Aka Haspen got high on sugar again and mashed some old concepts together to create yet another forum game abomination.
And yes, it was inspired by this game also!Link to IC Thread is here!HOW MANY PLAYERS FOR THIS?
4 to 6 players needed!
Get Economy, Military and Culture to +2 while no other Kingdom has them at +2 as well.
Name: Kingdom's name
Ruler: Ruler's name (username here)
Location: General direction on a compass (north, northwest, west and so on). Kingdoms in the same Location gain +2 bonus when attempting Actions with each other (Undermine rating, Trade with, and others).
Traits: You start with 1 Point. Traits cannot overlap the same Rating; for example if you pick Advanced Culture trait, you cannot pick Fragile Culture trait.
*Advanced [rating] (2 Points): Permament +1 dice to rolls with [rating].
*Robust [rating] (1 Points): Permament +1 bonus to rolls with [rating].
*Accelerated [rating] (1 Point): [rating] starts at +1.
*Lagging [rating] (-1 Point): [rating] starts at -1.
*Fragile [rating] (-1 Points): Permament -1 malus to rolls with [rating].
*Obsolete [rating] (-2 Points): Permament -1 dice to rolls with [rating].
These reflect how well is your Kingdom doing.Every Kingdom starts with 0 at all three Ratings, unless an Accelerated/Lagging Trait was chosen up during Kingdom creation. The sum of all Ratings also provides a general bonus/malus to all of your rolls.
Example: You have Prospering Economy (+2), Unprepared Military (-1) and Content Culture (0). This means you gain +1 bonus to your rolls as long as this situation lasts.
Economy: Prospering (+2), Thriving (+1), Healthy (0), Stagnant (-1), Collapsing (-2), Destitute (-3)
Military: Dominant (+2), Powerful (+1), Ready (0), Unprepared (-1), Routing (-2), Broken (-3)
Culture: Utopic (+2), United (+1), Content (0), Upset (-1), Protesting (-2), Revolting (-3)
Pay extra attention to Culture; if it gets to Revolting level, your other Ratings might suffer reductions at the end of the year!
Each year is composed of 4 Turns; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Each Turn, every Kingdom can do an Action, and success/failure is determined by using a 6d6 dice.
Work on [rating]: You attempt to work on a Rating. You need to roll 25 or higher to successfully raise the chosen Rating by 1 Level.
Expand [rating]: You aggressively try to expand a Rating. You need to roll 20 or higher to successfully raise the chosen Rating by 1 Level; however if you roll 10 or lower, your attempt ends in disaster and the Rating is lowered by 1 Level instead!
Undermine [enemy kingdom] [rating]: You try to undermine enemy's Rating. You need to roll 25 or higher to successfully lower the enemy's chosen Rating by 1 Level.
Attack [enemy kingdom] [rating]: You use your resources to damage enemy's Rating. You need to roll 20 or higher to successfully lower the enemy's chosen Rating by 1 Level; however if you roll 10 or lower, your attempt ends in disaster and your respective Rating is lowered by 1 Level instead!
There are special actions that can be undertaken in certain Seasons. These special actions CANNOT be repeated in the same year; of example if you Trade during Spring, you cannot Trade during Summer of the same year.
Trade with [enemy kingdom(s)]: Spring/Summer/Autumn. You can trade with other kingdoms. You need to roll 20 or higher, -2 per each Kingdom you decide to trade with, to successfully raise your Economy rating by 1 Level. All Kingdoms you trade with also roll; if they roll 25 or higher, their Economy rating also goes up by 1 Level.
Strengthen ties with [enemy kingdom]: Spring/Summer/Autumn: You try to bring peoples together. You need to roll 15 or higher to successfully raise your Culture rating by 1 Level. If you fail, the targeted Kingdom does the same roll on the same rules, until either of you receive the Culture rating increase.
Seek new resources: Spring/Summer. Your subjects seek out new resources in and near your Kingdom's lands. You need to roll 20 or higher to get +1 Level in Economy rating.
Host festivals: Summer/Autumn. Your throw some festivities to celebrate good harvest and such. You need to roll 20 or higher to get +1 Level in Culture rating.
Draft peasants: Autumn/Winter. You grab some workless peasants for your armies. You need to roll 15 or higher to get +1 Level in Military rating; if you roll 10 or lower however, you receive -1 in Culture rating instead!
End of the Year comes after Winter. During that moment in game, Ratings are compared to determine if there's a winner yet. If not, the game continues and an Event is chosen for one of the Kingdoms.
Also, for all Kingdoms with Culture rating at Revolting (-3), a coin is flipped to determine whether either Economy or Military rating goes down by 1 Level!
These are sort-of quests for the Kingdoms; each Turn, one will appear for up to two Kingdoms. These opportunities provide bonuses on successful roll, but might damage your Rating.
However, you cannot post an Action and simultaneously pursue an Opportunity. You can pick only one of them if an Opportunity shows up. Remember; there's no penalty for turning down an Opportunity.
Opportunities come with a flavor intro, and then descriptions of what you gain and what you can lose. Success always requires a roll of 25 or higher; failure occurs on a roll of 15 or lower.
Example Opportunity:
Grand Festival!
An important anniversary for your Kingdom approaches fast on the calendar. People clamor for a lavish, grandiose festival to be sponsored by the Crown, but if you overspend, it might bring problems to your economy!
Success: +1 to Culture rating
Failure: -1 to Economy rating
Scandal: Kingdom suffers a scandal that rips through all ranks of society, lowering Culture rating by 1 Level.
Coup: Kingdom suffers a coup that pits loyalists against rebel scum, lowering Military rating by 1 Level.
Flooding: Kingdom suffers a flood that destroys hamlets and industries, lowering Economy rating by 1 Level.
Good Omen: Astrologists deem that next Year will be lucky for the Kingdom, which gains +1 bonus to ALL rolls for next year!
Bad Omen: Astrologists cover in fear as an evil star rises over the Kingdom, which gains -1 malus to ALL rolls for next year!
Kingdoms Established in Year 750:1. Kingdom: Ha-Malkut
Ruler: Gamchicoth (Maximum Spin)
Location: Southeast
*Lagging Culture (Culture starts at -1)
*Advanced Economy (+1 dice to Economy rolls)
2. Name: Elysia
Ruler: Talasse Yleusis (Tiruin)
Location: North (bonus with Kingdom #3)
*Advanced Culture (+1 dice to Culture rolls)
*Lagging Military (Military starts at -1)
3. Name: Tsktskion
Ruler: Archoix Malaise (Shadowclaw777)
Location: The North! (bonus with Kingdom #2)
*Advanced Military (+1 dice to Military rolls)
*Robust Culture: (+1 bonus to Culture rolls)
*Obsolete Economy: (-1 dice to Economy rolls)
4. Name: Empire of the Sun
Ruler: Imhotep (Kashyyk)
Location: West
*Accelerated Culture (Culture starts at +1)
Waitlist5. Name: Ceodwell
Ruler: Imic Greymane (Imic)
Location: North-west
*Robust culture (+1 bonus to Culture rolls)