Once the next update is released, I really want to just make a massive tavern or something, and just do excessive amounts of tavern stuff. I'll make a fortress entirely based off of a tavern. Then maybe I'll slowly replace it's entire population with non-dwarves, and make the elves do all the woodcutting and carpentry. There's just so many things that could be done now that were previously off limits it seems fantastic. I wonder if I could make a gnome fortress. If I remember correctly, I think gnomes might be intelligent enough to join civilizations now, so I could get a gnome fortress. They'd all be tiny, and have worse stats, and steal alcohol all the time, but they'd also basically be immortal. Maybe I could make a gnome tavern, that'd be fun. People would go there and be like "whoa, look at all these cute tiny gnomes serving me alcohol. This is amazing, I'm going to tell everybody about this!" Then it'd become a world famous tavern, and the only known gnome settlement in the world. Maybe I could even get so many gnomes in that fortress that the civilization ends up having a huge gnome population overall, so then I found another fortress and get gnome migrants and get more gnomes and get rid of all the dwarves until slowly the civilization becomes entirely gnomes. Then I could found decent sized fortresses with the gnomes all over the place to get them to conquer the world and defeat every other civilization on the planet! Hahaha, gnome world domination!
Alright, so, I guess that's my current personal goal.