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Author Topic: [0.42.06] [Succession Fort] Channel Tells: Cult of Armok Succesion fort  (Read 906 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
    • View Profile

Welcome to my first succession fort. This fort is located in an evil biome and is controlled by believers of Amrok namely, guardians. They (The starting 7 and other acquisitions) are in charge of protecting migrants but can not be seen by them. The population cap starts at 7 and after one year of preperation, the guardians are sealed away and is raised to 130. The first leader (That's me) has two years, one to prepare and another "real turn" in which they try to survive. Each year following the initial one, you can post rules for the leader to follow which are orders from the Cult of Armok. The leader can accept whatever ones they dub worthy, but the rules should be fun/realistic, not extremely tough challenges. Making the leader have to mine out thousands of blocks and make an artificial mountain is not a good challenge. They should be small rules like having to sacrifice a dwarf once a year, or killing elven caravans that refuse to take your wooden crafts etc. etc. The file is then compressed and is sent to the next person in line. The line is on a first come first served bias. Doing stupid stuff like flooding the world with lava or digging into NFS (Especially since only a few can actually wear armor) will cause us to use the backup file and hand it over to the next person in line. This is also true if you fail to complete your turn.

Succesion Rules:
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Year 1

This book accounts the successes and failures of the  dwarven fortress Channel Tells, in the hope that it will serve as knowledge for others who dare settle this land.

   My name is proof, and I am part of The Cult of Amrok. Now, before you elves and humans roll your eyes and label this as a radical book of religion, I must tell you, I was forced to join this damn group. How, you might ask? Well, when your life is saved by the King, you have a pretty big debt to pay. You see, the Duke of the fortress found out that I was selling toy puzzleboxes in the underground market to kobolds. The Duke prisoned me and would have had me hammered, until the King requested a hunter from our settlement. I was the only real hunter in the fortress so, with a sigh, the Duke handed me over to the King's guard. Had I known where I would end up, I would have stayed.

   When I was brought before the King, he told me that I was to join The Cult of Amrok and become a guardian. I told him I wasn't very religious, and The Cult just wasn't for me. He dismissed his guards and said that where he was sending my group was more than for just some religous fanatics. It was to protect those dwarves living in the South. The cult had devised an armor able to withstand the harsh environment, which would otherwise leave the dwarves unprotected from the Goblin armies.

   What can I say, he saved my life, although unwittingly. I guess it was my pity for the dwarves that led me to accept his offer. So, I was trained as a guardian. I learned to kill and sacrifice blood to Amrok. I rose in ranks and became the next leader of our settlement. I felt confident as we left Amrok's Cathedral for our destination, until I looked at our destination:

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What demon had devised this settlement? Hurridly purchasing supplies we set out on our mission:

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   While analyzing what little knowledge of the area we had, I found the river might be frozen nearly all year, and it may contain salt water from the sea. This became a huge problem as the local wildlife is obviously evil, and we can not survive injuries without water. Our only hope is to dig for the caverns and hope we survive.

   Ah, and did I tell you about what the crazy Cult of Amrok believes? Guardians are noble and pure soldiers. Should they be even seen in battle by common dwarves, they will face the full fury of Amrok. So, we have one year to create a self sustaining fortress locked off from the other world, while also providing for  the migrants. How do we protect them? Well, we also have to build a bunker for the Immigrants in order for us to use any of our military might. All of the migrants must hide in the bunker. Those still outside will have the door shut on them and we will be unable to help until they all die. I have a plan that may help the migrants, but who knows how well it will work.

   Our group is horrible? Let me tell you that Amrok wants us to die. We were sent three [competent] hammerdwarves, an axe dwarf, and a spear dwarf. There is only one well rounded dwarf that knows how to work more than one actual job. Let me tell you, it's going to be a pain to build our fortress.
We have arrived. Of the original ten elite guards, only two remain, and they already ran for the hills back to the nearest dwarven civilization. They hastily pulled out a half ripped paper and left us at our site:

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I'm not sure why they wrote the last part... Or if they wrote the last part...

Chapter 1:

Entry 1: The clouds around us converge in a vortex around our heads. The skies are black, and it begins raining sludge. The ground is growing tentacles and eyeballs. I believe this world wants us dead...

To begin with I check my surroundings and our stocks:

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Neither are very good. We strike the earth and start building workshops, and a dining room to get out of this cursed rain. Then we work on a plump helmet farm and a duck egg farm. We dig up the start of the bunker. No animals around except for some friendly rabbits. Very strange.

Entry 2: There are ravens up in the trees, just staring at us. Tons of them. Even worse, the ground is riddled with tentacles and eyeballs. Something bad is going to happen, I can sense it. We need to build our base ASAP.

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Entry 3: The growth has gone down and the ravens have left. It seems we are not that much of a threat at the moment. Let's hope it stays that way. Summer has arrived and the river is still frozen. We may have to breach the caverns below us and set up a well soon. That is a secondary project, as we still need to finish this fortress and the bunker.

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Entry 4:
The river has melted, I must take this chance and create a sustainable source of water. I dug out a small cistern to hold the water and then dug a small hole leading to it. I then used two doors to release the water and let it drain into the cistern:

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I may have had a little flooding though:

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Entry 5: The fort is coming along nicely, the bedrooms are finished, tombs are being carved out as well as a temple to Amrok. No hostiles. I believe we may have a chance.

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Entry 6:
This is actually quite funny, I have observed the cats running like mad all around the bedroom level. It is pretty halarious. (Must be a bug?)
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Entry 7:
I'm an idiot. An Ogress walked into our fortress. While I was putting away some crafts, I saw it charge down the stairs. I yelled at our soldiers to take up arms as I rushed after it. I was too late, as Dudek the hammerdwarf and malitia leader had already fallen.

By my men's reports, the ogre picked up Dudek by the
[Second Finger, right hand with her left hand!]
[Dudek scratches the ogre!]
[The ogre punches the malitia commander in the head with her right hand and the injured part explodes into gore!]
[Deduk has been found dead.]
Screaming, wishing to avenge their comrade, a hammerdwarf, a miner, and the worker charge toward the ogress.
[The hammerdwarf bashes the ogress in the left foot with her <Silver War Hammer>, fracturing the bone!]
[The ogress falls over.]
[The ogress gives in to pain.]
 [The dwarves proceed to beat the ogress into a living pulp, until]
[The miner strikes the ogress in the head with her <Copper Pick> and the injured part is cloven asunder]
[The ogress has been struck down]

We call the deceased ogress, Asizfikuk. Her blood is offered to Amrok.
A coffin is hastily made for the fallen dwarf as Fall descends upon us. We still have work to do.

Entry 8:
We have started construction on an archer tower over the bunker. This should allow me and any other crossbow dwarves to protect the migrants without revealing ourselves to them.
Entry 9:
The merchants have come. We handed them some rock crafts for some rope. We sneak to the tower to finish our project. The outpost liason from The Cult of Amrok has come with a single guardian. He says this is the last one, and we must train our own. We request steel, he fills the orders and then sits in our dining room... Waiting... I might make him a sacrifice.
Entry 10:
Harpy's! Oh wait! They're attacking the merchants. Four of the birds are down by the marksdwarves. But one is heading straight toward the hammer-dwarf. He easily deflects the attacks and knocks out the harpy. He leaps from the top of the tower and slams the harpy on the head
[The harpy has been struck down]
A harpy has been hit by an arrow and is limping away
Harpy: Help! Save Me!
But the nearby axedwarf is in combat mode. He remembers the battle of fish-helm where the goblins weaponized these creatures.
Ushrir: Leave none alive
He beats the harpy which is having trouble breathing until:
[The axedwarf hacks the harpy in the head with her <copper battle axe> tearing apart the muscle, fracturing the skull]
[The harpy has been struck down]
[Ushrir: So easily broken... This does not scare me.]
Entry 11:
After the victory over the harpys, we have finished the tower:

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I have set our soldiers to permanently train. Winter is upon us.

Entry 12:

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Not another Harpy attack. Ushrir is in front of all the other warriors and slaughters the first one. The malitia commander cleans up two others, but there is still one smart one that swoops down and hits Ushrir with it's left toe. Ushrir is down and the other soldiers can't reach the Harpy. They eventually give up and leave me and the miner to take care of it. I grab my stone sceptre and the miner grabs his pick and we approach the Harpy.

[The harpy passes out from exhaustion]
[Proof strikes the harpy in the head with his diorite scepter]
[The miner strikes the harpy in the head with her <copper pick> and the severed part sails off in an arc]
We put Ushrir in the hospital and let him recover. He is talking about fire breathing harpies. I think he hit his head too hard.

Entry 13: I have completed a sunroom that leads to the bottom of our fortress. It is surrounded by a single z level of walls and should kill anything that falls down it. Wouldn't want our warriors being cave adapted.

Entry 14:
An ogre and two ogress' have arrived. We locked the fortress, but we were too late and they are in the bunker standing just outside the door to the ducks. It is spring now. I am rushing up to the tower and the soldiers will be released soon. THEN, WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE

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To be continued...

I will start the next year once a few rules have been suggested.
(Sorry for the bad formatting, first time using this editor and I didn't know tab saves the post)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2016, 02:34:45 pm by ProofofconcepT »


  • Escaped Lunatic
    • View Profile
Re: [Succesion Fort] Channel Tells: Cult of Armok Succesion fort
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2016, 01:35:56 pm »
