Does the Vampire Goblin accept criminals? I"m sure no one missies five finger discount doug right? Just sayin.
If you mean Fort Glacier's boss, I'm not sure he's highborn.
Also we should probably keep the feeding of our garrison commanders to terrors of the night to a minimum. It uh, usually isn't a sign of a good ruler.
A possible solution for the envoy guard problem would be to dedicate 20 of our own soldiers as additional guards for each envoy. They'd then have 25 soldiers each for protection, and they'd know the other envoy would only have five who'd be willing to act aggressively. Whilst we're losing 40 soldiers this way, we're still losing less than we would if we were to let them have their pissing contest.
Ooh, good call. I like this.
Problem is, if they don't trust us (or can get away with claiming as such) they can use that as an excuse instead. It
is true that we may be taking sides; indeed, our advisors all strongly suggest it. Our knowledge of (pinkskin) court manners is also crap, unfortunately, which means we
should turn both of them into vampires to make them easier to seduce and more likely to eat their own retinues might have difficulty getting them to budge even if they don't have any substantial objections.
Indeed. The envoys should not find it necessary to bring an entire platoon or whatever. We can provide for that.
But raise the cap to 10 guards. Give some ground.
In addition, magi count twice.
Or just disbar mages entirely. Assuming there's some way to tell. Alternatively, try to figure out some mage/elite fighter ratio, assume the elf will keep nothing but mages, and bloat the human's guard to compensate.
I don't see any particular reason to give ground, though, other than in an attempt to compensate for our abysmal surface court manners.
if youthfangs proof of treason by ashlan family is sound, she can have boneclang. we can also support tumuks favoured heir in the ensuing sucession dispute, if youthfangs doesnt have a better idea
Specifically, if Youthfangs has indisputable proof of the Ashland family's treason, she and her guest can have the person who ordered it done?
I like this idea for buttering up Youthfangs, but bear in mind that this doesn't actually gain us anything other than disposing of a traitor and making our vampire feel fancy. Since it'd cost a favor to find out about it, and then we'd gain a favor from fulfilling her request.
So I mean, I'm still for it, but it's not especially profitable.
Other problem: Suppose the treason is taking out our weak predecessor or smuggling elves. That'd be a little more ambiguous than funding the rebels or plotting our demise.
we should send cornius ahead to fort glacier, he should convince dreg dreg to dramatically increase the toll for banditry and recruit more experienced bandits. cornius should return with whatever mercenaries he deems worthy and can convince to come
we should upgrade the wurms equipment and levy some troops to garrison fort three roads, then head out to elven lands to recruit some sneaky ambushers and spellcrafters, stopping to have a chat with youthfangs contact
then we wait for cornius at righteousroot, with experienced bandits we go doin some banditry of our own on rebel lands, for the sake of recon, sabotage, and fun
Too much faff for my tastes. I'm still concerned with securing our lands and then gathering intel on how to defeat the rebels; wandering around rebel lands with a gaggle of elven mercenaries doesn't do much for the former and feels pretty lukewarm for the latter.
I'm on the fence about sending Cornius to Glacier. It'd be a good way to delegate, but I'm wary of sending a pragmatic bandit to bring around a pragmatic bandit. It'd also be nice to meet all of our commanders in person, although technically sending Cornius counts as such.
I like the idea of ending up at Righteousroot. I feel like I underestimated the value of a vampiric spy ring, so grabbing that favor and poking around our elven lands sounds nice.