They are treated the same in stockpiles, but not entirely interchangeable. I believe you still need to use wooden barrels to process sweet pods. Earthenware pots are also unable to hold liquids (but can easily hold food) until glazed.
Also, be very careful when making pots out of rock. Most won't be heavy enough to cause problems, but a cobaltite/cinnabar/pitchblende pot filled to full will be a nightmare to haul. Cinnabar is about 16 times heavier than standard wood and at least three times heavier than other stone. For storing booze its generally not a huge deal, but a cinnabar pot filed with 100 units of meat will be a bitch to haul. If you are making rock pots, keep an eye out for jet. Its approximately the same weight as earthenware, but doesn't need any glazing. Its over twice as heavy as wood, but still half that of other stones. Due to the stupid way dwarves pick up stone/wood for jobs, you can just disable all other stones from the stocks menu. First, make all the other stone items you need now out of anything else (tables, chairs, coffers, etc). Then mine out jet and disable all other stone types from the stocks menu. With mutliple crafters workshops, churn out 100 or so rock pots. Then, disable jet/re-enable all the other stones and resume other masonry projects (expanding dining room, making more doors, coffers, statues, etc).
At the very least, disable cinnabar/pitchblende/cobaltite when making pots. They are all at least double other stones in density. They have pretty colors though... much better to make into constructions ^.^ (bright red/purple/deep blue).
If you have it, fire clay doesn't need glazing and is still significantly lighter than stone. This only becomes feasible if you have a volcano/already pumped up magma. However, if you are interested in trading with the elves you can still make ceramic pots. Its so much fun to use wood to both make, and glaze, earthenware pots when selling to the elves. Oh! Ceramics they say. Oh! shiny glaze they say! Oh, its not made of wood! They say. Then they hand over far more money for the increased price of the container while my dwarves snicker endlessly.