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Author Topic: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria  (Read 3773 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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A Fallout: Equestria Mod Community Game
A post-arcane holocaust adventure!

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

…there came an era when the ideals of friendship gave way to greed, selfishness, paranoia and a jealous reaping of dwindling space and natural resources. Lands took up arms against their neighbors. The end of the world occurred much as we had predicted -- the world was plunged into an abyss of balefire and dark magic. The details are trivial and pointless. The reasons, as always, purely our own. The world was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing; a magical spark struck by pony hooves quickly raged out of control. Megaspells rained from the skies. Entire lands were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Ponykind was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the ambient radiation that blanketed the lands. A quiet darkness fell across the world...

…But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue for another bloody chapter in pony history. In the early days, thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters known as Stables.
But when they emerged, they had only the hell of the wastes to greet them.

[Intro passage taken from the original, sans Stable 2]

Late night in the wastes. Almost no visibility without a torch (electrical or not,) but the sight of flickering floodlights to my right in a gap between some wrecked freight wagons was welcome. My E.F.S. Seemed inclined to agree as a little hollow triangle appeared on the compass.

As I got closer to the lights though, it was clear nopony was home. I was greeted by a protectapony painted Stable-Tec blue that, for a change, didn't try to kill me. When I poked it with my revolver, all I got was it saying “Welcome to: Sunwave! Please behave yourself.”

I was confused to be honest. I'd never heard of a town called Sunwave, when I noticed the “86” crudely painted on the robot's flanks. A Stable town? What were they doing out here? I went  further in, noting a depot made of scrap iron, piles of scrap, hunks of wood, and so on and so forth. I spotted a building labeled “Common House,” and went in.

A pair of stairs went up. Another two floors, by the looks of them. I picked one and went up, looking for a spot to sleep. The only cot that really stood out was one with a Ministry of Morale poster on the wall next to it and a steel chest that looked like time hadn't been very kind to, judging by the rust around the edges and the small hole rusted through the front. I was curious, and while I'm no unicorn, I was an okay enough lockpick. Years of having to get my little brother out of locked rooms he kept getting into somehow had seen to that.
It wasn't hard, no more than most locks back home anyway, all things considered. It takes a special kind of Earth pony to really learn lockpicking. A mouth to work the pins is all well and good, but hooves are clumsy with a screwdriver – or anything else that can't be safely tied to one's forelegs for that matter – even at the best of times.

Once it was cracked open at the cost of two bobby pins, I was greeted by a pile of holotapes. I remembered these things. My dad said they weren't nearly as good for storing important information. Not enough space. But they were far more durable than hologems thanks to their steel housing and didn't need a unicorn to impart information onto it. Had to have been the Ministry of Wartime Technology that designed them.

The first tape in the pile had a lable on it, “Blossom Rider – Sunwave 1.” Not having much else to do I took the tape out and set it on the cot before taking off my helmet, saddlebags, and bandoleer. Once I'd gotten free of the heavier stuff, I plugged in the tape and was greeted by a mare's voice from my PipBuck's speaker.

“Is this thing... Hrmmm... Oh, it already is! There we go! Uh, hello? Uhm, Hi there, whoever found this. I guess if you're listening, then that means there's nopony left in Sunwave. Can't say I'm surprised. My name's Blossom Rider by the way! Nice to meet you, er, you know what I mean.”

All I could do was chuckle. Off the beaten path in a place that seemed to be crawling with Army model robots and sprite-bots belching polka music, and here was some cheery mare recording like it wasn't even a big deal that they could die the same day.

“I'm the leader of the Sunwave Expedition, based out of Stable 86 in the Trident Valley. I'm leaving this recording to let the overseer know what happened if we weren't able to get home. Short version, we got attacked by some of Destrier's soldiers. Guess they didn't take well to Carbon killing their boss and trashing their base, huh?”

I couldn't help but cringe when she said my name.

“Anyway, We were... About two weeks from Shatterpoint I think? But between the slavers, feral ghouls, and raiders... Honestly I have no idea where we are at this point. The break in the mountains is a long way off now though. No way we can get back with what supplies and weaponry we have.”

“All we can do is try to bunker down and hope to whatever gods are out there that some caravan or another finds us by accident. Now, I'm normally a very optimistic mare, but... Well, all things considered, I'm not feeling quite as upbeat about our chances. There's seven of us at the time of this recording. Myself, Dazzle, Rouncey, Starsight, Crystal Waters, Coinstar, and Backblast. Might be others who got away from Destrier's soldiers, not sure.”

There had to have been for this village to spring up. I had to wonder how I hadn't seen this town in the distance before.

“We're going to keep the original name, such as it is. Chances are we'll be here for the long haul, so there's no reason we can't at least try to make it seem vaguely homey, right?”

Hello, and welcome to Sunwave.

If you've no interest in the likes of colorful midget horses maiming one another with machetes, trying to not be mauled by robots, avoid radiation poisoning, get eaten by ghouls, or blowing eachothers brains out with anti-tank rifles, please use the door to your right and kindly go fuck yourselves. Otherwise, welcome aboard, and keep any racy stuff under your hat. We don't need another Pineapple. Now that that's out of the way...

I am starting this for one simple purpose. I need something constructive to do until I can get my external drive relocated into my computer, and dwarves again seemed a bit... Well, redundant I suppose. I'll be making use of DF 34.11, with the last version of Fallout: Equestria that Lycaeon worked on; not to belittle Snail555, who put a ton of effort into trying to continue the mod plus updating it to v40.xx, but because I know everything in this version more-or-less works as intended and attacks are not left to chance – they're a guarantee.

With that said, let us meet our embark crew!

Blossom Rider
Sunwave's Unicorn Leader,
Optimistic and generally a cheery little git, Mare

Unicorn hammerpony who has adopted “Honor before Reason” as his philosophy
Local Security Commander, Stallion

Crystal Waters
Earth pony water trawler and general laborer.
Fisherpony and General worker acting as Coinstar's assistant, Mare.

Once a dig team supervisor, now just an Earth pony digger stuck in jackfuckistan.
Dig Team Leader, Stallion.

Unicorn seamstress who wanted to open a clothing store in the original outpost.
You see how well that plan went. Clothier/Leatherworker, Mare.

Rookie Security pony, and greatly hobbled in the role at that, being an Earth Pony.
Uses a machete, though he'd prefer to use something more spear-shaped. Stallion.

Earth pony who fancies himself a merchant
Really though he's just an okay-level scavenger, Stallion

Now, for some backstory as to what the hell happened to these poor schlubs prior to game start. Pardon the brevity and no narrative, but context is more important right now and I'll give you the broad strokes.

A slaver warlord named Destrier has recently, along with a large chunk of his forces, been reduced to a fine mushy/charred/bullet-ridden paste by a rather vengeful young lady named Carbon who is serving as our framing device. Fuck not with her family, lest ye become pounded into a fitting imitation of ground beef with power hooves. His main base, Stable 56, is currently abandoned due to aforementioned mare, but otherwise in okay shape. 50 or so ponies were sent out after learning of this to build an outpost between the now-derelict town of Shatterpoint (the gateway to the Trident Valley, where our ponies hail from,) and Stable 56, a place to rest and resupply if needed for the trip to the place.

See, the original goal was to either A. Restore the stable to fully working order, thus giving the Trident Valley ponies a stronghold outside their homeland from which to further spread their idea of civilized society, or B. Salvage the hell out of it if any broken critical systems were too broken to fix. However, one of Destrier's lieutenants, Courser, opted to hit the outpost with what guys he could scrap together, hoping to slow those meddling Stable ponies down while he regroups the rest of the army and rebuild after retaking Stable 56.

Following getting the shit beaten out of them, the survivors find themselves weeks from help in hostile territory, with only caravans that generally move along the mountain lowlands for safety's sake as any faint glimmer of hope. Who knows, maybe they'll manage to not die two seasons in.

Place your bets here folks. I got 300 Caps on dead by next winter. Fucked-level bets below.

Low: This a Splint fort, they'll be fine with this cheating git. 0 Bets
Medium-Low: Might get smacked around a bit, but they'll be fine in the long run. 0 Bets
Medium: I suspect half the population dead by next summer at least. 0 Bets
Medium-High: A few stragglers will keep the place technically functioning. 1 Bets
High: Dead by next winter. 2 Bet (2300 Caps)

Let's do this.


  • Bay Watcher
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2015, 01:57:11 pm »

Take a guess. Hopefully the population will stay small enough that I won't need to reduce the list to numbers. Claimed ones indicated.
Population: 51
Adults: 46
Foals: 5

Blossom Rider, Female Unicorn, Leader [Claimed: Splint (nominal)]
Starsight, Male Unicorn, Local SecCom (Machete)
Crystal Waters, Female EP, Scavenger/General Worker
Coinstar, Male EP, Customs Chief/Scavenger
Dazzle, Female Unicorn, Clothier/Leatherworker/Temporary Medic
Rouncey, Male EP, Security Pony (machete)
Backblast, Male EP, Miner

Honeycrisp, Male EP, Miller
Stand-up, female EP ,Furnace operator
Triskele, Female unicorn, Furnace Operator
Snowfall, Male unicorn, Security Pony (machete)
Blazing Forge, Male unicorn, Weaponsmith
Marble Cut, Female unicorn, Stoneworker
Wild Berry, Female  EP, Security Pony (machete)
Spice Rack, Male Unicorn, Cook

Quill, Female Unicorn, Bone Carver
Ripost, Male Unicorn, Security Pony (machete)
Stormheart, Male EP, Foal
Kat Starhope, Male Unicorn, Security Pony  (guns) [Claimed: Swords-Otter]
Zuzana, Female Unicorn, Farmhand

Makmat, Male EP, Furnace Operator
Fuji, Female EP, Weaver
Post-it, Female EP, Armorer
Warden, Male EP, Foal
Bulwark, Male Unicorn,
Mindjack, Male EP, Unskilled Labor
Stitch, Female EP, Farmhand
Bandsaw, Female Unicorn, Foal
Solace, Male EP, Fishery Worker
Poppy, Female EP, Brewer
Paladin, Male Unicorn, Animal Trainer
Trilliant, Female EP, Security pony (guns)
Danbur Knight, Male EP, Security Sergeant (machete)
Cortland, Male EP, Furnace Operator
Ramtorch, Male EP, Security Pony (machete)
Clicker, Female EP, Security Pony (guns)
Stampede, Female Unicorn, Furnace Operator
Traction, Female Unicorn, Security Sergeant (guns)
Silver Star, Male Unicorn, Security Pony (guns)
Berryshine, Male EP, Farmhand
Goldenrod, Female Unicorn, Security Pony (guns)
Oak Peg, Male Unicorn, Cook/Woodworker
Silver Schilling, Female EP, Trader
Daiku, Female Unicorn, Unskilled Labor
Felt Tip, Female EP, Foal
Castle Crasher, Male EP, Animal Trainer
Rain Dance, Female EP, Security Pony (machete)
Brick, Male EP, Animal Trainer
Pearl, Female EP, Fishery Worker
Blue Prose, Male Unicorn, Unskilled Labor
Hammerfell, Female EP, Fishery Worker


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 01:59:41 pm »

Per the usual.
"Local" Casualties: 0
"Foreign" Casualties: 0
Hostile Ponies Killed: 0






  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2015, 02:02:30 pm »

“So, does anyone have any ideas?” Blossom Rider asked her little troupe, dropping on her rear with a thud. It was early morning, the group having just made camp. They were lost, and frankly Blossom hadn't the faintest idea of how to fix this problem.

Crystal Waters mumbled something while fiddling with her PipBuck, and everybody was startled when they heard Clear Skies come on.

“... And if you see that Wasteland Watcher out there, be sure to give her my best. Because one of my sources tells me she isn't coming home any time soon. If you're hearing this kid, good luck out there. And now, some music!”

At that, one of Clear Skies' two “EDM” tracks came on, things he'd managed to whip up himself before some rather extreme equipment failures.

Crystal Waters switched it off and shrugged. “We're close enough to hear Clear Skies without being near a relay, so he must be just over the mountains. Think we can reach him with our shortwaves?”

Starsight shook his head. “Not a chance. Between the mountains and the clouds, our shortwaves wouldn't even register as static.” He then stood up, grabbing his sledgehammer with his telekinesis, and turned to Rouncey. “Come on scrub. Might as well poke around.”

“Yes sir,” The rookie trooper said, pulling his machete free of its scabbard.

As the two left the camp, Blossom sighed. “Well I guess we need to figure out what to do. Backblast, think you can dig out a shelter?”

The stallion raised his head. “Easily. Water's three, maybe four layers worth of dirt down. More than enough room to dig a shelter out, maybe even a farm.”

“Oh! Well, that's good! Very good actually.” Blossom was indeed pleasantly surprised. But how in the world could he possibly know that?

From there, they set to work. A shortage of tools meant as a whole they couldn't do much. But at least they could be somewhat safe, assuming nothing came chasing Rouncey and Starsight back to the camp.


“You see it?” Rouncey said, gesturing with his hoof, his words partly mumbled with the machete in his mouth.

“Yeah. There's another one not far through the scrap. See it? By the freight wagon.” Starsight replied, readying his hammer.

Rouncey nodded and looked to the more experienced of the two of them. “So?”

Startsight didn't say anything until the further away of the two robobrains had disappeared behind the freight wagon's considerable size. “Okay,” he said, turning to Rouncey. “We take this tin can, then the other. Go for the glass dome. Should be simple enough with two-on-one.”

With that, Starsight picked up a pebble and shot it at the robobain, the rock plinking off the back of its head. Its tracks stopped and it began turning, saying in a concerned tone “You may want to run away now.”

The two stallions charged out instead.

Two lasers hit a scrap pile and sickly maple tree as they advanced on it. “I do apologize, but I'm afraid my programming says I have to kill you.” It said as it fired a third (equally ineffectual,) shot that struck the side of a wrecked military carriage.

Rouncey felt a sudden rush of adrenaline and flew headlong into the machine, though his initial attacks did nothing but miss as he swung wildly or it “jumped” away – at least as much as one could interpret it's sudden lurching stops and reversals as jumping.

He found himself only barely able to avoid two plasma bolts when Starsight slammed into it from the  right side. It flailed its arms around in a near-comical fashion as it went sideways, Starsight tumbling over the Robobrain when it hit the ground.

“If it wouldn't be too much trouble, would you please stand me back up?” The robot asked, trying to get up, while firing a plasma bolt at Rouncey. In response, he slammed his machete into the dome.

“Suck it you stupid tin-” A plasma bolt from zipping past him from behind cut him off, and sent him scurrying behind the downed machine. “-FUCKFUCKFUCK!”

“Said there were two scrub, get it together!” Starsight shook his head and clumsily rolled behind a pile of junk. He peered over and saw Rouncey hiding behind the downed Robobrain, eyes wide with fright from the surprise attack. “Rouncey, I'll distract it, get your machete out of that thing's face and move it!”

Starsight came out the opposite side of his cover and ran headlong towards the robot, hammer winding up for a blow when he found himself knocked sideways by a hard, if floppy-looking, swing of the robot's right arm.

Then it smashed one of his hooves, netting itself a half-coughed cry of pain and several obscenities. It struck him thrice more, leaving large bruises on his side and back legs in spite of his comparatively pitiful hammer swings when Rouncey crashed into the robot. With the impact getting it's attention and perhaps saving Starsight's life, the robot backed away from the machete-swinging stallion. When it had rolled back just enough, he leapt at it and managed to stab the bot square in the middle of the brain-case.

Rouncey quickly let go as he got a small jolt of electricity, yelping “Arrgh! Damned thing!” Whilst backing away. “Hey, you alright boss?” He sounded like he'd stuffed a few cotton balls in his mouth as he said it, and from the jolt his tongue felt slightly numb.

Starsight managed to push himself onto his stomach and looked at his cracked hoof. “Honestly? Been better.”


As the two stumbled back, Blossom ran up to greet them.

“We heard shooting, are you two okay?” She looked them over and saw Starsight's broken hoof. “Oh no...”

“It's fine, really.” The SecCom said with a chuckle. “Just need to splint it and I'll be fine. Looks worse than it feels, honest.”

Blossom simply stared at him with concern, then sighed. “Well, at least lay down okay? Crystal made you a makshift shield from some scrap, and there's a few beds in there.” She turned her head, gesturing to a pit.

“Wow. We were only gone, what, an hour?” Rouncey said in amazement.

“Well, Backblast is good at what he does, and the beds... Well, I'm being kinda generous with the term “bed” to be perfectly honest. Better than sleeping on the ground though!” Blossom said with a smile. As they rounded the piles of junk and broken carriages they saw what looked like a ramshackle salvage yard, a growing pile of scrap, old wiring, and two toolboxes gracing the little spot.

“Think there's any weapons in that mess?” Starsight said as they passed it.

“Maybe, why?” Blossom asked, looking back at the limping pony.

“Because ours are fucking worthless against robots.” Starsight said, with quite a bit of irritation in his voice.

“Oh.” Blossom said, unsure how to respond. “Uhhhh, we'll see what we can find?”


A month had passed largely without incident. The carp tried to take a bite out of Crystal Waters, but since the robobrains, only a pair of sprite-bots graced the area.

Amid their salvage they had several particularly interesting crates: One from the Ministries of Peace and Morale, two from the Ministry of Image, but more importantly, three from the Ministry of Technology (Rouncey seemed oddly insistent that they omit the “Wartime” part of the Ministry's name.)

They had set up a crude wooden palisade for their southeast side, and amid their salvage, a pair of steel machetes had graced their two war horses' hooves, with Starsight discarding his hammer for one along with taking Rouncey's otherwise-discarded bronze machete. And they found a rather interesting hologem in the MoP crate when Coinstar cracked it open: the AI for two Nurse Redheart robots. If they could get the other parts, such a robot would be invaluable to them!

He then set to prying open the three MoWT crates, and to his surprise they had a decent stock of ammunition – including several magazines of anti-machine rifle munitions. There were two plasma casters, a flamer, and enough equipment for two pre-war soldiers: Two gas masks, suits of combat armor, two rifles, pistols, and combat knives, a small crateload of MREs, two frag mines, and some of the parts to make a super sledge.

Quite a nice haul, all things considered.


I figured it couldn't hurt to listen to one more before bed, so I got up and looked into the locker. The next was  “Sunwave – Hearts Hold 1.” Once more, I plugged the tape into the slot on my PipBuck and Blossom Rider's voice popped to life on it.

“Hello whoever's listening! So. Things have been kind of tense. We found all kinds of useful things in some salvage, but it's a little hard for me to get excited about it. Starsight got hurt early last month, and I don't know what I said, but Rouncey won't talk to me now.”

“And in the past month, I've gotten rather... Close, to Starsight. He really does blame himself for what happened to us. But it's hard for me to talk to him most of the time since we found those gas masks. He only takes it off at night or during meal times and even then he won't take off his combat armor. Neither will Rouncey.”

There was a long pause, someone saying something in the background.

“Anyway, we have a place to grow food set up, a storeroom for our food and seeds, and while we could do with more tables and chairs, I'm actually kinda of happy, surprisingly! Well, those gas masks not withstanding of course. Those things are honestly really creepy. Oh, and the sprite-bots. They buzz by every few hours and Coinstar says he's starting to hear the polka music in his sleep.” She giggled a bit as she said this last sentence.

“Hmm. I wonder if there's anypony else out here? We should build a sign or something.”


That is easily one of the worst ideas I'd ever heard. A sign? Really? You'd think even a Stable-born would know not to do that unless you had the guns to scare off whatever baddies would show up. As the tape clicked off, she unplugged it and got under the rough bighorner wool blanket on the cot.

She could listen to more tapes tomorrow.

Okay, so we have a very... Bumpy start. Had a tousle with a pair of robobrains which left Starsight injured. Cheated to get the thread and cloth to have him patched up since he refused to move until he got his hoof fixed and I refuse to lose perfectly able-bodied units to AI hiccups (he was standing and refusing to move until I built a bed and designated it as a hospital; if that's not bollocked up AI I don't know what is.) A pair of army protectrons showed up at one point, but all they did was shoot at some carp in the stream and bugger off not long after and since then we've been getting regular visits from sprite-bots.

We have the basics partly covered. Still no farms, but thanks to a crate of MREs and canned foods plus a small stock of sparkle cola we won't be dying from lack of supplies any time soon. We also have some guns (not that any of these ponies have any idea how to use them,) gas masks and combat armor for Rouncey and Starsight, some steel weapons, a firearms training and arcade hologems, two Redheart AI gems, several fuckloads of wiring (frayed and not,) robot and terminal parts, some batteries, an unpowered chainsaw, and a bunch of other stuff. Below's a picture of our general vicinity.

I'd also like to apologize for the rather rude bits of the intro, it's just it seems stuff with this particular bunch of critters as the main cast tends to attract certain... Undesirables from either side of the fence from time to time. Additionally, if someone would like me to make little profile pictures of the ponies or if someone wants to offer, let me know.

I'm also simply trying to find something constructive to do until I have access to Ivybolt and Riverrun again and can be arsed to continue working on the elf invasion mod. Didn't feel like doing dwarves again, and with my limited space I can't really do much with other games even if I wanted to, which I don't.

That said, let's hope this doesn't blow up in my face spectacularly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2015, 05:43:58 pm »

I call death by NEXT winter!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2015, 08:43:28 pm »

PTW, and i bet that a few stragglers will keep the place technically functioning!
You guys ought to fix Unknown72's turn to some point later in the order. Maybe after Sanctume. Normally that's what happens when someone fesses up to having real life going up like a storm of explosive diarrhoea blasted into a fan.

@me on Discord: Multi#0897


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2015, 07:07:31 am »

This is.... Amazing!!! I would like to request a pony if I can. Name "Kat Starhope" preferably anypony with gun skills
There are two types of great forts. Theres "hey guys look at my awesome fort were we kill all the invaders and have steel everything". Then there's
 "Holy **** every thing is all ****ed up What the **** have we done ?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2015, 11:29:25 am »

PTW, and i bet that a few stragglers will keep the place technically functioning!

This is.... Amazing!!! I would like to request a pony if I can. Name "Kat Starhope" preferably anypony with gun skills

Welcome to the party. Updates will be a lot slower here. Heart's not exactly into it and I'm way out of my element.

That said, we averted Mr. Gutsy-based disaster because apparently there was a zebra-patterned carp in the stream (that's the only explanation I can think of for it deciding the fish were more of a threat than our ponies were.)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sunwave - A product and story fortress of Fallout: Equestria
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2015, 07:39:57 pm »

Five hours of sleep. Not much, but better than I've had more than a few nights. I got out of the cot (or more accurately, fell out of it,) and walked to the gap in the wall that was adorned with a window visibly held in with some duct tape on one side.

Light was only just returning, and the only sign of life was a little cluster of chickens clucking along through a patch of light and swiftly out of sight into a ramshackle shed. I shrugged, spun around and rooted around one of my bags for a drink. Once I had it, I went ahead and took the next tape: “Sunwave – Frost’s End 1.”


It was early morning in the thing vaguely resembling a camp. Most were up doing small chores, taking stock and dragging in salvage, when the Stable ponies heard their leader shouting “Everypony run! For Celestia's sake, find somewhere to hide!”

Rouncey however didn't. He quickly shoved his machete into the slot in his gas mask and locked it in place, galloping towards Blossom's voice.

Coinstar nearly knocked him over running past him, and he saw Blossom Rider dive into the pit they slept in. But rather than pursuing either, Rouncey found the ghoul chasing a chicken around in a circle, snarling menacingly as the poor hen flapped around clucking in panic just out of bludgeoning range.

Rouncey stomped and whinnied loudly enough to get the ghoul's attention, and it stopped dead in its tracks. He regretted the decision immediately when he realized he was facing off against one of the sturdier varieties of ghoul.

He charged forward anyway, and got his tail stomped on for his trouble when the ragged-looking mare jumped over him. In response, the adrenaline hit and Rouncey jerked his upper body towards the unwelcome impact, machete tip digging into the ghoul's leg.

It snarled and the two stared, the ghoul limping on its injured leg while Rouncey waited for an opening. After a few tense second, the near-zombie lunged forward, only to headbutt the side of the supply wagon when its target jumped aside, though it did manage to buck Rouncey squarely in the chest in the split second it had to do so.

So he sliced its other hind leg.

The two started trading blows, the unarmed ghoul's hits doing little save light bruising from the slightly loose armor plates getting rammed against their wearer when he managed to land a blow on a foreleg, sending the ghoul crashing onto its side with a crunch of dry grass and rusty armor.

Starsight arrived scant seconds after, bashing it with his shield and pinning it down while Rouncey continued chopping away until the ravening thing finally stopped moving.

“What's wrong you piece of shit? Don't have any fight left in you!?” Rouncey said, stamping on the corpse's head.

Starsight just  nudged it with his hoof after Rouncey had finished. “Looks like it died of blood loss. Must've got something important. Good work scrub.”

“Yeah, well it was probably only 'cause we had something sharper than a half-dull bronze machete.” He fiddled with the latches holding his machete in, getting it free with a bit of fumbling. “Gotta say these masks are great.”

“Agreed. Nice to actually be able to talk with a drawn weapon isn't it?” Starsight said, smiling behind his own gas mask.

“You have no idea. So,” Rouncey stowed his blade and poked the ghoul. “What do we do with her?”


The group was sitting in their poorly lit hole in the ground, eating bits of salted radfish and lizard. It wasn't the best for them, but at least it kept them alive.

“So, I was thinking,” Blossom Rider blurted out, spewing some of her lizard bits on Rouncey's gas mask. “We need someplace besides this pit to sleep! Like a common house or something. Lots of wasteland towns have those, right?”

Backblast nodded. “Yup. Mostly for transients, but they do indeed. Four of'em in Cirrus.”

“What did they build them out of, concrete? Stone from the ore mines?” The leader asked, followed shortly with shoving what looked like the whole ass-end of a lizard into her muzzle. Dazzle and Coinstar were less than pleased by the sight.

Backblast though just shrugged. “Scrap, same as lots of places. Plenty of it in Luckrose, we'd just drag some junk back when we needed new buildings.”

“Hmmmm....” Blossom just tapped her hoof for a minute on the ramshackle table they sat around. “Hey Coinstar, think you and Crystal can get enough together for a building? The crappy stuff.”

Coinstar huffed. “I can, but there's no such thing as 'crappy' salvage. Low quality certainly, but not 'crappy.' Every rivet and bent wrench has some utility.”


“Guy... Guys do you see that?” A spring green stallion at the head of eight weary ponies said, pointing at what appeared to be a crudely erected wall poking above the wreckage and scrap.

“Think its a waster town?” A mare in the group asked.

“Taking bets, it's some of Courser's ponies.” A stallion with an apple cutie mark said.

“Shut up Honeycrisp.” The first pony said, shooting Honeycrisp a foul stare. “Doesn't matter. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, and I dunno about you guys but I'm sick of prickle berries.”

An Earth Pony mare with a strawberry cutie mark stomped with indignation. “I worked hard to keep us fed with those berries you jerk!”

“Yeah, 'course. Whatever.” He said, dismissing her with a wave of his hoof. “Come on. Maybe we can sell our jumpsuits for some sparkle cola and lizards.”

The group reluctantly followed the spring green stallion, and to their surprise as they rounded the corner they weren't met by haggard wastelanders, but their fellow Stable ponies!

An unmistakable fuchsia mare dropped the handle for a bin full of wires she had in her mouth and looked absolutely ecstatic when she turned and spotted them. “Blaze!”

“Sweet mother of Luna, Blossom?” The apple stallion asked, stunned by what he saw.

“I can't believe it! I was starting to think we were the only ones who made it out of the ambush!” Blossom Rider said, bouncing over to the group. “Welcome to Sunwave!”

“Er, Sunwave?” the Strawberry mare asked, looking at Blossom Rider with concern.

Blossom nodded. “Yup! The rest of us figured we didn't have the gear to make it back home, so we buttoned up here.”

“Everyone inside! Now!” Came a sudden alarm. Who yelled it nopony was sure, but they didn't need a second warning when a sky blue plasma bolt flew over the group's head, a robotic “You ready to die for your country you striped son of a bitch!?” Ushering them into the pit the group had called home for three months.

Fifteen ponies sat crowded in the small space as minutes turned to an hour before any of them poked their heads up, and upon scouting the still-shooting robot's location, found it firing at the carp infestation in the stream screaming a colorful mix of anti-zebra sentiments.

“You know what,” Honeycrisp said, turning back towards the dormitory pit. “I'm not gonna question it. If it wants to shoot fish, let it shoot fish. Dibs on one of those cots.”


Starsight came trotting into the thing resembling a dining area. While his face was hidden behind his respirator, his body language showed enough worry for Blossom Rider to say something.

“What's wrong Star? Step in bighorner dung again?”

Starsight shook his head. “It'd be better than what I saw.”

The other swordponies groaned. Wild Berry even went the extra mile and started banging her head against the table.

“Why does life insist on working on making us paranoid of every little bush rustle?” She lamented.

“Just keep your machetes ready. If that thing decides to pick a fight with us we're the only things keeping it from killing everypony.” He left out the part where he found a dead glowing ghoul that looked suspiciously like it had been mauled by something with pincers.


“So, we're starting to run low on supplies. I'm not worried though, we have a decent stock of stuff, and Spice Rack and Crystal Waters know how to fish! Plus Coinstar just finished building a well, on top of the sparkle-cola and canned foods we found.”

I made a note to check around for the pantry. The six pack of soda and four cans of carrots I had stowed in Sev wouldn't get me to the next town. Maybe there was still some food to be had here.

“Oh, that's right, I didn't say did I? Some of the others found us! Still nopony who knows how to use a gun, but Starsight seems more optimistic since we have four ponies who know how to fight with machetes.”

Blossom's voice dropped to a more worried tone rather abruptly. “Backblast is also working on trying to get through the aquifer we're on top of. I'm scared he won't come up from the dig shaft though, because he said that it'll be really dangerous to do what he has in mind. But he also says we need the stone to fortify the area, so I gave him the green light.”

The sudden loud crash I have to say was a bit jarring, and if it weren't so static-y I would have though a building had exploded somewhere in town.

“Crystal, was that Backblast?”

A faint “Yeah, I think so,” came from the background.


“Hey guys!” A very soggy stallion with a rockdrill called, waving a foreleg. “I did it! There's chalk under the aquifer!”

“You look like a drowned rat Blast.” One of the newer ponies, Triskele, said, grinning at the digger.

He shrugged. “Falling into an aquifer'll do that to a pony. Can one of you guys lay some planks or something across so I can get back up when I'm done down here?”

“Sure thing Backblast, we gotcha covered.” Coinstar said, trotting away from the chamber.


“Well, it isn't my preferred medium,” Marble Cut said with an almost condescending stare and tap of her hoof on the lump of chalk almost as big as the pony who dug it up. “But it'll do. Now then, set up a work station for me. Stone doesn't cut itself.” She said as she pulled a smaller bag from her saddlebags, a small pile of stoneworking tools poking out of its flap.

“What do you plan on doing?” A mare named Stand-up asked, cocking her head as the boulder seemed to effortlessly get lifted out of the aluminum cart holding it.

“Making a millstone. I noticed Coinstar was a good little colt and made a number of mechanisms from our scrap iron. I happen to know how to make concrete, but we'll need a stone foundry to make it. And for that, I need a millstone.”

Everyone was settling back into the normal rhythm of boredom when they heard laser fire. Starsight and Rouncey ran behind the future common house, and were greeted by Snowfall angrily stabbing a protectapony in the head with his machete in his hooves, a string of obscenities flying from the pony's mouth amid the small swirls of smoke coming from his shoulder and flank.

“Oh for Luna's sake...” Rouncey mumbled before shoving the slightly singed stallion aside and ramming his machete through the dome properly, gaining his fourth kill.

“Aim for the dome, scrub.” He said before pulling his machete free and walking away.


A sound of the tape stopping and starting made me think I'd accidentally restarted the thing when Blossom started talking again.

“Oh, neat! Didn't know I could stop a recording and keep using the tape later.”

I just rolled my eyes and kept listening while I started pulling apart my assault rifle to clean it. I envy unicorns. I really do.

“So we have some more new arrivals, and we started building some actual, y'know, buildings. Marble Cut knows how to make concrete, so now that we have some rocks we can actually start building a real town!”

I peeked out the hole in the wall and saw that many buildings were much sturdier-looking than the one I was in. I don't know why, but honestly? Seeing the gray concrete in the slowly brightening fog made me wish I could go home.

“We've also been having more problems with protectaponies. Two tried to attack us a few hours apart. It's a good thing we found the weapons and armor we did, otherwise I'm sure those lasers would have killed our Security Ponies. But, there's also some good news!” I could almost hear the smile on the mare's face.

“We have somepony who has an idea of how guns work! He's a unicorn named Kat, and there were four other ponies with him; mostly unicorns now that I think of it. Ripost, Quill, and their son Stormheart, and Kat's wife Zuzana. I'm kinda wondering where we'll get bullets for Kat to practice though.”

There was a short pause, during which I though the tape had shut off and I hadn't noticed.

“Okay, so this tape's almost full, but guess what? We saw a smoke column in the distance in the opposite direction Kat's group came from, and Rouncey said he's pretty sure it's a caravan! Anyways, I'll get the next tape ready so you don't have to wait long.”

With that, the tape clicked off. I only stopped scraping caked on grime from my rifle's receiver long enough to get another tape out for later.

By the time I'd finished putting my rifle back together, I had a realization: No bodies. Sure, the odd husk of a wrecked robot painted with Stable colors, but otherwise? Nothing. Just livestock roaming the streets alongside robots that frankly seemed quite oblivious to the absence of their owners.

In fact, I was fairly certain the only reason I hadn't been shot on sight by the gate bot was because I'm using a military-issue PipBuck. And so were the local security force's officers. I decided that my curiosity could be indulged later on that front, and tapped a pre-programmed signal on my PipBuck.

In fairly short order, Sev came barreling into the town, vaguely angry-sounding music blaring from his speakers and his prism rifle set to vaporize. He seemed pretty bummed when I told him to land so I could get my breakfast out of his storage compartment.

With a can of carrots and a sparkle-cola Rad in a small bag in my mouth, I motioned for Sev to follow me inside and I sat down next to the cot and got the next tape.


Update! We now sit at a whopping 20 pones, one of whom actually has a vague idea of how to use firearms, so now all our EA series weaponry isn't just a mound of Vegemite nobody wants.

A caravan has arrived, we finally have stone, and some freakish mercy has had us left alone by anything with more substantial power than a limp noodle. Before long we may very well end up with a town made of a shoddy post-war concrete.

There was apparently a stealth glowing one and stealth mirelurks though at some point and apparently they got into a fight, because we have a mystery glowing one on the dead units list. Or possibly underground. Not sure.

We got attacked by two protectron-analogues though, and by the grace of little baby Cadance, combat armor was just barely sufficient enough to not result in a dead Starsight or Rouncey. Snowfall though? I have no idea how the worst he got was a bruised lung. The local carp infestation also continues to distract all the other robots, and the giant radscorpion was polite enough to not eat us.

Anyway, caravan, nobody seriously hurt, I may be sufficiently cautious enough to make this almost boring. I'm sure the minute a bunch of dudes with guns show up we'll have several critically injured ponies though.

Might do another update, dunno. And if anyone wants to engage in some other forms of storytelling so I don't have to quite do everything myself, don't let me stop you.