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Author Topic: VIRGATER  (Read 3986 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2018, 07:29:28 pm »

14 turns until the Hunter's Moon
Tarsin: I had to guess at your misbelief. Apologies if I got it wrong.
Here's how this game works. I'll put you in a situation. You tell me how you want the situation to resolve. Act as if you were game mastering your game. I'll roll a die, take your result, and twist it according to my results. Then time will pass and I'll put you in a situation based off what you said.
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The smoke from the departing bus makes you almost cough up a lung. As you walk into the woods, you wonder what to fear hiding in the bushes: a brigand with a blade, or your lost love ready to spring you with a question.
Starting at the sound of a sack landing in the water, you almost fall into a stream. The ice cold water soaks your dress shoes. Cursing your luck, you sit on the shore and pour the water out of them onto the muddy ground.
At first you think the mocking whispering is just the babbling of the brook, but then you see a halfman’s child crouched in the briars, chewing a blade of grass.
“Hello, elf! What's brought you back?”
You stand up and step forward, but your socks sink into the mud. The child leaps to her feet, giggling. You haven't been here in a while, but you know a Sewing Circle’s child when you see one. She’ll tell the whole village about what a clown you look. She’ll tell Adeline.
Two questions:

How does this go?
Why do people fear elves?

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You drag the bloodless deer through the village green. It's the dead of night, the air is crisp, no candles are lit in the windows yet you feel a thousand eyes upon you.
The church stands black against the night. Retreating round the corner, you pull open the window to the storage room. It stinks of freshly harvested grain.
Before you can get the deer through, you hear something. The shaking of a tinderbox, and lanternlight blooms inside. It rattles as the old sexton Miller heads toward the window to see what that creaking was all about.

How does this go?
Why don't you want to hurt Miller?

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You can't get to sleep for the clicking in your bones, the tick-tock of your mechanical heart, the sucking sound as your rubber veins pump oil down to your toes.
When light glows through your eyelids, you pray sleep has finally claimed you. But you open your eyes, and see only an old man lighting his pipe at the end of your bed. Tinkering tools cover the blanket.
He chuckles and tells you to keep your joints lubricated, your eyes hydrated, and to stay away from Adeline. He packs up his bag and you sit up, asking why you should.
At your door, he looks back with a smirk. Why should you? Simple: you weren't designed for love. And if you insist on it, well, surely Adeline ought to know what she's getting into…

How does this go?
What destiny does this man have planned for you?

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You drag the sack across the forest floor, rocks making the body inside bounce and twist. You didn't mean to kill him, that's just sort of how it happened.
You end up at the edge of the stream. Last harvest, Hamilton’s wife walked naked to this brook and (witnesses claim) transformed into a horseheaded devil and sank down into it. It's fitting his body will join her here.
You kick the body into the stream and curse at the huge splash it makes upon landing. How did his wife sink into it: it's barely a foot deep!
You turn your head, spot three torches burning between the trees. A meagre hunting party, but you're a meagre lad. If you don't hide it better, they'll find the body… but if you linger they'll find you first.

How does this go?
What was Hamilton’s last words?

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« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 07:39:51 pm by Fniff »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Tired and Lazy
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« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2018, 08:02:26 pm »

How does this go? Arthur answers "just wanted to visit one last time" and walks to the closest thing to an hotel/inn in Virgater, convinced his answer doesn't matter and the rumor mill will give him a different one soon, he wonders how close to the truth it will be.
Why do people fear elves? It's different for everyone, some were abused by the rich elves in the cities, others believe the (false) old tales of strange magic and elves kidnapping and eating children, many don't fear them and just see an easy target to blame for their problems in the dwindling race.
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2018, 08:13:33 pm »

How does this go? As usual. Simple deposit and leave. The villagers should find the meat in the morning.
Why don't you want to hurt Miller? He's just doing his job. It's a bad job, but it's a job. Point is, he's not part of the problem; cut out the rot at the top, and he'll be fine.

"Mis"belief is fine.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wannabe Shitposter
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« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2018, 09:06:36 pm »


"Hamilton, old boy. It didn't have to be like this, you know. If only you didn't get so preachy. If only you cooperated. We could have worked together, like in Mother's tales - two friends fighting against pure, unadulterated evil. But you're no friend of mine. No friend of mine lets those shrivelled old shrews destroy one life after another. 'The hardest part is letting go'? Oh, I'm not letting anything go." Boruta thought, dragging Hamilton's remains into the shallow waters of the stream. "You lost your wife. I lost Mother. I am better than you, you know? When your wife was tormented, you did nothing. When whe fell to melancholy, you did nothing. You ARE nothing. I will get my revenge. I will avenge Mother. I will bring peace to this damned village even if I have to burn it down and kill everyone within it. I will be the harbinger of justice."

Suddenly, voices erupted from the thick, pine forest, breaking the silence and filling the air with the sounds of a rampaging hunting party. No more than three men. No dogs. If Boruta was closer he would have inevitably smelled the unmistakeable odour of cheap alcohol from the tall, brawny man leading the party forward, wearing a flannel shirt and thick, beige pants. On his face was a large, unkempt black beard. His voice was gruff, yet fatherly.
"Boy! I see tracks roight 'ere! Dem's a hefty deer I say! Follow me!"
"Papa, why don't we place traps on the animal trail? This way we could get much more game, without the risk of getting attackewd by wolves or boars or..."
The young man turned his head to the right and spat on the ground, narrowly missing the shoes of the third hunter. The second hunter wore a shirt and a thick, sleeveless fur jacket. He looked similar to his father, but he lacked his father's beard, only having single hairs here and there on his straight jaw.
Hearing the word spoken by his son, the experienced hunter suddenly stopped in his tracks. His voice became stern and took the tone characteristic for scolding foolish children.
"Don't you say that word in the forest ever again, young man. We're lucky no medyeds are nearby to hear us. They are a scourge on mankind. Saying their name out loud brings them out, you know that!"
"Are bears really that dangerous though, sir? Mommy says that they are but an old woman's tale." The third hunter is not much more than a child. On his head there is an oversized cap and he is struggling to carry his gear and still match the speed of his older companions.

"Drew, I know you are young and dumb, but don't you ever understimate bears. They got my uncle and your father can attest to that. He was with my uncle on the same expedition. I'm going to kill the beast that got my uncle. Medveds are a threat to us all, do you understand?"
"Son. Shut your mouth and listen now. Abandon this foolishness, it is only going to get you killed. My brother, rest his soul, was a much more experienced hunter that you and he was killed in seconds by that beast. If you go out and track it down it will kill you too. What would your mother do if she heard you went out into the forest and never came back? She would never know what happened to you. It would kill her."
"But, father, we must kill that medyed sooner or later. To make sure that the village is safe, if not to get justice for uncle."
"Our only chance to get the bear would be to make a party with all the hunters. The Pine brothers, Jim Wheat, Old Man Henderson, Bruce Hog and all the rest. And they're at each other's throats nowadays more often than not."

Boruta heard the conversation and felt determination. He couldn't be stopped by these people. Not by that coward who refuses to avenge his own brother. For that he must be punished. Boruta retreated into the forest, yet he didn't hide. He stood straight and looked into the distance, where he saw the oldest hunter. He focused on his mind and he found what he was looking for - guilt for the death of his brother.

He will pay for his betrayal.

Boruta took control of the eldest hunter's mind and made him walk toward the stream. He made him kneel and he made him shove his head deep into the water and the mud of the stream.

The hunter's son at first thought his father was angry at him - his silent footsteps made him feel deep shame at his words. Defying his father's will was never a good idea. Father had a heavy hand and was harsh, but just. He had noticed the bag in the stream and was about to say something, but stopped when his father submerged his head in the water. He had no idea what to do, why was his father acting in such a way. To his unending terror, his father didn't emerge from the water. He started pulling at his father's shirt to try and save him, but to no avail. Little Drew just stood there, confused, not knowing what to make of this situation.

Boruta stood there, looking at the scene unravel and waited until the body of the huntsman stopped moving, calmly listening to young man's pained yelling and unintelligible whimpering. The child, Drew stared at Boruta's form and for a second their eyes met. Slowly, Boruta turned around and walked into the deep, pine forest.

How does this go? As above.
What was Hamilton’s last words? 'The hardest part is letting go'.
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2018, 09:14:20 pm »

How does this go? Sisa scowls and grumbles noncommittally. She knows in her heart she is dedicated to Adeline, but she owes this man an eternal debt. For his part, the man sighs heavily.

What destiny does this man have planned for you? The man has made his intentions clear; he wants Sisa to some day leave with him and become his apprentice. Being trained as a cooper, she was trained in the arts of both woodworking and metal-crafting, both trades that were vital to his own crafts.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2018, 07:51:42 pm »

*prods Fniff*
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2018, 05:26:02 pm »

*prods Fniff*
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."
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