As noted above, I need some quick help with certain files.
What am I trying to do? Well, you see, I was wandering around my Dwarf Fortress\raw\objects file path and saw the reaction_dwarf_civ.txt file and opened it, hoping to find the Splitting Block inside. NOPE. Instead I found the below:
##### WOOD SPLITTING BLOCK #################################################
#A- why do dwarves get this? and humans get the stone splitter. personally
# I hate this building, it doesn't produce enough material. most wood
# plank products use 2 planks or 1 wood, making this a minor chance for
# additional production, the human splitting stone produces 10 blocks.
# kobolds get it too.... maybe we need this and the above and few other
# basic small buildings reaction pushed into one callded mw_basics?
[NAME:Split wood into planks]
Naturally, wondering why the Wood Splitting Block and Stone Splitter and some others like the Hand Pump aren't spread across all available civs, I need help to move these in a way to make every civ be able to use them. Since I am a Dabbling modder, I need help to make sure I don't throw tantrums and muck up the entire place in here. Any ideas?