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Author Topic: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)  (Read 65558 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #450 on: June 18, 2016, 01:10:54 am »

A blessing on yourself can alter the perceptions of others on you, as shown with the "sleep with persons and it not affect other persons' feelings about you in a romantic and sexual sense" blessing. We have access to Bigotry as a domain. Figure out how to get three hexes sorted out and we can make it so that people aren't bigoted against us or whatever. As a subtle thing. This allows us to influence the Archmage of Fire and the Archmage of Air without us doing actions on them that they could detect. Especially important because I'm 90% sure that the guy being brought in is a dragon or something like a dragon.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #451 on: June 18, 2016, 08:43:56 pm »

2334th Year of Man, 5th Month, 24th Day:


After listening to both Rascal and Offnaughtus Prime, you decide to make the construct your Lash Master, and inform them both as such. You will figure out the whole Customs Master situation with Jourem and Lenny later; The two know each other well, and it may well be possible to give one the office he wants on the condition he grants the other an important position within the customs department. After Jourem leaves, Offnaughtus gives you a briefing. Apparently he has been keeping the office of the Lash Master running despite the lack of proper leadership.

Offnaughtus has been keeping tabs on Archmage Lee. It notes that the forigner has been stressed recently; The construct does not know the details, but Lee plans on sticking his neck out for the guild in a big way to some of the higher ups from his homeland. He has also been in touch with Fang Gulf, whom Chasity was supposed to marry before the prince stuck his nose into her busniess, although Offnaughtus dose not know exactly what they have been discussing.

He then notes that some of the guild's War Balloon pilots have been launching pirate raids west of the ironheart mountains. The new Armada Master refuses to put his foot down and stop the nonsense until hard proof can be provided. Said Armada Master, Tim Fletcher, is an old lover and apprentice of yours, and you know damn well if piracy is happening on his watch, he has a hand in it, although you decide not to mention this to Offnaughtus.

Lastly, he advises you to instruct whomever your new customs master is to imeadiately conduct an audit of all balloon merchants; Over the years, Offnaughtus has noted that the chaos caused by changing Customs Masters is always exploited by pilots looking to cheat the guild out of some of her cut. You suppose you could conduct the audit yourself if you wanted to - you have been in the Balloon Game long enough to know how such cheating is done and which pilots would likely be doing it. It might be wise to put your foot down and make an example of somebody, otherwise the Balloonists might think that they are above the law because one of their own is running the guild.


You call Archmage Lee to your office for a meeting, and first pass along Chasity's message to him, which causes the human to break into a wide grin. "This is good news."

He pauses for a second, "It helps our cause with my superiors greatly. I would think my chances of getting that Archmage I was speaking of for us just increased drastically."

You then bring up the Dryad, and Lee agrees to give her a fair tryout, and also says he would be willing to help find competent underlings for her should you instead want to put her in-charge of the Silver Zone. With that, you call the brief meeting off and send the fire caster back to his business.


Mr. Milton visits you in your office at the end of the workday, and requests a ride home with you in your balloon. It would seem that Soren has put the strange orc in charge of running guild operations in Manview, and as you always keep your doors open for friends and underlings, he intends to make his home at Godspike for the time being. This worries you a bit - if Immunity means Chasity harm, having one of her practitioners around your home may not be the best idea; Mr. Milton is an expert manipulator, and could have easily talked Soren into giving him the role if his goddess wanted to keep tabs on you and cause trouble. But then again, the assignment also makes sense; Immunity's divine magic of Shadow, Fear, and Obedience will allow him to thrive in the position, and when you held the post Mr. Milton was your right hand Orc.

You briefly lock eyes with your underling. You can usually tell when somebody is playing you, but if anybody could get away with lying to your face, it would have to be Mr. Milton. After several seconds of seeing nothing but loyalty and exitement for the future in his eyes, you ease up and dial back your paranoia a bit. You purchased Mr. Milton as a slave years ago, and arranged for a demon to program him with an addiction to serving your orders and interests - unless the demon who did the deed was also tied to Immunity, you have no doubt that the agent's loyalty to you is stronger than his devotion to his patron deity. With that in mind, you are fairly confident he means Chasity no harm.

As you are not one to rush into a decision, however, you hand the agent a small bag of coin, and order him to celebrate his promotion in town by treating himself to a hotel room in town and perhaps a few prostitutes. Mr. Milton thanks you for your generosity, takes the money, and hurries out of your office to follow his new orders. You have bought yourself a day to come up with a short term solution to the immunity problem.


Ominous clouds and turbulent skies cause paranoid thoughts about Milton to dominate the balloon ride home. By the time you land, you have resolved to at least consider your options for neutralizing any threat he might pose. Deciding to consult Alfierzi on the matter, you head to your labratory, only to find your demonic contact is already on the projection stage, having a fierce debate with your apprentice Amonna Greysteel.

It would seem that an anonymous demon paid Alfierzi a good sum of souls to deliver a Golem Key to you as a gift, but Amonna is refusing to let something from an unknown being through the circle and into your home without your permission.

Alfierzi claims she already examined the key, and there dose not appear to be anything sinister about it. She explains it contains the memories and personalities of several young up and coming Clan Shark orcs who were slain in the war between Chasity's father and the Kinkaids over a decade ago. Golems made from it will carry a wealth of pratical skills and much of the secret knowledge inscribed upon the walls of the ancient Savannah Orc castle Clan Shark calls home. The demon then adds that the primary personality on the key belongs to Feather, a son of the current Chieftain Shark who made a hobby of studying Savannah Orc balloon and airship technology.

You shudder. Clan Shark's patron god keeps Immunity as part of his harem, and now somebody is sending you a gift heavily related to that group of orcs. The key could be rigged to harm you, but you think Alfierzi would have spotted something like that. If Immunity is behind the gift, it is more likely that she is trying to butter you up, or install a spy in your home, than directly harm you with it. The fact that she knows where to find the demons you do business with is also a bit unnerving.

Dismissing your minion, you bring up the matter of Immunity to Alfierzi, as it is both relevant to the topic at hand and you had intended to ask for her help with Milton anyway. Alfierzi knows who the Goddess is, but is fairly confident that she is safe, and that her father has ties to bigger deities whom the ascended drow would be reluctant to cross. She notes the demon who paid her to drop off the key seemed to ancient and of drowish design, however, so your theory that Immunity could be messing with you may not be far off the mark.

Alfierzi notes that she was paid a bit up front, and promised more souls once the key was detected in the Ironheart mountains; Although she will not force you to accept the gift, she notes that if you do she could try to weasel more information out of her mysterious contact when he returns to pay her the rest.

On the subject of Mr. Milton, Alfierzi notes she could arrange an appointment with a memory wipe artist to tactfully remove knowledge of Immunity from your minions head while leaving the rest of him intact. She thinks she could have Mr. Milton penciled in for a Sunday cleaning at a cost of thirty souls, but could also have something ready tomorrow if you were willing to pay more and risk Mr. Milton's mind to a less skilled demon. Noting that Mr. Milton's main worth to you is as a divine caster, Alfierzi also adds that she could find somebody to grant him knowledge of a new god or two, noting that the price and wait time for such a service would depend on the sort of divine powers you wanted to purchase for him.


You find Chasity well groomed and in a good state of mind. She has cut her hair short since you seen her last, to conceal her identity she claims, and sent your constructs into town to fetch her some clothes. If it wasn't for her accent and mannerisms, she could pass for a lower class human or halfbreed living among the dwarves.

Starting the conversation on a down note, you mention the situation with Immunity, which, after dragging everything you know on the matter from you, she has some insight on. "This has the stench of the Shadow Blades all over it. They are the second largest faction from the Rising Isles active in The Kingdom, behind only Archmage Lee's group. I don't know much about them, but they have ties to the same dragon who supported the Gulf Dynasty back in the day, and somehow use that to justify peaceful business relations with some orc groups descended from the Gulfs' old allies, most notably Clan Shark."

She sighs. "They are building ties with the Tradewind Guilds, and as such are not our friends. Archmage Lee or Greent would know more than I would on this matter... You need to get Lee to brief you on what the Shadow Blades are up to. If he dose not want to talk to you, bring in one of the Marlowes and have him talk to them."

After a few more questions back and forth, the topic changes to Chasity's identity. You explain that she will pose as a lover you are so smitten with, she was offered an apprenticeship in spite of a total lack of skill. Chasity informs you she knows a smidge of summoning; She can leverage the hex her mother placed on her soul to contact her grandfather or one of the other demons in the family business. You ask if doing so would be a good idea, and she offers a negative reply. "I'm sure they are all in on Joy as heir. All we would accomplish is let them all know the location of your summoning circle..."

Chasity then asks about your current lovers, not wanting to be on the wrong end of somebody jilted by you for her, which causes you to explain the blessing placed upon you to prevent such things. Chasity then asks if you ever used the hex to protect somebody whom you were only pretending to be intimate with before, to which the answer is no. You both agree that faking it isn't worth the risk, and Chasity requests that you invite her to spend the night in your room, failing to live up to her name.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2016, 01:49:33 pm by Weirdsound »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #452 on: June 19, 2016, 08:03:34 am »

Our mental process:

We have been tricked so badly. Think about it: we brought Chastity here, where she would be most vulnerable to one of our own underlings. This Immunity bitch already is manipulating the predictions, and so invented this bullshit story about the Jade Lady Housebreakers kidnapping Chastity so that we would bring her here. She is so connected to demons that she knows who we are dealing with, and I wouldn't be surprised if she also manipulated whoever demon brainwashed Mr. Milton. Speaking of him, he was just programmed to get an addictive feeling to obey us, not any kind of unconditional servitude. This means that he can still disobey us, due to an important enough reason. We need to protect Chastity, not only because she is our friend, but because she is the sole reason we have the position of Guild Master now.

So, I propose that we focus on dealing as quickly as possible with this, and then discuss other things when things have calmed down.

Arrange with Alfierzi the mind-wiping for tomorrow. We are in a hurry here. Milton probably knows of everything by now.

Depart tomorrow at first hour with Chastity towards the Guild Master's Suite and use the Dark Wrokstations there to make Chastity contact his Grandfather. His family may be dead, so we need as much information as we can before taking any decisions. Imagine if Joy has been killed in whatever plot happened here? Then Chastity would have a shot at ending the rebellion and siding everybody under the same banner. The idea would be like this: Chastity contacts her Grandfather, and once that is done and she can communicate through the Projection Stage we damage the Summoning Circle enough so that nobody tries anything (we have another one at our home). Chastity will play the role of the victim, saying that she managed to escape but that she will likely be captured soon, and ask about her family and pry as much information from them.

When we get back, we bring Skylar Reese with us, so that he can help with his pseudo-inquisitor powers to deal with Milton if he turns out rebellious. And then we try to arrange the mind-wiping. We will likely have the resources to train Milton to something useful later.

And we are a freaking playboy, of course we will share our bed with Chastity (my Maeris side is screaming with rage).

Nitpick: I think that it was Fang Gulf, not Fang Strongcurrent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #453 on: June 19, 2016, 01:51:41 pm »

You are correct in the nitpick, and that has been fixed.


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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #454 on: June 19, 2016, 10:09:04 pm »

We should also see about arranging a meeting with Lee while we're in the area if that's feasible. I'm still for trying to sort out that anti-bigotry-towards-us blessing, and am mentioning it for more feedback on it. Can we look into making sure that we aren't being tailed through means mundane or magic? What are our potential options for that? If we're gonna be paranoid I want us to make sure that it is just paranoia and that the Prince doesn't have some spirit reporting in on us.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #455 on: June 20, 2016, 09:38:52 am »

We should also see about arranging a meeting with Lee while we're in the area if that's feasible. I'm still for trying to sort out that anti-bigotry-towards-us blessing, and am mentioning it for more feedback on it. Can we look into making sure that we aren't being tailed through means mundane or magic? What are our potential options for that? If we're gonna be paranoid I want us to make sure that it is just paranoia and that the Prince doesn't have some spirit reporting in on us.

The problem is that it is going to take us a lot f time to weave the hexes, and that we can only weave weak curses and blessings (taking like half an hour each). I wouldn't mind trying it when we have time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #456 on: June 20, 2016, 11:04:16 am »

The problem is that it is going to take us a lot f time to weave the hexes, and that we can only weave weak curses and blessings (taking like half an hour each). I wouldn't mind trying it when we have time.

Well we have 200 souls in credit, maybe we could negotiate something with our demon friend about contracting out the work. We've got a regular supply of credit souls coming in, so maybe we could trade X amount to hire someone to cast the hexes in our name or apply the blessing for us?
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #457 on: July 04, 2016, 08:43:55 pm »

The problem is that it is going to take us a lot f time to weave the hexes, and that we can only weave weak curses and blessings (taking like half an hour each). I wouldn't mind trying it when we have time.

Well we have 200 souls in credit, maybe we could negotiate something with our demon friend about contracting out the work. We've got a regular supply of credit souls coming in, so maybe we could trade X amount to hire someone to cast the hexes in our name or apply the blessing for us?

Probably Alfierzi can do that for us, we know we can trust her.

By the way, this is a shameless bump to indicate that I still have a lot of interest in the game, although I'm still thinking on Maeris' terms here, with the difference that now both Chastity and Dougpo fit into her plan:

Chastity marries Greent, they both get to inherit the duchy. Redding is older and so will pass away faster, which would give Chastity the opportunity she desires. Joy gets to be high shaman of Clan Ivy and resigns her title as duchess, because she will likely choose that over the duchy.

Dougpo is going to be offered the position of Alpha Dark Mage, although we will keep the power because he doens't know as much dark magic as we do. Eventually we offer to let the Guild handle all kinds of magic, including Dark Magic, once we go for world domination. And bam, everybody is on the same boat.

Then, when everybody is friends, we take out the Kinkaids, by repeated backstabbination from all their friends. Because we will control three of the migthy clans, and we will have an army of mercenary goblins in the city.

Other ideas: set up our own communication network using the Glowing Brain (we can afford him by disanchanting the soul glass with our dear blacksmith vassal). There would be nothing more satisfying that getting him to read the minds of everyone and write down all the dirt they have on them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #458 on: August 14, 2016, 07:04:59 pm »

The problem is that it is going to take us a lot f time to weave the hexes, and that we can only weave weak curses and blessings (taking like half an hour each). I wouldn't mind trying it when we have time.

Well we have 200 souls in credit, maybe we could negotiate something with our demon friend about contracting out the work. We've got a regular supply of credit souls coming in, so maybe we could trade X amount to hire someone to cast the hexes in our name or apply the blessing for us?

Probably Alfierzi can do that for us, we know we can trust her.

By the way, this is a shameless bump to indicate that I still have a lot of interest in the game, although I'm still thinking on Maeris' terms here, with the difference that now both Chastity and Dougpo fit into her plan:

Chastity marries Greent, they both get to inherit the duchy. Redding is older and so will pass away faster, which would give Chastity the opportunity she desires. Joy gets to be high shaman of Clan Ivy and resigns her title as duchess, because she will likely choose that over the duchy.

Dougpo is going to be offered the position of Alpha Dark Mage, although we will keep the power because he doens't know as much dark magic as we do. Eventually we offer to let the Guild handle all kinds of magic, including Dark Magic, once we go for world domination. And bam, everybody is on the same boat.

Then, when everybody is friends, we take out the Kinkaids, by repeated backstabbination from all their friends. Because we will control three of the migthy clans, and we will have an army of mercenary goblins in the city.

Other ideas: set up our own communication network using the Glowing Brain (we can afford him by disanchanting the soul glass with our dear blacksmith vassal). There would be nothing more satisfying that getting him to read the minds of everyone and write down all the dirt they have on them.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #459 on: August 14, 2016, 09:44:05 pm »

I haven't been able to keep up with this lately, but I too hope Weirdsound returns and resumes doing things.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) The Redleaf Epic (Formerly Widow: A Duchess Scorned)
« Reply #460 on: August 15, 2016, 03:15:16 pm »

We all do.

Although he hasn't been active for about a month, so there is not much to be done.
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