I've decided to clean stuff up a bit by making challenges for beasts, since it doesn't matter if a beast can kill another beast it matters if a beast can kill dwarves, civilian & military and evade defenses
Civilian attack: Attack an amount of civilians and try to do as much damage in a set amount of time (to emulate how much time it has to kill before military arrives) most damage wins, one dwarf will have a copper pick and will have grand master fighter skill (miner, you can't give people miner skill in arena), 2 will have copper battle axes with no skill (tree cutter) and one will have a iron crossbow and 20 iron bolts with adequate crossbow and archer skills and novice discipline (hunter). Morale is turned on, there is a total of 30 dwarves and 5 dogs.
Military battle:fight against 7 skilled dwarves with iron high boots, chain leggings, mail shirt, helmet, shield and gauntlets, with steel weapons of variety. Plus 3 dwarves with iron helms, 25 iron bolts and oak wood crossbows, with competent skills. Beast with most damage dealt wins
It is required that a animal has a reason to attack the dwarves, it requires the steal food/item or large predator tags or something else to cause a battle. Bonus points to flying/amphibious beasts since they can avoid walls and even traps if there is a z level above/waterway, in both battles, there is a 20x20 area for the battle (so no one runs away)
Results of contests will be posted later, please post beasts that should enter the contest below, land/flying only for now.