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Author Topic: Akrullikot  (Read 1841 times)

Axle Gear

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« on: April 04, 2007, 10:35:00 pm »

The king wasn't angry.  He wasn't upset.  He wasn't even pissed.  He was frothingly MAD with rage.  No death conceivable by dwarven minds could be so horrible as to be adequate for these rebels.  He would send them to claim the riches of the most insanely dangerous and desolate place in the world.

He would send them to...

Geshud Ilralkekath, Novice Miner
   >>Likes Onyx, hippo leather, pearl, bolts, armor stands, large gems, and ballista arrows.  Prefers to eat cave lobster and dwarven cheese.
Udib Abaldodok, Novice Miner
   >>LLikes diorite, star sapphire, bracelets, and dogs.
Erith Geshudsebir, Proficienct Grower, Novice Herbalist, Novice Bewer, and Novice Cook
   >>Likes gneiss, bronze, horn, the color light brown, and picks.  Prefer to consume plump helmets.  Detests purring maggots.
Lokum Onulsheget, Novice Fisherdwarf
   >>Likes jet, copper, helms and scepters.  Prefers to consume dwarven syrup and dwarven wheat flour.
Oddom Kulttarmid, Proficient Mason and Novice Mechanic
   >>Likes pumice, squamarine, toy axes, and horses.
Mafol Usanzon, Novice Bone Carver
   >>Likes moonstone, coral, the color dark chestnut, and horses.  Prefers to consume dwarven beer.
Kel Bibanerib, Trapper, Ambusher, and Proficient Marksdwarf
   >>Likes sandstone, steel, rock crystal, pearl, cave spider silk, the color cardinal, diamonds, short swords, leggings, scepters, and mules.  Prefers to consume dwarven rum and dwarven syrup.  Detests purring maggots.

2 dogs
2 cats

2 iron picks
an iron battle axe

12 plump helmet spawn
6 pig tail seeds
6 sweet pod seeds
6 cave wheat seeds
1 dimple cup spawn

45 turtle meat
1 horse meat
1 plump helmet
1 mule meat
1 gazelle meat

6 dwarven rum
6 dwarven beer
6 dwarven wine
6 dwarven ale

(Maps and other images:   )

I'll write this one in a brief and historical manner, because i'm sure it will be action packed.  (Watch me be proven wrong.)


Axle Gear

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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 11:08:00 pm »

Day 1:

They decided the first thing they'd need is defenses.  Their head hunter, Kel, was a great defense but wreckless.  Before arriving he'd seen a giant scorpion out there, and he aimed to kill it.  The others began cutting into the rock face, to build what would eventually become a fortified wall to shoot from.  Beds were going to be scarce, very scarce.  The wagons would be the soul source of them.. trade would be vital.  So Mafol began construction of a workshop to carve stone.  He wasn't experienced in stone, only bone.  But he imagined they wouldn't be too terribly different.  Oddom began a masonry and mechanic shop.  All outside, for now.  They would need mechanisms for traps, and stone constructions.
Kel was predictably hunting the scorpion, hell-bent on bloodlust and proving himself.  He would die quickly, everyone was certain.  But that's fine, one less mouth to feed.  And if he somehow succeeded?  More food.  Wait, can you even eat scorpion?
On the 9th of granite, 1051, Early Spring they struck Sphlarite.  Hardly a valuable material as the lands were rumored to be full of.  But, perhaps, it may be of some use later, if they find copper.  There was a lot of jet, too.  Which is sort of nice.. but not going to make them filthy rich.  The heat was excruciating, the drink wouldn't last long, that was for certain.  It was so insanely dry, everyone was becoming convinced there would be no cave river in these lands.  Trade was vital.. stone mugs were the first order of production, and once the miners got underway, they would begin smoothing the tunnel for travellers far in the future.  Despite the mason being the only one skilled at such, everyone would participate in the beginning of the road.
28th Granite, 1051, Mid-Spring, amazingly Kel came back.  It wasn't a scorpion, but a giant jaguar.  How odd, but lucky!  Amazingly also, he seemed completely unharmed.  Not a scratch!  Everyone cancelled their jobs to prepare it immediately.  Kel had a major kill behind his belt, and felt proud as a result.  Erith quickly built some crude rock butchery slabs and got to work.  Mafel built a tanner's shop to make use of the hide when it was complete.  10 slabs of meat, 10 chunks of giblets, 3 slabs of fat, 10 bones and a skull were yielded.  All of it would surely be of use.  They carved out a room to store everything inside, as they began to notice it was cooler deeper inside the cave, and outside of the insane sun.  They also dug a second room adjacent, for a kitchen and future bedroom.  That fat needed to be rendered, but was edible.  The bones were underway to be made into bolts to feed Kel's now productive bloodlust.  The skull would be made into a totem.  Maybe it would scare something away from their home if tastefully arranged?
By now they had 5 mugs, mostly chalk.  They were good quality, and chalk was nice, adding that odd dry texture to their drink that they so favored in true dwarven fashion.  But soon, everyone was exhausted from the work, and so ended the first day, with everyone collapsing onto the floor, the crafter head-down on his workdesk.  The miners last, but eventual.

(See the file day 1 end in my directory)


Axle Gear

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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2007, 12:12:00 am »

Today marked the day they would begin digging deeper into the mountain, smoothing things as they go for those lazy humans.  They were the best choice for trade, being the closest civilization nearby.  They also now began construction of a trade depot outside.  It would be needed, too.  The smoothing was going slowly, but productively.  it was useful for water flow too, preventing puddles from sitting and stagnating.  They also began breaking apart the wagons, since all the contents had been moved now.  The wood was needed for beds.  The floor wasn't going to work for sleeping.  Plus, it may be needed for something else later.  They'd need to be conservative...
Oddom began the depot.  They had a few mugs and that totem to sell.  It would, hopefully, get them more drink.  And food would be nice as well.  Meanwhile, Kel was giggling to himself.  He was hauling the most heavy corpse of a giant leopard back home.  He had shot it clean through the eye, just like last time.  But this was the right instead of left.  He was THE marksdwarf, THE hunter, THE killer.  He was Kel Bibanerib!  No, he'd need a new name, soon.. it wasn't good enough...
The others rejoiced at the kill's return.  Much more food for them.  Bones for bolts too.  And another skull for a totem, woo.  Erith once again butchered the corpse, utilizing every bit he could.  They had food now, but soon every scrap would be required.  Mafol would need to get around to finishing the wagon-breaking.  He had done one, but needed more.  It was unpleasant work.  But they'd need the wood for beds and maybe other things.  He'd also need to build a carpenter's workshop.. he dreaded the idea of the task.
The drink was almost gone.  Maybe three mugs left.  Hard times were about to arrive...  The storeroom was also getting too small, and so they enlarged it.  By now both wagons were dismantled.

Then, 12th Felsite, Late Spring, as Mafol worked, he spotted a monstrous creature approaching.  A Nightwing.  Thankfully Kel was still with the others, and he engaged it, firing his little arrows away.  This wasn't a jaguar or leopard, this was a creature that would slaughter them gleefully for fun.  The first arrow stabbed into it's right shoulder painfully, the second into it's right upper arm, peircing deeply within.  The next two arrows missed, before another lodged into it's upper body, puncturing a lung.  It was headed in a screeching, breakneck speeding frenzy right for Kel.  He had to shoot fast and hard!  The next arrow seemed to bounce off harmlessly.  It was maybe twenty feet away, closing like a missile.  He was out of arrows.. time to brace for impact.  He stepped forward and prepare.  And, the melee began.  He swung, batting it's left hand with his crossbow.  It retaliated, striking his lower leg, scraping the flesh.  He struck back, hitting it roughly in the spine.  It lashed as his leg, tearing a chunk free painfully.  He turned and began to circle the creature, then ran.  He needed help, this was too much for the dwarf, even as wonderful of a killer as he was!  As he rushed to the entrance of the caves, the dogs began to approach.  The other dwarves prepared for battle.  One of the dogs leapt at the nightwing.  It tried to bite it, but was knocked away, lightly bruising it's right front leg.  The dog then managed to take a nip of it's left upper leg, followed shortly after by it's left hip, causing it much consternation.  It's luck didn't last long, the monster slashing in.  Completely severing it's rear leg from the base down, a horrendous and greivious wound was inflicted to the brave animal.  Just then the other dog leapt from behind, tearing into the Nightwing's upper right arm.  It flung her violently to the ground, stunning her and moderately damaging her leg.  (Combat 1 picture)
It then tore in to the dog's lower torso, causing grevious pain and damage.  By now the dwarves were arriving.  Erith and Mafol, to begin, with Oddom nearby behind.  The creature flung itself at Erith, not harming him but stunning him definitely.  Mafol pushed in with all his might, wresting the beast and knocking it back, stunned, before taking a great swing with the spare iron axe they had.  Mafol's swing disloged it's entire right leg, blood spewing everywhere.   Together Erith and Mafol worked to pin it, fairly successfully.  Mafol then stepped back and made a mighty swing, smashing the nightwing into the mechanic's workshop, killing it.  The fight was finally over, dwarving saving the day.  (Combat 1 end pic)

Kel wasted no time going back to work, despite his minor injuries.  He soon returned a giant jaguar corpse, which Erith prepared.  Mafol had begun to construct the first of three planned beds.  It was painfully slow going, Mafol had no idea how to be a carpenter.  Around the time of the second bed, they realized they were out of drink.  And no caravan had arrived yet... hasty plans were made to dig a well, in vain hopes it would provide the drink they needed.  They also began a still to brew the one plump helmet they had.  Erith got to work making that helmet into booze, quickly out of necessity.  Mafol tried his best to hurry the bucket, as all the dwarves began to grow thirsty.  Very, very thirsty.  They both finished at around the same time, the well being put into the room with kitchen and still.  The booze should tide them over until it was done, as vile as water tasted it would sustain them until the caravans came.  The well still required stone blocks, which Oddom was simply too tired to make.  He slept in his workshop, mid-project.  None could wake him, and it looked poor.  Geshud, the second most knowledgeable of rock, finished the blocks, shoving the comatose mason aside, and the well was ready.  But by now, everyone had collapsed from heat, exhaustion, and sheer tiredness.  And so the second, exciting, day ended.  (Day 2 end picture)


Axle Gear

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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2007, 03:02:00 am »

Day 4 and 5:

Little happened in the day as all woke, the tunnel getting deeper and deeper.  Still nothing of value being struck.. it was looking like the rock mother was as barren as the lands outside.  At least it was getting cooler, deeper in.  In time they would build their quarters in it's depths to avoid the beating heat.  Everyone was working sluggishly from the lack of booze, and the crushing heat wasn't helping.  At least they had plenty of food.
16th Limestone, Early Autumn, the caravan finally arrived.  Spotting them on the distance of the flat wasteland, they began to gather up their trade goods.  The totems and mugs, as well as a few bolts.  They really hadn't made as many items as they should have.  By this point, 15 mugs, 4 totems, and 5 bolts made from the nightwing's bones.
Then, 20th of Limestone, early autumn, just before the caravan arrived, they were ambushed by a Nightwing.  The resident dwarves weren't so worried, they'd dealt with it before.  THe caravan's dwarf thrust himself into battle, and was promptly cut down.  Iden Mafolnil the guard was no more.  Olin Ontakeshtan chased the Nightwing, apparently named Sinsotestil, into the cave, while it chased Tun Logemuker the merchant in as well.  And to make matters worse, the locals were mostly sleeping.  Just around the time they awoke to horrendous noises and obvious dwarf-battle sounds, they saw that the nightwing had been cut down.  And the merchant's mule was nearly dead too.  Everyone was glad it was dead, but a bit sad they missed the action.  (So was I, it happened so fast I didn't notice until it was right inside the cave!)
The trading commenced right after, trading some varied meats and some plump helmets in exchange for the mugs.  10 plump helmets, it would be useful and vital to repleneshing the booze supply, and getting everyone back to work.  The merchants also had some leather, cloth, and a lot of spider silk.  As everyone slowly woke, Kel was taking potshots at a giant scorpion.  Perhaps the one he saw so long ago.  Four, five, six arrows.. and it was barely harmed.  These bone bolts weren't great, but they were strong.  It should have done more, much more.  But it didn't.  He turned and ran.  It was worrysome how strong it's carapace was.  A small tomb was dug for the travelling dwarf guard.  A coffin was made of stone, and he was properly buried.
Kel, 16th sandstone, had begun a ferocious battle with another Nightwind.  Sixteen arrows unleashed, half missing, before the nightwing fell.  He was proud.  He could take on those beasts now, when before it was too much.  Kel took emmense pride in his title.  'Head Hunter'.  By now, that was his primary moniker..
As the merchants left, they slaughtered a leopard.  Nothing much to tell.  In short time, they had 45 mugs of wine, roughly, from the plump helmet.  SOMEONE had eaten one when noone was looking.  But still, this was a big improvement.  Booze was a necessity, after all.  The mining had also revealed a large patch of rock crystals.  A tiny find, but hardly wonderful.  They decided to leave them be until they had a jeweler.
The dwarves then noticed Kel hadn't returned from his latest hunting trip.  It was Sandstone 28th, mid-autumn.  He had said he was after the giant scorpion again.  Seems he may have found it...
They sent Erith the farmer to investigate, and return his corpse most likely.  Indeed, he found kel WAS dead.  His right lower leg was severed, and he was decapitated.  It was gruesome.  Lokum went to grab the rest of the dead dwarf's gear, and he spotted the scorpion.  It had traelled almost to the dwarfhome at an insane, and incredible speed.  When he returned, he suggested heavily that the traps they had planned and never implemented be used right away.  Lacking any decent weapons they actually wanted to spare, they set up a line of stonefall traps at the entrance.  This would help, surely?  Once it was done, they dug deeper.  Every so often someone would stomach getting more of Kel's remains..



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2007, 06:54:00 am »

Tip: Reading this would be a lot easier if you posted screenshots. It's well-written, but it would be more fun to read if it had pictures with the posts.  :)

[ April 05, 2007: Message edited by: Gaulgath ]



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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 10:53:00 am »

It would also be easier to read if you put empty lines between the paragraphs.

Jaqie Fox

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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 11:02:00 am »

Fur nation?


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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2007, 01:35:00 pm »

Indeed- I tried reading this last night when I was tired, and the lack of pictures or breaks made me give up. Well rested as I am now, though, I have to say that it's quite good so far!

I know first hand that it can take a while to upload a bunch of pictures (and it's bothersome to pause the action all the time to take them), but I do think it helps.

Fur nation?

I noticed that to... Eh, to each their own.

Jaqie Fox

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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2007, 01:37:00 pm »

It just surprised me is all. my X fiance was a fur. takes a while getting used to, that's for sure.


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Re: Akrullikot
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2007, 04:17:00 am »

hey we got a poet here, lol   :p