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Author Topic: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur  (Read 1307 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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HELLo good old members of the DF community, this is HideAndSeekLOGIC (HanSL for short) with which I wish was my first post. This is a minmax fortress build that pretty much got Ctrl-C Ctrl-V'd into the raws. I also added chickens to the mix to make things interesting. Sadly, being the egoistic and greedy person that I am :'(, this will not be a succession game. You can however, still be a dorf  8). Since I have not mastered the art of storytelling JUST yet, I will not roleplay. Posts once every week!

Starting from now...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2015, 04:28:29 am »

Enter me into the Tropical ScrubShrubland. This is an average embark site with almost everything you can think of. The minerals in the mountain nearby were so rich, they could almost own every Lamborgini, Porche, Bughatti and Mercedes-Bens model every colour. Upon arriving and waiting a bit, turtles and alligators happened. I say happened because they randomly appeared and jumped out of a nearby river, scaring some of dem dorfs. I didn't pay attention to this, for which I will proceed to rapidly accelerate the face of my hand into my palm later. At that point, one of my (female, mind you) war dogs (enter Black Sabbathdeath metal) decided it was a good time to counterattack one of said 'gators. It ferociously clawed at the intruder's head, knocking him unconscious several times. I could almost shout out to the dorfs: "We're having 'gator for dinner tonight, so prepare the butcher shop!". As I was watching the alligator abuse occur, I suddenly saw my bitchdog fall unconscious. WHAAAAAAT?! I looked in the reports and the alligator was still unconscious. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! 3 seconds later I flipped the desk, because I saw this:

"The stray war dog passes out of exhaustion"

After that, literally just as I closed down the menu, the alligator regained consciousness. Obviously, the fight didn't end too well after that.

At that point, I decided it was best not to finish building the butchery mentioned earlier, in honour of my newly acquired *Stray War Dog Mutiliated Corpse".

As for the mining and non-depressing moments, everything is going pretty damn fine at the moment.


To be continued...


  • Bay Watcher
  • Weasel Monarch
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2015, 07:58:01 pm »

Do you accept dwarfings? If so I'd like to join this fort as the next weaver/clothier/leatherworker that migrates there. Someone has to make croc handbags after all!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2015, 09:07:15 pm »

I'm interested


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2015, 08:05:58 am »

Luckily, this is a long weekend (for me), so I will be able to pump out some more stuff VERY soon. As for Taupe,



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2015, 08:26:13 am »

Well, where should I begin?

The pickaxes were smelted, the main stockpile dug out and my dwarves had nothing to do. I decided that eating is what they SHOULD be doing, so I built a farm plot that was host to the purple psychedelic mushrooms the dwarves adore. All was good and well when I realised:

1. Wait a sec, dem dorfs have no room to sleep
2. Wait a sec, dem dorfs have no beds, brokers, bookkepers or managers
3. Wait a sec, there's only 10 booze left
4. I really, REALLY need to study for the 5 exams coming up

Obviously, I prioritised the first 3 and dug out some swagquarters for the dorfs, as well as derp around in the menus trying to optimise jobs and labors and other tedious crap. Finally, I set some orders for beds and rock chairs to be crafted by my carpenters and masons, then assigned some trees to be brutally murdered. After watching the quarters being carved out, I noticed that my masons and carpenters were just wandering aimlessly without jobs. I zoomed over to them. It turns out that during the first time an alligator wandered nearby our place, they pussied out, jumped into the river, somehow drowned their way across (I say drowned because they had no swimming skill) and ended up on the other side. Crap. Now this is the exact moment that I was talking about before, where my forehead received a palm to the center. I managed to get some poor farmer to build a bridge thing across and the crafters were rescued. However, I STILL had no booze left (NAILED IT... get it...still and booze and terrible puns...) while the farm plots had an imperial metric fuckton of plump helms NOT BEING HARVESTED. That however, will be a facepalm moment for later...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2015, 09:35:22 am »

The badbedrooms were dug out, the dining hall set up and ready to go, the still was pumping out...


And I didn't even know why. The stones were already dumped in some warphole in the corner, the psychedelic mushrooms growing on the plot, BUT NOTHING WAS HAPPENING TO THEM. Whyyy? At that point I decided: There needs to be more tedious labor management to be done. As I was painstakingly going through the entire fortress, analysing likes and dislikes and that bullcrap, assigning dem dorfs to do carefully selected and managed jobs, I realised, with unbelievably large amounts of horror, with the largest amount of strength put into the facepalm,


Yup, I just went full retard. Over 100 hours of playing the game, and this has not happened even once before. I quickly got around to actually doing it, as well as set some of my psychadelic mushroom liqu-eed for brewing.

About a month passed...

ALL of my shrooms were now beer.




Turns out, I have completed the journey that is the path to full retard by forgetting to turn off the repeat. At this point, none of dem dorfs were hungry JUST yet, so I still had time to grow the psychedelic shrooms, which I did readily.

A month later...

I had 11 starving dorfs. Not a pleasant situation.

BUT THEN, out of nowhere...

Deus ex machina appeared, in the form of a dwarven caravan. They could have come a month earlier, but you know, beggars aren't picky. I ended up trading some of our crappy liqu-eed (at least I got something good from the FUCKING BEER) for the shrooms. I could imagine the dwarves doing one of two things:

1. Partying loudly at the one table that is currently my dining room
2. Quietly enjoying the high that they would get from the psychedelic shrooms

Here I had, once again, a nice, happy fort with nice, well-fed dorfs screwing around and doing random crap (like they always should)


Something's bound to screw up!

To be continued...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FONDLEWHIPPED, where innuendo (and other mind-f*cks) randomly occur
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2015, 06:31:10 pm »

I have finally been able to do this post, after even the stingiest deadlines have passes. Never mind though, as too much interesting things have occurred to this fort in the past few dorfyears (that I have been shamelessly playing through without posting anything), like the epic battle of the weredeer and the giant tortoise, or the giantess vs. about 30 weapon traps in a row. FUN! This post, to somehow not invoke a case of virtual verbal diarrhoea, will be organised in neat sections filled with my clumsy, fragmented style of writing.
First up:
Generally, there is nothing special in this sector. I just dug out some more bedrooms, farm plots and a few mining layers to get dat flux. The expeditions to magma (started recently) have been postponed for now.
Just a basic fortress design. The steel has been pumping out from the smelters for quite a while now, so that’s a good thing. I also made some steel armour sets and weapons for the military.
As for the actual military, they levelled up quite fast.  About half the squad of axe-dwarves are now axelords, and master dodgers at that. I set up a danger room using a minecart repeater, which resulted in the mass murders of cats and babies. Everyone was happy though, so that wasn’t really much of a problem.
Now for the best part:
Funnily enough, nothing terrible happened, just annoying and funny.
The first invasion was a weredeer… an ELF weredeer! It charged at the front of my fortress where the dwarves were still delivering some coke from my external smelter and decided to attack all of them at once. She obviously didn’t expect her opponents to be these:
Chief medical dorf-Master Miner
Brewer – Proficient wood cutter
Carpenter – Skilled Wood Cutter
As you can see, I was left with a weredeer corpse just outside my fort. This caused some fear from some of the weaker-minded ones, making them drop all their coke into a pile just outside my entrance, before running off screaming.
The second invasion was even better:  a giantess
She came to the fort in a flurry of blood, slaughtering all the livestock that were pasturing outside the entrance. I quickly put the area in a lockdown, making sure all the dwarves were inside, and then I closed the main entrance. I then realised that my faithful doggie sentries that were guarding the fort with all their vigilance,

   I couldn’t afford to lose any more puppy pumpers dogs, so I went back to looking at the giantess. She was, at the moment, busy scaring some poor herd of elephants. One actually fought back and kicked her in the head, before proceeding to run away into the horizon. After she dispersed all of the elephants in the area, she decided it was time for the dogs. I stared at her walking towards the fort entrance and calmly smiled to myself. I forgot to tell you: to get to the dogs, she had to get past a massive hallway of spiked ball traps. With masterwork balls and mechanisms. With about 3 balls in each trap. The giantess blindly charged into the midst of this, then curved around the side of them. She was about to walk around the traps! And then she stepped on the corner of the series of traps. She got hit, and then dodged into the midst of the traps. After that, my dwarves quickly cleaned up the giantess blood and returned the (unharmed!) dogs back to their positions.
   The next invasion was short and simple. A weredeer came, tried breaking apart a turtle, failed and turned back into a person. That is LITERALLY all there was to it.
This concludes another chapter of Fondlewhipped, so come back next week to see more giants and werewolves and skinless spiders and stuff try to kill my fort.