability for knights and quests even without a knightly order
* Added warsim artfiacts book to reference section (upgraded library)
* Fixed four receive text bugs
* Fixed badit bug
* Fixed disposition text bug
* Fixed companies text bug
* Added new humour section to the library building
* Added new book 'The Fool King Bardon'
* Added new book 'The One eye goblin'
* Added new book 'A book of orc jokes'
* Added new book 'Dwarves and ale'
* Added new biography section to the library building
* Added new book 'Tale of a goblins prisoner'
* Added new book 'The miners of the big red canyon'
* Added new book 'Arasuk the dark'
* Added new book 'A time with phenor'
* Added new book 'Faradal the just and noble'
* Added new book 'tales of a travelling bard'
* Fixed attacking krut, erak, rebels, bandit horde, and minor bandits did not reduce relation with them
* Breaking alliance with independent by attacking is now -10 relation
* Breaking trade agreement with independent by attacking is now -2 relation
* Fixed attacking independents caused massive relation drop
* Attacking a member of a league now results in -relation with that league
* Added graphic for independent kingdom slavery posts (made from their parts)
* Added towers of darkness to league of darkness members
* Added citadel of darkness to league of darkness leader
* Added towers of light to league of good members
* Added citadel of light to league of good leader
* Added demonic advisor (fleck) if you declare aslona a demonic kingdom
* Added new tip to loadscreen (how to set custom font size/type)
* Fixed slumS text bug for hiring
* Added goblin watchtower colouring to the main upgraded slum graphic
* Fixed attack mercenary outpost for nomad camp bug
* Fixed duplicate lich face piece
* Added arrow in head lich parts
* Added caved skull lich parts
* Added head band lich parts
* Added missing skull top lich parts
* Added 1'270'339'200 new lich faces (was 449 million, now 1.72 billion)
* Fixed every tried text bug
* Updated demon overlord to have only one eye (FOR SECRET REASONS!)
* Fixed monument of kings blackmarket bug
* Added 2'742'875'864'593'920 new human faces (piggy nose)
* Added new protofolk race to the game
* Added protofolk face generator
* Removed random line from arena betting guide
* Fixed scrote of the greenskins hat
* Added custom game modifyer to choose turning exploration off
* Added random monster generator (1430 random monsters)
* Added 16 new men names
* Completely remade grumpkin faces to be less ugly (1.1 billion new faces)
* Added 5.9 billion new demi god faces (was 82 million)
* Fixed drylands description spacing bug
* Fixed harbour master armoury text bug
* Made giant mushroom pearls in shaian white
* Fixed being attacked by demons when a demon lord
* Added debug cheat code 7040 to reset blackmarket
* Fixed Hang peasants trade deal bug (credit u/ColonelKepler)
* Fixed slave revolt diplomacy random menu skip
* Fixed bribing slave revolt gets rid of deserers instead
* Fixed grand champion quarters bug
* Fixed colour issue on fort gorthmek
* Fixed colour issue on ruined fort gorthmek
* Added new law 'Overzealous Arrests' creates more prisoners
* Fixed declaring demonic kingdom doesnt instantly set independents against you
* Fixed declaring demonic kingdom gives no demons
* Set demonic kingdom law only declarable if demon horde is developed enough
* Set demonic kingdom law doesn't make other demon kingdoms hostile to you

And that is the update guys, also let me know what you think of this way of presenting the changelogs, I thought doing it a little different might be fun but similarly as the saying goes 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' does apply so if you guys prefer how I usually do them, let me know!

Any comments, thoughts and suggestions and very welcome!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #277 on: January 06, 2018, 09:43:59 pm »

It's that time again folks, thank you for your patience, as seems to be the trend recently this has been a slow update, lots has happened over christmas and I also briefly had an issue with loss of code which had to be rewritten, but finally the update that I wanted to have ready on christmas eve! is here and ready for release!


This is the main core of the update, the ability through a new menu on the laws screen to declare your own celebration, giving it any name you want, setting up what kind of celebration it is and then enjoying the fun, maybe you want a celebration about freedom and gift giving, slaves will be freed and people will come to your throne room with gifts, perhaps you want a festival about fire, lots of people will be burned, perhaps you want a big royal ceremony where tons of people arrive to enjoy it! (This is the most fun)

* Added Ability To Declare Your Own Celebratory Event (Custom Times, Name, Effects)
* Added Start of turn Ceremony for celebrations with ceremony as a selected parameter, this will bring all staff and other related npcs to your court, including allies and foreign champions (for best results, own lots of lands, take and complete both history guild exams, capture the black market, hire all staff including bard and gamemaster)
* Added End Of Turn Events For Custom Event Effects
* Added 8 New Gift Giving Throne Room Events (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added Drunk Carrot Marriage Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added Thankful Drunk Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added Chugging Drunk Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added Peeing Drunk Man Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added You're The Best Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)
* Added Drinking Challenge Throne Room Event (Related To Custom Celebration)


A few things that while aren't part of the main update I think are worth their own spot, you can now ban goblins from the blackmarket if you so choose, there are craploads of new monsters added to the monster generator, the explorers guild that was previously completely unfinished now has an npc with dialogue and lastly you can ask about recruitment in the throne room when you declare a meeting and get all kinds of helpful responses

* Added The Option To Ban Goblins From The Blackmarket If Owned (Using The Manage The Blackmarket Option In The Main District) Credit To Defender From Audiogames
* Added 100s Of New Monsters To The Monster Generator/Baiaa Pits
* Added Explorers Guild Master With 6 Sets Of Dialogue
* Added Recruitment Question To Throne Room Staff Meetings (With Over 20 Responses)


Lots of bugfixe as always with help from Niklas and Silverlance for their bug finds!

* Fixed Jester Juggler Encounter Text Bugs
* Fixed The Identifies Typo (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Demon Battlescore Incorrecly Shown (Credit To Silverlance)
* Fixed Tavern Talk Vampyric Lute Dialogue Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Tavern Talk Cartographers Guild Dialogue Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Double Appearing Independent Kingdoms On Attack Screen
* Fixed Arresting Diplomats Does Not Remove A Tier 2 Troop From Independents Army
* Fixed Diplomat Visits From Independents Require At Least One Tier 2 Unit In Their Army
* Fixed Bardname Leaves Your Court Issue
* Fixed History Guild Before You Test Text Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed History Guild And And Text Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed History Guild Possessed Text Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed All Faces Of Staff Not Disabled In Court Meetings For No Ascii (Credit Niklas Audiogames)
* Fixed Even Worse General 'And' Text Bug
* Fixed Northern Text Bug In History Guild Class 1
* Fixed Wilderman Village Ascii Issue (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Is It Said Demon Text Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Northern Travel Guide Text Bug (Credit Niklas From Audiogames)
* Fixed Questing Knight Missing Line Text Bug
* Fixed No Exit For Baiaa Torture Chamber
* Fixed Missing Splitline For Baiaa Torture Chamber
* Fixed Blackmarket Block Entry Crash Bug
* Fixed Slum Watchtower Text Colour Bug
* Fixed Queens Revenge Gold Price Not Identified
* Fixed Doomstone Text Colour


* Added New Name Suffix 'The Hero Of Aslona' (+39 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Champion Of Aslona' (+36 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Man Of Aslona' (+20 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Beast Of Aslona' (+35 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Enemy Of Aslona' (+32 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Foe Of Aslona' (+26 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Gauntlet Of Aslona' (+32 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Hilt Of Aslona' (+30 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Blade Of Aslona' (+34 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Mace Of Aslona' (+33 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Bow Of Aslona' (+31 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Sword Of Aslona' (+32 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Shield Of Aslona' (+30 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'Of Aslona' (+10 Battlescore)
* Added New Name Suffix 'The Rebellious' (+16 Battlescore)


* Added 6 New Tavern Dialogues
* Added 6 Tilesets For Independent Buildings
* Added 9 New Baiaa Dialogues
* Added 15 New Roof Tiles For Independent Buildings
* Added New Screen For Explorers Guild
* Added 6 New Questing Knight Dialogues
* Reworked Old Questing Knight Dialogues
* Added Cryptocurrency Donation Links To The Game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: WarsimRpg - A heavily dwarf fortress Inspired Kingdom management game
« Reply #278 on: February 01, 2018, 07:08:51 am »

Hi guys, this update while pretty big is primarily focused on further diversifying the names of the characters in your world, in this case I've had hundreds of suggestions many of which have been implemented and as a result the game now has a whole new heap of characters you can bump into.


More ogre faces, 100s of new monsters that can be found in the depths of Baiaa or in the random monster generators and finally I have added the classic version of warsim to the games files, so you can see where the game has grown over the years.

* Added 100s of new monsters (2 new monster parts)
* Added 140 million new ogre faces (was 33 mil now 198 mil)
* Added classic version of early warsim to the games files (free bonus)


Big thanks to the guys at audiogames for the help with these, Niklas, Defender and Dark suggested between them over 300 names, also thanks to u/F6_GS for his suggestion

* Added New Name Suffix 'The Hammer Of Aslona' (+33 Battlescore) (credit u/F6_GS)
* Added new name suffix "Bloodfist" (+31 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Bloodyfist" (+19 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Bloody-Fists" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Hand of Revenge" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fist of Revenge" (+45 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Wolf-Eater" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Dog-Eater" (+11 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Cat-Eater" (+9 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Lovely" (+8 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Robber" (+19 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Scared" (-10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Giant" (+60 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Raw" (+12 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Maniac" (+39 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fanatic" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fearsome" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Charming" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Monster-Slayer" (+44 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Beast-Slayer" (+43 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Attacker" (+26 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Challenger" (+Random battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Monster-Hunter" (+44 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Monster-Killer" (+45 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Legend" (+50 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Unforgettable" (+42 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Proud" (+12 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of Man" (+13 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of the Sea" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of the Sky" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of the forest" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of the Stone" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of Orcs" (+16 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of Gnomes" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of Demons" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "friend of Dogs" (+11 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Awkward" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Virgin" (-10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Portly" (-20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Gentleman" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Ladylike" (-2 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Delicate" (-20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Dainty" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Pot-Belly" (-23 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Flat-Foot" (-8 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Starborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fireborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Cloudborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Earthborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Stoneborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Frostborn" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Darkness" (+46 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Depths" (+47 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Jungle" (+23 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Inferno" (+30 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Shadows" (+39 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Brother of Darkness" (+54 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fate Weaver" (+100 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Voidrider" (+99 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Ironmaw" (+34 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Ironfist" (+33 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Steelclaw" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Ironclaw" (+34 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Steelmaw" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Silversmith" (+21 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Earthshaker" (+49 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Cagefighter" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Betrayer" (+2 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Backstabber" (+1 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Murderer" (+29 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Ripper" (+32 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Condemned" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Gambler" (+3 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Sneak" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Disowned" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Dishonored" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fallen" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Pariah" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Outcast" (+19 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Broken" (-14 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Damned" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Deathbringer" (+49 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Deathchaser" (+27 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Corpsemaster" (+38 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Spirit Slayer" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Soul Ripper" (+30 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Flayer" (+39 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Blood Drinker" (+25 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Music Lover" (+4 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Diseased" (-15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Infectious" (-10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Festering" (-20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Deathadder" (+65 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Blacksnake" (+34 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Whitesnake" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Serpent's Bane" (+45 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Manbane" (+70 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Orcbane" (+71 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Trollbane" (+73 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Entbane" (+74 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Goblinsbane" (+31 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Goblinbane" (+34 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Goldbeard" (+27 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Bluebeard" (+25 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Goldenbeard" (+27 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Darkmane" (+38 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Bloodmane" (+49 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Lion's Mane" (+44 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Shaggy Hair" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Silver Haired" (-1 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Fat" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Bald" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Squat" (-10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Oathkeeper" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Promise Keeper" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Craven" (+1 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Quail" (+2 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Runt" (-15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Apprentice" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Acolyte" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Novice" (+15 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Journeyman" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Hook" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Death-Hook" (+46 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Meat-Hook" (+21 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "son of the Soil" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Blind Warrior." (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Blind Bandit" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Blind Monk" (-5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Iron Grip" (+36 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Bear Claw" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Black Stone" (+25 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Green Stone" (+24 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Elfstone" (+26 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Blood Stone" (+27 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Chaos Stone" (+29 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "Shadow Stone" (+26 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Boar" (+28 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Wild boar" (+31 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Elephant" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Learned" (+5 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Scholar" (+2 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Hammer Hand" (+35 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Iron Pirate" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Iron Captain" (+47 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Steel Captain" (+48 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Black Pirate" (+42 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Red Pirate" (+41 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Famous Pirate" (+47 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Oak Heart" (+12 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Iron Heart" (+29 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Cold Heart" (+10 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "the Kind Heart" (+9 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of Stony Hill" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Wild Hills" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Red Hill" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Green Hill" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Barren Hills" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Long Hills" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the North Shore" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the South Shore" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the East Shore" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the West Shore" (+20 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Wild Shore" (+24 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Black Shore" (+27 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Pirate Shore" (+25 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Far Shore" (+21 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Farthest Shore" (+21 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Last Shore" (+21 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Cold Shore" (+22 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Troll Shore" (+29 battlescore) credit
* Added new name suffix "of the Deepest Shore" (+29 battlescore) credit


A few new warrior types to find in your walk, with dagger-carrier being probably the lamest sounding fighting unit I've ever heard, followed closely by whipman...

* Added new warrior type 'Axewalker'
* Added new warrior type 'Daggerman'
* Added new warrior type 'Dagger-Carrier'
* Added new warrior type 'Swordwalker'
* Added new warrior type 'Bladewalker'
* Added new warrior type 'Shieldwalker'
* Added new warrior type 'Spearwalker'
* Added new warrior type 'Whipman'


A few new encounters including one that I've wanted to add in for quite a while, that being the best beard encounter where you have to judge between three bearded men and select which beard you prefer, of course this is warsim, so you can jail them all or tell them that all their beards are terrible and that they should get out of your court room.

* Added chopped up apple tree throne room encounter
* Added threatened farmer throne room encounter
* Added 7 insults to throne room insulter encounter
* Added best beard in the land throne room encounter


A few very annoying bugfixes made possible thanks to Raceen and Sigvuld

* Fixed in game settings bug (credit Raceen)
* Fixed duplicate father name in name suffixes
* Fixed Celebration jester skipping jokes (credit Sigvuld)


A handful of little additions, including some extra building parts
a few new human names and some extra dialogues

* Added 12 new human names
* Added two new tilesets to random buildings
* Added 4 new mutant sewer dialogues
* Added 3 tavern dialogues
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