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Author Topic: Hippie dwarves sucking up to the elves but simultaneously being well 'ard  (Read 1328 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Edgelady Supreme
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We are building a winter fortress, up near the glaciers, surrounded by elves and cacti despite the oft-freezing climes. Even the summer is icy cold, and the river which brings our wounded water freezes over for three seasons at a time.
We are not cutting down any of these cacti, because good word they are beautiful. Nature sure is amazing. We haven't even slaughtered any animals except a dying donkey.
Yet we sink our foundations deep into the rocks, trading with our elven neighbours for the wood in our beds and bins, and relying on the earth's bounty for the petty concerns of shelter and gathering places: here, the more cramped our halls are, the more warmth we'll have, for it is the fire in our hearts that warms us as the wolverines howl to the wind's tune.
We are dwarves, and we shall strike the earth. But not the trees, 'cause the elves were right the whole time. Except the cannibalism.

But yeah, I decided to start one maptile away from a glacier, in an often-freezing place full of saguaro cacti. I'm also going to conform to hippie standards, although we don't really have masses of trees anyway. Seeing as I've never actually played seriously (I got bored of my last fort before the first year was done) it is time to thrust myself into the fire.

So far we are in the second spring and we have enough of everything to last everyone for a long while. Trading dolomite pots and gems to the elves is an, ah, enriching experience.
Two strange moods and artifacts: an artifact wooden bow and an artifact wooden figurine (which means two legendary craftsdwarves who specialise in the resources I have very little of).

I think I know what I'm doing, but any tips for getting water? There's an aquifer somewhere, but we've only dug about 6-8 levels down so far because mountain.

Also, does not cutting any trees since the beginning even affect your relations?

steel jackal

  • Bay Watcher
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firstly, if you want water you will need to bring magma to the surface to melt the ice. but you have stated there is an aquifer, that will be much more easy to get water from. you could also make an underground cistern to fill with water during the thawed season to last you the other 3.

secondly, elves tolerate chopping down trees, they will only get offended if you offer them anything wooden. if you offer them wooden things again and again, they will send a diplomat to ask you to limit the number of trees you chop. if you agree to the limit they will be fine with you so long as you dont go over the limit, if you do go over the limit, they will get offended and could declare war on you.

i am a dwarf and im digging a hole, diggy diggy hole

my art:


  • Bay Watcher
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Elves send out a diplomat regardless of what you do, given enough time. If you've chopped few or no trees, the diplomat will comment on it positively, rather than asking for a treaty. Trying to trade non "grown" wooden items (or wood derived items, like anything ash glazed, or clear glass) will hurt relations, as will refusing the treaty, or breaking it. trading back the elves own grown items is acceptable. So you can trade for grown barrels, fill them with food or booze, and trade them back for a profit.

You can get water from the caverns if there is any there, or from breaching an aquifer. But you have to find the aquifer, it sounds like the biome with the aquifer doesn't cover your whole map. Aquifers only occur in certain rock and soil layers. The easiest way would be to simply use the river when it is flowing in the summer. Create an underground cistern and fill it with water, generally you only need water for cleaning wounded, and for giving to wounded. Unless you run out of booze, so don't do that. Make a well room underground, and below it make another room. Connect it to the river through a diagonal connection (this stops it from overflowing and  flooding your fort.) You can put in water controls like floodgates controlled by levers if you like but they are not strictly necessary. You can create a drain for your cistern by making a tunnel to the edge of the map, smoothing the undiggable tile at the edge, and carving fortifications in it. Water will run through fortifications and off the map that way.


  • Bay Watcher
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what about putting the tile the well feeds from inside diagonal walls?

(W=well, O= wall)

in theory, the cistern would be presurized, but the water wouldn't overflow.
So uh, yeah you just murdered a until proven otherwise pretty neutral innocent being for no reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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what about putting the tile the well feeds from inside diagonal walls?

(W=well, O= wall)

in theory, the cistern would be presurized, but the water wouldn't overflow.

Don't see why not. As long as the cistern is water tight except for the well feed, it would work fine.