So after spending a few hours making a 98 Z-Level pump stack and digging out a legit under ground river I wanted to see do I have to place my water wheel any where exact? My Pump stack goes from level 98 > 3 and the water wheel is on 74 I believe. If I hook up a lever to the gear assembly and flip da switch will every thing power up?
I was going to do this method because submerging my water wheel in water seems to have failed.
Didnt Work work as planned
Trying this next
Also can I have two wheels side by side or do they have to not be touching.
They work side by side... I wouldn't call this a masterwork subject.
water wheels require water levels of 4+ under the wheel... so you need to lower your channel..
I prefer the water generators you posted if I really need power they work better more condensed less water movements.
Im afraid even if you got that pump stack powered, you re going to have some serious issues...
I would suggest looking at this post on the forums: these posts in the wiki: personally use the magma/water generators provided in masterwork for dwarves, orcs, and succubus.
If I have to move magma I use minecarts and impulse ramps instead of pump stacks.