Also works with all other ammos. Small, fire-starting arrows for example; or a "bomb" ammo for ranged weapons in traps.
It is easy to set up too, using only two additions:
Onload.init get this line:
modtools/projectile-trigger -material INORGANIC:WILDFIRE -command [ modtools/spawn-flow -material INORGANIC:WILDFIRE -location [ \\LOCATION ] -flowType Dragonfire -flowSize 2250 ]
And you need a new material, in this case called WILDFIRE.
Thats it. If you want to use it in fort mode, you obviously still need a way to produce said inorganic and/or ammo. I'm currently working on that. I plan to release three parts, one for ammo, one for siegeammo and one for traps.
Only issue I found is that the spawned dragonfire always drags towards the west. It spawns in a location, spreads westwards with a bit of north/south in it. No flow towards the east.
In my case I make the ammo from saltpeter, brimstone, coke, oil and lye:
[NAME:Make wildfire ballista ammo]