Personally, I like wood. I don't really care (or usually even know) what kind of wood it is, I just like the smell & feel of it, I like working with it. Dwarves have no such broad preferences--they don't like wood, they only like one specific wood. And one type of stone. And one gem. And one kind of metal, one bone, one leather, one cloth material, etc.
I propose a slight alteration: Instead of picking just one item from each list, have the RNG pick a handful of things from any list. You might get a dwarf that doesn't really like any kind of metal, but appreciates 3 different kinds of stone. Or another who likes 2 types of bones & a hoof. These dwarves would have preferences for general types of material, and the game engine should grant them bonuses accordingly: For every preference for a specific material that falls under category X, that dwarf gets a bonus (to quality & perhaps speed) when working with any material from category X. This bonus is equal to 20% of the regular bonus when working with a preferred material. Thus, a dwarf who has preferences for willow wood, mango wood, hazel wood, acacia wood, & cedar wood can go craft a bed out of ANY kind of wood at all, and still enjoy the same chance of creating a masterwork as if they were working with one of their actual preferred materials. (Should this bonus be allowed to go beyond 100%, if the dwarf likes 5 kinds of stone and is actually working with 1 of those 5? What about when the dwarf happens to have 6 or more preferences for the same material category? I haven't formed an opinion yet.)
This would tend to give dwarves a predisposition towards becoming a Mason, or Smith, Bone Carver, Clothier, etc., which seems a likely benefit as it opens up a new way for migrants to be useful.
"Aaaah, it's another damn Fishery Worker . . . but ooh, she likes 4 different metals!"
Taking this idea a bit further, the RNG could use the material preferences as a basis for the item preferences: The more a dwarf likes materials of category X, the more likely they are to enjoy types of items that can be made out of category X.
When randomly assigning preferences, dwarfy materials like stone, gems, and metals should be weighted more heavily than non-dwarfy things like wood and cloth, so that all the newly-added types of plants don't cause an overabundance of budding Weavers & Carpenters.
As a side note, dwarves should probably be able to like particular cuts of faceted gemstone, now that that's a thing. (Liking a jewel cut would have much the same effects as liking a type of gemstone, as far as becoming a Jeweler is concerned.)